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from utils import common
from models.caseSuite import CaseSuite
from models.testingCase import TestingCase
from models.mailSender import MailSender
from testframe.interfaceTest.tester import tester
from models.testReport import TestReport
import pymongo
from bson import ObjectId
import datetime
import requests

class Cron:
    def __init__(self, test_case_suite_id_list, test_domain,  trigger_type, is_execute_forbiddened_case=False,
                 test_case_id_list=None, alarm_mail_list=None, is_ding_ding_notify=False, ding_ding_access_token=None,
16 17
                 ding_ding_notify_strategy=None, is_enterprise_wechat_notify=False, enterprise_wechat_access_token=None,
                 enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy=None, is_web_hook=False, **trigger_args):
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

        if test_case_id_list is None:
            test_case_id_list = []

        if isinstance(test_case_suite_id_list, list) and isinstance(test_case_id_list, list):
            self.test_case_suite_id_list = list(set(test_case_suite_id_list))
            self.test_case_id_list = list(set(test_case_id_list))
            raise TypeError('test_case_suite_id_list and test_case_id_list must be list!')

        if isinstance(test_domain, str):
            self.test_domain = test_domain
            raise TypeError('test_domain must be string!')

        if isinstance(trigger_type, str) and trigger_type in ["interval", "date", "cron"]:
            self.trigger_type = trigger_type
            raise TypeError('trigger_type is invalid!')

        self.trigger_args = trigger_args
        self.is_execute_forbiddened_case = is_execute_forbiddened_case
        self.status_history = {}

        self.ding_ding_access_token = ding_ding_access_token if is_ding_ding_notify else None
        self.ding_ding_notify_strategy = {'success': True, 'fail': True}\
            if is_ding_ding_notify and ding_ding_notify_strategy is None else ding_ding_notify_strategy

        # print('self.ding_ding_access_token ----> %s' % self.ding_ding_access_token)
        # print('self.ding_ding_notify_strategy ----> %s' % self.ding_ding_notify_strategy)

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
        self.enterprise_wechat_access_token = enterprise_wechat_access_token if enterprise_wechat_access_token else None
        self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy = {'success': True, 'fail': True} \
            if is_enterprise_wechat_notify and enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy is None\
                else enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy

        print('self.enterprise_wechat_access_token ----> %s' % enterprise_wechat_access_token)
        print('self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy ----> %s' % self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy)

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
        self._id = str(common.get_object_id())
        self.alarm_mail_list = []

        if alarm_mail_list:
            if isinstance(alarm_mail_list, list):
                for alarm_mail in alarm_mail_list:
                    if isinstance(alarm_mail, str) and common.is_valid_email(alarm_mail):
                        raise TypeError('<%s> is invalid mail!' % alarm_mail)
                raise TypeError('mail_list must be list')

        self.is_web_hook = is_web_hook

        self.report_id = None  # 告警时发送测试报告生成_id
        self.report_created_time = None  # 告警时发送测试报告生成时间
        self.failed_count = 0  # 用于判断是否邮件发送告警

    def get_cron_test_cases_list(self):
        if not self.is_execute_forbiddened_case:
            for case_suite_id in self.test_case_suite_id_list:
                is_forbiddened_case_suite = len(list(CaseSuite.find({'_id': ObjectId(case_suite_id),
                                                                     'status': {'$ne': True}}))) > 0
                if is_forbiddened_case_suite:

        query = {'isDeleted': {'$ne': True}} if self.is_execute_forbiddened_case\
            else {'isDeleted': {'$ne': True}, 'status': True}
        test_cases = [testing_case for testing_case in TestingCase.find(query).sort([('caseSuiteId', pymongo.ASCENDING),
                                                                                     ('createAt', pymongo.ASCENDING)])]

        cron_test_cases_from_case_suite_id = filter(lambda x: str(x.get('caseSuiteId')) in self.test_case_suite_id_list,
        cron_test_cases_from_case_id = filter(lambda x: str(x.get('_id')) in self.test_case_id_list, test_cases)

        cron_test_cases_list = list(cron_test_cases_from_case_suite_id) + list(cron_test_cases_from_case_id)

        def remove_duplicated_case(case_list):
            id_list = []
            for case in case_list:
                case_id = case["_id"]
                if case_id in id_list:
            return case_list

        return remove_duplicated_case(cron_test_cases_list)

    def get_id(self):
        return self._id

    def generate_test_report(self, project_id, cron_id, test_result_list):

        test_count = len(test_result_list)
        passed_count = len(
            list(filter(lambda x: x == 'ok', [test_result["status"] for test_result in test_result_list])))
        failed_count = len(
            list(filter(lambda x: x == 'failed', [test_result["status"] for test_result in test_result_list])))
        passed_rate = '%d' % round((passed_count / test_count) * 100, 2) + '%'

        self.report_created_time =
        self.failed_count = failed_count

        execute_from = "WebHook" if hasattr(self, 'is_web_hook') and self.is_web_hook else "定时任务"

        raw_data = {
            "projectId": ObjectId(project_id),
            "testCount": test_count,
            "passCount": passed_count,
            "failedCount": failed_count,
            "passRate": passed_rate,
            "comeFrom": execute_from,
            "executorNickName": "定时机器人",
            "cronId": cron_id,
            "testDetail": test_result_list,
            "createAt": datetime.datetime.utcnow()  # 存入库时什么datetime都当utc使
        filtered_data = TestReport.filter_field(raw_data, use_set_default=True)
        report_id = TestReport.insert(
        self.report_id = report_id

    def send_ding_ding_notify(self, title, content, headers=None):
        if headers is None:
            headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        hook_url = "{}".format(self.ding_ding_access_token)
        data = {"msgtype": "markdown", "markdown": {"title": title, "text": content}}
        res =, json=data, headers=headers)
        return res

