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# Dreamview Usage Table


| Visual Element                           | Depiction Explanation                    |
| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image002.png)           | The  autonomous car.                     |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image004.png)           | <ul><li>The wheel steering percentage.</li> <li>The status of left/right turn signals.</li></ul> |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image006.png)           | <ul><li>The driving speed in km/h.</li> <li>The driving mode (AUTO/MANUAL/etc.).</li> <li>The accelerator/brake percentage.</li></ul> |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image008.png)           | A  toggle menu for the types of visual elements displays. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image010.png)           | Vehicle  obstacle.                       |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image012.png)           | Pedestrian  obstacle.                    |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image014.png)           | Bicycle  obstacle.                       |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image016.png)           | Unknown  obstacle.                       |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image018.png)           | The  velocity arrow shows the direction of the movement with the length  proportional to the magnitude. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image020.png) | The  white arrow shows the directional heading of the obstacle. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image022.png)           | The  yellow text indicates the tracking ID of the obstacle. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image024.png)           | The  lines show the predicted movement of the obstacle with the same color as the  obstacle. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image026.png)           | The  red thick line shows the routing suggestion. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image028.png)           | **Stop** depicting the primary stopping reason. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image030.png)           | **Stop** depicting the object stopping reason. |
| ![2](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image032.png)          | **Follow** object.                       |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image034.png)           | **Yield** object decision -- the dotted line connects with the respective object. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image036.png)           | **Overtake** object decision -- the dotted line connects with the respective  object. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image038.png)           | Nudge  object decision -- the orange zone indicates the area to avoid. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image040.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Clear-zone in front.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image042.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Crosswalk in front.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image044.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Destination arrival.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image046.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Emergency.**         |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image048.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Auto mode is not ready.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image050.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Obstacle is blocking the route.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image052.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Pedestrian crossing in front.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image054.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Traffic light is yellow/red.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image056.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Vehicle in front.**  |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image058.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Stop sign in front.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image060.png)           | Stopping  reason: **Yield sign in front.** |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image062.png)           | The  green thick curvy band indicates the planned trajectory. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image064.png)           | Point  of view: **Default.**             |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image066.png)           | Point  of view: **Near.**                |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image068.png)           | Point  of view: **Overhead.**            |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image070.png)           | Point  of view: Map.  **Zoom in/out:** mouse scroll or pinch with two fingers.  **Move around:** right-click and drag or swipe with three fingers. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image072.png)           | Send a routing request with the current location as the starting  point and a default end point. |
| ![](images/dreamview_usage_table/0clip_image074.png)           | Switch to a route-editing page where routing points can be added by left-click. |