提交 8dc8f142 编写于 作者: H huangjun12

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上级 30bc3c43
......@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ On the ICDAR2015 dataset, the text detection result is as follows:
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|SAST|ResNet50_vd|[configs/det/det_r50_vd_sast_icdar15.yml](../../configs/det/det_r50_vd_sast_icdar15.yml)|91.39%|83.77%|87.42%|[trained model](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/en/det_r50_vd_sast_icdar15_v2.0_train.tar)|
On the Total-text dataset, the text detection result is as follows:
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|SAST|ResNet50_vd|[configs/det/det_r50_vd_sast_totaltext.yml](../../configs/det/det_r50_vd_sast_totaltext.yml)|89.63%|78.44%|83.66%|[trained model](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/en/det_r50_vd_sast_totaltext_v2.0_train.tar)|
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