localization.conf 3.7 KB
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# Redefine the map_dir of global_flagfile.txt

# The directory name of localization map.
# type: string
# default: local_map

# Enable lidar-based localization.
# type: bool
# defalult: true

# Localization mode, 0 for intensity, 1 for altitude, 2 for fusion.
# type: int
# default: 2

zhouyao 已提交
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# image yaw align mode, 0 for intensity, 1 for fusion, 2 for fusion with multithread.
# type: int
# default: 0

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
# Lidar filter size
# type: int
# default: 11

# Lidar thread number
# type: int
# default: 2

# point cloud step
# type: int
# default: 2

42 43 44 45 46
# The height from the center of lidar to ground plane
# type: double
# default: 1.80

47 48 49 50 51 52 53
# idar msg and imu msg max delay time.
# type: double
# default: 0.4

# The valid coverage of pointcloud and map.
# type: double
54 55
# default: 0.8
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

# Lidar debug switch.
# type: bool
# default: false

# integ_ins_can_self_align.
# type: bool
# default: false

# integ_sins_align_with_vel.
# type: bool
# default: true

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# Whether check state of sins. If true, sins will restart in bad state.
# type: bool
# default: true
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# The param of sins state check.
# type: double
79 80
# default: 30.0
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# The param of sins state check.
# type: double
# default: 1.0

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# vel_threshold_get_yaw.
# type: double
# default: 5.0

# integ_debug_log_flag.
# type: bool
# default: false

# enable flag ins_aid_rtk.
# type: bool
# default: false

# enable flag auto_save_eph_file.
# type: bool
# default: true

# eph_buffer_path.
# type: string
# default: ""

# gnss_debug_log_flag.
# type: bool
# default: false

# imu_rate.
# type: double
# default: 1.0

# local_utm_zone_id.
# type: int
# default: int
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# trans_gpstime_to_utctime.
# type: bool
# default: true

# GNSS Mode, 0 for bestgnss pose, 1 for self gnss.
# type: string
# default: 0

# The pointcloud topic name.
# type: string
# default: /apollo/sensor/velodyne64/compensator/PointCloud2

# Whether use online visualizer
# type: bool
# default: false

# imu coordinate, true->flu, false->rfu
# type: bool
# default: true

# Whether use bestgnsspose as measure after initializaiton.
# type: bool
# default: false

# Whether use imu ant leverarm from ant imu yaml file
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# type: bool
# default: true
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

# Imu ant offset x
# type: double
# default: 0.0

# Imu ant offset y
# type: double
# default: 0.0

# Imu ant offset z
# type: double
# default: 0.0

# Imu ant offset x uncertainty
# type: double
# default: 0.0

# Imu ant offset y uncertainty
# type: double
# default: 0.0

# Imu ant offset z uncertainty
# type: double
# default: 0.0
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# The tem folder for localziation visualziation