未验证 提交 b5e662f8 编写于 作者: W WeiXin 提交者: GitHub

refine jit.save/load to add support for other method, not only forward (#28376)

* refine jit.save/load to add support for other method, not only forward

* refine the code based on unit tests

* Add unit test for the code

* Add unit test for the code

* Modify the code according to the unit test

* Delete useless comments, save only one info file, etc.

* remove static_mode_white_list.pyc

* edit the code that generate 'extra_var_info'
上级 7fe5f9cc
......@@ -500,8 +500,21 @@ def _construct_program_holders(model_path, model_filename=None):
# [compatible] if assign model_filename, only can load one program as Layer.forward
model_filename = os.path.basename(model_filename)
model_file_path = os.path.join(model_path, model_filename)
program_holder_dict['forward'] = _ProgramHolder(
model_name = model_filename[:-len(INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX)]
#Load every file that meets the requirements in the directory model_path.
for filename in os.listdir(model_path):
if model_filename == filename:
func_name = 'forward'
model_file_path = os.path.join(model_path, model_filename)
elif filename.endswith(INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX) and filename.startswith(
func_name = filename[len(model_name) + 1:-len(
model_file_path = os.path.join(model_path, filename)
program_holder_dict[func_name] = _ProgramHolder(
for _, _, file_names in os.walk(model_path):
for name in file_names:
......@@ -524,9 +537,23 @@ def _construct_params_and_buffers(model_path,
var_info_filename = str(params_filename) + ".info"
var_info_path = os.path.join(model_path, var_info_filename)
if os.path.exists(var_info_path):
var_dict = _load_persistable_vars(model_path, var_info_path,
programs['forward'], params_filename)
model_name = params_filename[:-len(INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX)]
#Load every file that meets the requirements in the directory model_path.
for file_name in os.listdir(model_path):
if file_name.endswith(INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX) and file_name.startswith(
model_name) and file_name != params_filename:
func_name = file_name[len(model_name) + 1:-len(
var_info_path = os.path.join(model_path, var_info_filename)
_load_persistable_vars(model_path, var_info_path, programs[
func_name], file_name))
var_dict = _load_persistable_vars_by_program(
model_path, programs['forward'], params_filename)
......@@ -594,6 +594,13 @@ def save(layer, path, input_spec=None, **configs):
# avoid change user given input_spec
inner_input_spec = None
if input_spec is not None:
for attr_func in dir(layer):
static_func = getattr(layer, attr_func, None)
if isinstance(static_func,
StaticFunction) and 'forward' != attr_func:
raise ValueError(
"If there are static functions other than 'forward' that need to be saved, the input 'input_spec' should be None, but received the type of 'input_spec' is %s."
% type(input_spec))
if not isinstance(input_spec, list):
raise TypeError(
"The input input_spec should be 'list', but received input_spec's type is %s."
......@@ -612,102 +619,111 @@ def save(layer, path, input_spec=None, **configs):
# parse configs
configs = _parse_save_configs(configs)
# 2. get program from Layer
# TODO(chenweihang): add support for other method, not only forward
if isinstance(layer.forward, StaticFunction):
concrete_program = layer.forward.concrete_program
# transform in jit.save, if input_spec is incomplete, declarative will throw error
static_forward = declarative(layer.forward, input_spec=inner_input_spec)
concrete_program = static_forward.concrete_program
# the input_spec has been used in declarative, which is equal to
# @declarative with input_spec and jit.save without input_spec,
# avoid needless warning
inner_input_spec = None
# 3. build input & output of save_infernece_model
# NOTE(chenweihang): [ Get input variables name ]
# There are two cases, whether to prune the inputs or not
# - not prune inputs (recommend):
# - the len(input_spec) == len((concrete_program.inputs) - 1
# - here can use concrete_program.inputs directly
# - prune inputs:
# - the input_spec length < len((concrete_program.inputs) - 1
# - the input_spec's name should be in concrete_program.inputs
input_var_names = _get_input_var_names(concrete_program.inputs,
