未验证 提交 ab8f8a0a 编写于 作者: A Anmol Sethi 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #520 from nhooyr/volume

Remove chmod on project dir
......@@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ RUN adduser --gecos '' --disabled-password coder && \
USER coder
# We create first instead of just using WORKDIR as when WORKDIR creates, the user is root.
RUN mkdir -p /home/coder/project && \
chmod g+rw /home/coder/project;
RUN mkdir -p /home/coder/project
WORKDIR /home/coder/project
# This assures we have a volume mounted even if the user forgot to do bind mount.
# XXX: Workaround for GH-459 and for OpenShift compatibility.
# So that they do not lose their data if they delete the container.
VOLUME [ "/home/coder/project" ]
COPY --from=0 /src/packages/server/cli-linux-x64 /usr/local/bin/code-server
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