提交 42c1acb9 编写于 作者: N Ning Qu 提交者: Jiangtao Hu

manual: fix velodyne manual in en and cn

上级 49446013
## Overview
Velodyne_ is a collection of ROS_ packages supporting `Velodyne high
definition 3D LIDARs`_.
## Velodyne
velodyne driver runs as nodelet, including:
1. data packet processing --> /sensor_velodyne64_driver
2. point cloud generation --> /sensor_velodyne64_convert
3. compensation --> /sensor_velodyne64_compensator
Compensation relies on `tf` to query the coordination transform, so gnss_driver is required to run the velodyne nodelets.
### Topics
* /apollo/sensor/velodyne64/VelodyneScanUnified --> velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScanUnified
* /apollo/sensor/velodyne64/PointCloud2 --> sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
* /apollo/sensor/velodyne64/compensator/PointCloud2 --> sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
### Coordination
* world
* novatel
* velodyne64
### Build Velodyne
# in dev docker
cd /apollo
bash apollo.sh buildvelodyne
The output will overwrite the velodyne driver in `/apollo/bazel-apollo/external/ros/`.
### Configure Velodyne Driver
First, specify the parameters of the car.
**velodyne model and running mode**
<arg name="model" default="64E_S3D_STRONGEST"/>
**online intrinsic extraction**
<arg name="calibration_online" default="true" />
When calibration_online is true, intrinsic parameter file is not needed, otherwise, please specify the intrinsic parameter file as below:
**intrinsic parameter file**
<arg name="velodyne64_calibration_file" default="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/params/64E_S3_calibration_example.yaml"/>
**extrinsic parameter file**
<arg name="extrinsics_velodyne64" default="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/params/velodyne64_novatel_extrinsics_example.yaml"/>
<!-- Beijing UTC+8 -->
<!-- California UTC-8 -->
<arg name="time_zone" default="-8" />
### Start Velodyne Driver
**Plese first change the parameters in the launch file for your car**
roslaunch velodyne start_velodyne.launch
# or
bash /apollo/scripts/velodyne.sh
### Export pcd
**Plese first change the parameters in the launch file for your car**
Default export directory: /apollo/data/pcd
roslaunch velodyne export_pcd.launch
motion compensator depends tf2, so gnss_deriver should avaliable too.
\ No newline at end of file
### velodyne Data Validation
roslaunch velodyne velodyne_check.launch
In directory `/apollo/data/log/`, two files are generated by velodyne driver: `velodyne_hz.yyyy-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.log` and `velodyne_hz.yyyy-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.log.err` The `.log` file records the time interval and frequency between each frame of compensated point cloud. The `.log.err` file reocrds the timestamp and time interval of the point cloud whose frequency is lower than 9Hz.
### FAQ
1. velodyne port 2368 poll() timeout
The network between the host and velodyne is having problem. Please use `sudo tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 2368` to check if velodyne packets are received.
2. cannot find transform ...
`Compensaton` relies on `tf`, please double check if `gnss_driver` has been started, and also use `rostopic echo /tf` to check if there are any message in the tf.
## velodyne
1. 数据读取打包 --> /sensor_velodyne64_driver
2. 生成点云 --> /sensor_velodyne64_convert
3. 运动补偿 --> /sensor_velodyne64_compensator
### Topics
* /apollo/sensor/velodyne64/VelodyneScanUnified --> velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScanUnified
* /apollo/sensor/velodyne64/PointCloud2 --> sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
* /apollo/sensor/velodyne64/compensator/PointCloud2 --> sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
### 坐标系
* world
* novatel
* velodyne64
......@@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ bash apollo.sh buildvelodyne
### 配置velodyne驱动
......@@ -39,13 +43,14 @@ bash apollo.sh buildvelodyne
<arg name="calibration_online" default="true" />
<arg name="velodyne64_calibration_file" default="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/params/64E_S3_calibration_example.yaml"/>
<arg name="extrinsics_velodyne64" default="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/params/velodyne64_novatel_extrinsics_example.yaml"/>
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