# NOTE(chenweihang): [ Get output variables ]
# the rule is like [ Get input variables name ]. For output var,
# we only support VarBase spec, and actually, we only need the
# var name of output, and we don't recommended to use output_spec
output_vars = _get_output_vars(concrete_program.outputs,
# NOTE(chenweihang): we maintain the mapping of variable name to
# structured name, the buffer variable (non-persistable)
# saved to inference program may not need by dygraph Layer,
# we only record the state_dict variable's structured name
state_names_dict = dict()
for structured_name, var in six.iteritems(layer.state_dict()):
state_names_dict[var.name] = structured_name
# 4. share parameters from Layer to scope & record var info
scope = core.Scope()
extra_var_info = dict()
for param_or_buffer in concrete_program.parameters:
# share to scope
param_or_buffer_tensor = scope.var(param_or_buffer.name).get_tensor()
src_tensor = param_or_buffer.value().get_tensor()
# record var info
extra_info_dict = dict()
if param_or_buffer.name in state_names_dict:
extra_info_dict['structured_name'] = state_names_dict[
extra_info_dict['stop_gradient'] = param_or_buffer.stop_gradient
if isinstance(param_or_buffer, ParamBase):
extra_info_dict['trainable'] = param_or_buffer.trainable
extra_var_info[param_or_buffer.name] = extra_info_dict
# 5. save inference model
from paddle.fluid.io import save_inference_model
# construct new save_inference_model arguments
model_path = dirname
# NOTE(chenweihang): because prefix contains model and params filename,
# so we don't support set model_filename & params_filename
model_filename = file_prefix + INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX
params_filename = file_prefix + INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX
for attr_func in dir(layer):
static_func = getattr(layer, attr_func, None)
if isinstance(static_func, StaticFunction):
concrete_program = static_func.concrete_program
elif 'forward' == attr_func:
# transform in jit.save, if input_spec is incomplete, declarative will throw error
static_forward = declarative(
layer.forward, input_spec=inner_input_spec)
concrete_program = static_forward.concrete_program
# the input_spec has been used in declarative, which is equal to
# @declarative with input_spec and jit.save without input_spec,
# avoid needless warning
inner_input_spec = None
# 3. build input & output of save_infernece_model
# NOTE(chenweihang): [ Get input variables name ]
# There are two cases, whether to prune the inputs or not
# - not prune inputs (recommend):
# - the len(input_spec) == len((concrete_program.inputs) - 1
# - here can use concrete_program.inputs directly
# - prune inputs:
# - the input_spec length < len((concrete_program.inputs) - 1
# - the input_spec's name should be in concrete_program.inputs
input_var_names = _get_input_var_names(concrete_program.inputs,
# NOTE(chenweihang): [ Get output variables ]
# the rule is like [ Get input variables name ]. For output var,
# we only support VarBase spec, and actually, we only need the
# var name of output, and we don't recommended to use output_spec
output_vars = _get_output_vars(concrete_program.outputs,
# NOTE(chenweihang): we maintain the mapping of variable name to
# structured name, the buffer variable (non-persistable)
# saved to inference program may not need by dygraph Layer,
# we only record the state_dict variable's structured name
state_names_dict = dict()
for structured_name, var in six.iteritems(layer.state_dict()):
state_names_dict[var.name] = structured_name
# 4. share parameters from Layer to scope & record var info
for param_or_buffer in concrete_program.parameters:
# share to scope
param_or_buffer_tensor = scope.var(param_or_buffer.name).get_tensor(
src_tensor = param_or_buffer.value().get_tensor()
# record var info
if param_or_buffer.name not in extra_var_info:
extra_info_dict = dict()
if param_or_buffer.name in state_names_dict:
extra_info_dict['structured_name'] = state_names_dict[
extra_info_dict['stop_gradient'] = param_or_buffer.stop_gradient
if isinstance(param_or_buffer, ParamBase):
extra_info_dict['trainable'] = param_or_buffer.trainable
extra_var_info[param_or_buffer.name] = extra_info_dict
# 5. save inference model
from paddle.fluid.io import save_inference_model
# construct new save_inference_model arguments
model_path = dirname
