1. 02 11月, 2017 6 次提交
  2. 01 11月, 2017 6 次提交
  3. 31 10月, 2017 2 次提交
  4. 30 10月, 2017 1 次提交
  5. 28 10月, 2017 3 次提交
    • R
      Increase file save hash size (#8277) · 13876a15
      Ritwik Gupta 提交于
      * Increase file save hash size
      Issue #8249 runs into a problem where the max hash size is low, resulting in files being potentially overwritten.
      The behavior of this functionality is as such:
      As batch size increases, the probability that any given file will have a conflict in the hash reduces. However, when the author wants to save images with a batch size of one, the probability of a conflict increases since {index} is always 1. This seems to just be an unforeseen bug because a batch size of one is uncommon.
      * Change hash size to 1e7
    • O
      Simplify _to_tensor() (#8272) · 3077f277
      Oleg Zabluda 提交于
    • O
      Fix incorrect __len__ method in CIFAR10Sequence example (#8275) · 5b7cbb73
      Oli Lalonde 提交于
      For example, if len(x) is 3 and the batch size is 2, 3//2 == 1 but there really is 2 batches.
  6. 27 10月, 2017 4 次提交
  7. 26 10月, 2017 7 次提交
    • N
      Fix post_process_signature for floating point (#8247) · b5612acd
      nzw 提交于
    • O
      Simplify, clarify, sync style examples/mnist_net2net.py (#8167) · 970488e8
      Oleg Zabluda 提交于
      * Simplify, clarify, sync style examples/mnist_net2net.py
      * Pass globals as arguments into functions
      * Pass epochs as arguments into functions
      * Remove default epochs value
    • J
      Add a model.check_trainable_weights_consistency (#8234) · cab77c8f
      Julien Rebetez 提交于
      * Add a model.check_trainable_weights_consistency
      This will raise a UserWarning when the user modifies model.trainable
      and tries to print a model summary or launch a fit without having
      called .compile.
      Calling .compile() is necessary because trainable weights are collected
      in compile (model._collected_trainable_weights).
      * Fix comments and cosmetics on count_params
      * Make Model.check_trainable_weights_consistency private
      Also fix its docstring
      * Fix docstring of test_trainable_weights_count_consistency
    • J
      Fix summary about models (#8245) · e48bc45d
      Julien Rebetez 提交于
      * Expose and document utils.layer_utils.print_summary as utils.print_summary
      Fixes #8105
      * Fix docs autogen when running on python 3.6.2
      When a class inherits from object without defining __init__,
      AttributeError is raised instead of TypeError. So we need to catch
      both exceptions to be compatible.
      * Fix process_XXX_docstring functions to work with models function
      The process_function_docstring would fail to parse the “# Argument” 
      and “# Returns” of class functions. This was because it expected the
      “# Argument” string to be preceeded by exactly a newline and 4 spaces,
      but for class methods, that would be a newline and 8 spaces.
      This fixes the problem by expecting a newline and some number of space.
    • F
      Fix cuDNN RNNs (#8244) · 9fecc510
      François Chollet 提交于
      * Quick fix cudnn rnns
      * Tests passing.
    • A
      Normalize device names in multi_gpu_model (#8240) · 7144aeb7
      Akshay Chawla 提交于
      * Normalize device names in multi_gpu_model (#8213)
      * added _normalize_device_name function to training_utils.py --> convert "/device:GPU:0" to "/gpu:0"
      * call _normalize_device_name() after obtaining available devices in multi_gpu_model() before verifying against target_devices.
      * Successfully run tests in tests/keras/utils/multi_gpu_test.py
      * Fix PEP8 violations in keras/utils/training_utils.py using autopep8
    • F
      Quick fix for cuDNN rnns · 34055f49
      Francois Chollet 提交于
  8. 25 10月, 2017 5 次提交
    • A
      Recurrent Attention API Additions (#7980) · 3f148e40
      Anders Huss 提交于
      * Added support for passing external constants to RNN, which will pass them on to the cell
      * Added class for allowing functional composition of RNN Cells, supporting constants
      * put back accidentally commented out recurrent tests
      * added basic example of functional cell
      * new class AttentionRNN
      * restored RNN layer
      * renamed constants to attended in FunctionRNNCell, avoided duplicating outputs in wrapped model
      * minor clean-up of docs
      * Minor cleanup & improvments in docs, fixed PEP breaking formatting in attention test
      * removed FunctionalRNNCell and AttentionRNN, added back support for constants in RNN
      * fixed PEP8 violations
      * fixed minor review comments
      * added test case for when both inital_state and constants are passed to RNN.__call__
    • O
      Typos: "re-use", "a same". (#8236) · 3c69f986
      Oleg Zabluda 提交于
    • O
      Rename random_seed => seed (#8235) · 3fa689f1
      Oleg Zabluda 提交于
      Rename random_seed => seed for consistency with the rest of the code. Maybe resolves https://github.com/fchollet/keras/issues/8227, although maybe GeneratorEnqueuer.seed should be eliminated altogether, because currently it's not used anywhere in Keras code.
    • N
      Fix samplewise normalization in ImageDataGenerator (#8209) · d2d33d7f
      Noah Stier 提交于
      * Fix samplewise normalization in ImageDataGenerator
      Normalize pixels uniformly by the image mean and std
      * dont specify axes for samplewise image normalization
    • H
      Add datetime formatting for ETA time. (#8219) · 5ca4f74a
      Hans Gaiser 提交于
  9. 24 10月, 2017 6 次提交