提交 a6359553 编写于 作者: 泰斯特Test's avatar 泰斯特Test


上级 1a67ccf8
......@@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ def get_total_num_and_arranged_data(raw_model, query_dic, fuzzy_fields=None):
query_dic[fuzzy_field] = re.compile(pre_compiled_str)
query_dic = format_js_dic_to_python_dic(query_dic)
raw_model_copy = copy.deepcopy(raw_model)
raw_model_data_copy = []
if not isinstance(raw_model_copy.find(), list):
raw_model_data_copy = list(raw_model_copy.find({'isDeleted': {"$ne": True}}))
except BaseException as e:
raise TypeError('raw_data cannot convert to list: %s' % e)
# raw_model_data_copy = []
# if not isinstance(raw_model_copy.find(), list):
# try:
# raw_model_data_copy = list(raw_model_copy.find({'isDeleted': {"$ne": True}}))
# except BaseException as e:
# raise TypeError('raw_data cannot convert to list: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(query_dic, dict):
raise TypeError('query_dic must be dict')
......@@ -183,9 +183,10 @@ def get_total_num_and_arranged_data(raw_model, query_dic, fuzzy_fields=None):
if not query_dic == {}:
query_dic['isDeleted'] = {"$ne": True}
total_num = len(list(raw_model_copy.find(query_dic)))
# total_num = len(list(raw_model_copy.find(query_dic)))
total_num = raw_model_copy.find(query_dic).count()
total_num = len(raw_model_data_copy)
total_num = raw_model_copy.find(query_dic).count()
if sort_by and order and format_order(order):
sort_query = [(sort_by, format_order(order))]
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