# NOTE(chenweihang): because prefix contains model and params filename,
# so we don't support set model_filename & params_filename
if 'forward' == attr_func:
model_filename = file_prefix + INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX
params_filename = file_prefix + INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX
model_filename = file_prefix + '.' + attr_func + INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX
params_filename = file_prefix + '.' + attr_func + INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX
with scope_guard(scope):
# NOTE(chenweihang): [ Save extra variable info ]
# save_inference_model will lose some important variable information, including:
# - Variable name and correspondence (when saved variables as one file)
# - Variable.stop_gradient information
# - Which persistent variable are parameter and which are not
# - Parameter.trainable information
# The lost information cannot be recovered when it is loaded again,
# so if we want to perform fine-tune after loading, we may need to
# configure redundant information to proceed.
# Due to compatibility issues, we cannot change the original storage structure,
# but we can save these information in `jit.save` without changing the original
# storage to improve user experience. So we save extra information into
# file `***.pdiparams.info`
with scope_guard(scope):
# NOTE(chenweihang): [ Save extra variable info ]
# save_inference_model will lose some important variable information, including:
# - Variable name and correspondence (when saved variables as one file)
# - Variable.stop_gradient information
# - Which persistent variable are parameter and which are not
# - Parameter.trainable information
# The lost information cannot be recovered when it is loaded again,
# so if we want to perform fine-tune after loading, we may need to
# configure redundant information to proceed.
# Due to compatibility issues, we cannot change the original storage structure,
# but we can save these information in `jit.save` without changing the original
# storage to improve user experience. So we save extra information into
# file `***.pdiparams.info`
extra_var_info_path = path + INFER_PARAMS_INFO_SUFFIX
with open(extra_var_info_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(extra_var_info, f, protocol=2)
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ class TestInputSpec(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(len(net.forward.program_cache) == 1)
# 2. test save load
jit.save(net, './simple_net')
infer_net = fluid.dygraph.jit.load('./simple_net')
pred = infer_net(x)
......@@ -187,6 +187,26 @@ class NoParamLayer(paddle.nn.Layer):
return x + y
class LinearNetWithMultiStaticFunc(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size):
super(LinearNetWithMultiStaticFunc, self).__init__()
self._linear_0 = Linear(in_size, out_size)
self._linear_1 = Linear(in_size, out_size)
self._scale = paddle.to_tensor(9.9)
def forward(self, x):
return self._linear_0(x)
def forward_no_param(self, x):
return x
def forward_general(self, x):
return self._linear_0(x) + self._linear_1(x) * self._scale
def train(layer, input_size=784, label_size=1):
# create optimizer
sgd = fluid.optimizer.SGDOptimizer(
......@@ -764,5 +784,34 @@ class TestJitSaveLoadNoParamLayer(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(out, load_out))
class TestJitSaveLoadMultiMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# enable dygraph mode
def test_jit_save_load_inference(self):
model_path_inference = "jit_save_load_multi_methods/model"
layer = LinearNetWithMultiStaticFunc(IMAGE_SIZE, 10)
inps = paddle.randn([1, IMAGE_SIZE])
result_origin = {}
for func in dir(layer):
if func.startswith('forward'):
result_origin[func] = getattr(layer, func, None)(inps)
paddle.jit.save(layer, model_path_inference)
load_net = paddle.jit.load(model_path_inference)
for func, result in result_origin.items():
float((result - getattr(load_net, func, None)(inps)).abs().max(
)) < 1e-5)
def test_jit_save_load_multi_methods_inputspec(self):
model_path = 'jit_save_load_multi_methods/model'
layer = LinearNetWithMultiStaticFunc(784, 1)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
layer, model_path, input_spec=[InputSpec(shape=[None, 784])])
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