提交 f1d0c8a2 编写于 作者: qq_25193841's avatar qq_25193841

Auto stash before merge of "table" and "origin/new"

上级 1e6af3bb
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import os.path
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import xlrd
from functools import partial
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize, Qt, QPoint, QByteArray, QTimer, QFileInfo, QPointF, QProcess
......@@ -2349,9 +2350,19 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
# read xlsx file, convert to HTML
xd = pd.ExcelFile(csv_path)
df = xd.parse()
structure = df.to_html(index = False)
# xd = pd.ExcelFile(csv_path)
# df = xd.parse()
# structure = df.to_html(index = False)
excel = xlrd.open_workbook(csv_path)
sheet0 = excel.sheet_by_index(0) # only sheet 0
merged_cells = sheet0.merged_cells # (0,1,1,3) start row, end row, start col, end col
html_list = [['td'] * sheet0.ncols for i in range(sheet0.nrows)]
for merged in merged_cells:
html_list = expand_list(merged, html_list)
token_list = convert_token(html_list)
# load box annotations
cells = []
......@@ -2370,7 +2381,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
split = 'test'
# save dict
html = {'structure': {'tokens': structure}, 'cell': cells}
html = {'structure': {'tokens': token_list}, 'cell': cells}
json_results.append({'filename': filename, 'split': split, 'imgid': imgid, 'html': html})
imgid += 1
......@@ -188,6 +188,50 @@ def OBB2HBB(obb) -> np.array:
return hbb
def expand_list(merged, html_list):
Fill blanks according to merged cells
sr, er, sc, ec = merged
for i in range(sr, er):
for j in range(sc, ec):
html_list[i][j] = None
html_list[sr][sc] = ''
if ec - sc > 1:
html_list[sr][sc] += " colspan={}".format(ec - sc)
if er - sr > 1:
html_list[sr][sc] += " rowspan={}".format(er - sr)
return html_list
def convert_token(html_list):
Convert raw html to label format
token_list = ["<tbody>"]
# final html list:
for row in html_list:
for col in row:
if col == None:
elif col == 'td':
token_list.extend(["<td>", "</td>"])
if 'colspan' in col:
_, n = col.split('colspan=')
token_list.append(" colspan=\"{}\"".format(n))
if 'rowspan' in col:
_, n = col.split('rowspan=')
token_list.append(" rowspan=\"{}\"".format(n))
return token_list
def stepsInfo(lang='en'):
if lang == 'ch':
msg = "1. 安装与运行:使用上述命令安装与运行程序。\n" \
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