提交 4713f24d 编写于 作者: D dyning

add anno for tps

上级 2cdafa10
......@@ -70,6 +70,13 @@ class LocalizationNetwork(object):
return initial_bias
def __call__(self, image):
Estimating parameters of geometric transformation
image: input
batch_C_prime: the matrix of the geometric transformation
F = self.F
loc_lr = self.loc_lr
if self.model_name == "large":
......@@ -215,6 +222,14 @@ class GridGenerator(object):
return batch_C_ex_part_tensor
def __call__(self, batch_C_prime, I_r_size):
Generate the grid for the grid_sampler.
batch_C_prime: the matrix of the geometric transformation
I_r_size: the shape of the input image
batch_P_prime: the grid for the grid_sampler
C = self.build_C()
P = self.build_P(I_r_size)
inv_delta_C = self.build_inv_delta_C(C).astype('float32')
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