150 151 152 153 154 155 156
    def send_enterprise_wechat_notify(self, title, content, headers=None):
        if headers is None:
            headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        hook_url = "{}".format(self.enterprise_wechat_access_token)
        data = {"msgtype": "markdown", "markdown": {"content": "{} \n >{}".format(title, content)}}
        res =, json=data, headers=headers)
        return res
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195

    # TODO 发送报告具体链接至邮箱。 如interfaceTestProject/5ccfa182b144f831b04d7ca5/projectReport
    def send_report_to_staff(self, project_id, mail_list, mail_title, mail_content):
        if not isinstance(mail_list, list):
            raise TypeError("mail_list must be list!")
        if self.failed_count < 1:
            raise TypeError('测试全通过,不需要发送告警报告!')
        if not self.report_created_time:
            raise TypeError('无测试报告生成时间,报告发送失败!')

        json_data = dict()
        json_data['mail_list'] = mail_list
        json_data['mail_title'] = mail_title
        json_data['mail_content'] = mail_content

        result = common.send_email(MailSender, project_id, json_data)

        return result

    def cron_mission(self):
        cron_test_cases_list = self.get_cron_test_cases_list()
        if len(cron_test_cases_list) > 0:
            project_id = cron_test_cases_list[0]["projectId"]
            raise TypeError('定时任务执行中未找到任何可执行用例!')

        tester_for_cron = tester(test_case_list=cron_test_cases_list,
        test_result_list = tester_for_cron.execute_all_test_for_cron_and_single_test()

        for index, test_result in enumerate(test_result_list):
            test_result = common.format_response_in_dic(test_result)
            test_result_list[index] = test_result

        if len(test_result_list) > 0:
            self.generate_test_report(project_id, self.get_id(), test_result_list)
            is_send_mail = self.failed_count > 0 and isinstance(self.alarm_mail_list, list)\
                                   and len(self.alarm_mail_list) > 0
            is_send_ding_ding = self.ding_ding_access_token if hasattr(self, 'ding_ding_access_token') else False
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215

            is_send_enterprise_wechat = self.enterprise_wechat_access_token if hasattr(self, 'enterprise_wechat_access_token')\
                else False

            if is_send_enterprise_wechat:
                enterprise_wechat_title = '智能测试平台企业微信服务'
                enterprise_wechat_content = '泰斯特平台 \n >⛔ 测试失败 \n >  生成报告id: {}'.format(self.report_id) \
                    if self.failed_count > 0 else '泰斯特平台 \n >👍️️️️ 测试通过 \n >  生成报告id: {}' \
                if hasattr(self, 'enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy') and self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy.get('fail') \
                        and self.failed_count > 0:
                    enterprise_wechat_res = self.send_enterprise_wechat_notify(title=enterprise_wechat_title, content=enterprise_wechat_content)
                    if not enterprise_wechat_res.status_code == 200:
                        raise BaseException('企业微信发送异常: {}'.format(enterprise_wechat_res.text))
                if hasattr(self, 'enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy') and self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy.get('success') \
                        and self.failed_count <= 0:
                    enterprise_wechat_res = self.send_enterprise_wechat_notify(title=enterprise_wechat_title, content=enterprise_wechat_content)
                    if not enterprise_wechat_res.status_code == 200:
                        raise BaseException('企业微信发送异常: {}'.format(enterprise_wechat_res.text))

216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230
            if is_send_ding_ding:
                dingding_title = '智能测试平台钉钉服务'
                dingding_content = '### ⛔️ 泰斯特平台 \n >⛔ 测试失败 \n >  生成报告id: {}'.format(self.report_id)\
                    if self.failed_count > 0 else '### ✅️ 泰斯特平台 \n >👍️️️️ 测试通过 \n >  生成报告id: {}'\
                if hasattr(self, 'ding_ding_notify_strategy') and self.ding_ding_notify_strategy.get('fail')\
                        and self.failed_count > 0:
                    dingding_res = self.send_ding_ding_notify(title=dingding_title, content=dingding_content)
                    if not dingding_res.status_code == 200:
                        raise BaseException('钉钉发送异常: {}'.format(dingding_res.text))
                if hasattr(self, 'ding_ding_notify_strategy') and self.ding_ding_notify_strategy.get('success')\
                        and self.failed_count <= 0:
                    dingding_res = self.send_ding_ding_notify(title=dingding_title, content=dingding_content)
                    if not dingding_res.status_code == 200:
                        raise BaseException('钉钉发送异常: {}'.format(dingding_res.text))

232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
            if is_send_mail:
                mesg_title = '测试平台告警'
                mesg_content = "Dears: \n\n   定时测试中存在用例未通过!,请登录平台查看详情 !\n\n   报告编号为:" \
                               " {} \n\n   报告生成时间为: {}"\
                    .format(self.report_id, self.report_created_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
                result_json = self.send_report_to_staff(project_id, self.alarm_mail_list, mesg_title, mesg_content)
                if result_json.get('status') == 'failed':
                    raise BaseException('邮件发送异常: {}'.format(result_json.get('data')))
            raise TypeError('无任何测试结果!')

if __name__ == '__main__':