提交 73f127f2 编写于 作者: 泰斯特Test's avatar 泰斯特Test

[fix](interfaceTest/tester.py) 修复判断自然语言模型是否导入

上级 5b6c3939
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class tester:
returned_data["status"] = 'failed'
returned_data["testConclusion"].append('判断数值时报错, 错误信息: <%s>。\t ' % e)
if self.nlper and check_response_similarity:
if hasattr(self, 'nlper') and self.nlper and check_response_similarity:
for crs in check_response_similarity:
base_text = crs['baseText']
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