未验证 提交 f3e76238 编写于 作者: A Alessandro Arzilli 提交者: GitHub

proc: move breakpoint condition evaluation out of backends (#2628)

* proc: move breakpoint condition evaluation out of backends

Moves breakpoint condition evaluation from the point where breakpoints
are set, inside ContinueOnce, to (*Target).Continue.

This accomplishes three things:

1. the breakpoint evaluation method needs not be exported anymore
2. breakpoint condition evaluation can be done with a full scope,
   containing a Target object, something that wasn't possible before
   because ContinueOnce doesn't have access to the Target object.
3. moves breakpoint condition evaluation out of the critical section
   where some of the threads of the target process might be still

* proc/native: handle process death during stop() on Windows

It is possible that the thread dies while we are inside the stop()
function. This results in an Access is denied error being returned by
SuspendThread being called on threads that no longer exist.

Delay the reporting the error from SuspendThread until the end of
stop() and only report it if the thread still exists at that point.

Fixes flakyness with TestIssue1101 that was exacerbated by moving
breakpoint condition evaluation outside of the backends.
上级 4e5bddee
......@@ -353,10 +353,30 @@ func testStandard() {
fmt.Println("\nTesting RR backend")
testCmdIntl("basic", "", "rr", "normal")
if TestIncludePIE && (runtime.GOOS == "linux" || (runtime.GOOS == "windows" && goversion.VersionAfterOrEqual(runtime.Version(), 1, 15))) {
fmt.Println("\nTesting PIE buildmode, default backend")
testCmdIntl("basic", "", "default", "pie")
testCmdIntl("core", "", "default", "pie")
if TestIncludePIE {
dopie := false
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux":
dopie = true
case "windows":
// only on Go 1.15 or later, with CGO_ENABLED and gcc found in path
if goversion.VersionAfterOrEqual(runtime.Version(), 1, 15) {
out, err := exec.Command("go", "env", "CGO_ENABLED").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if strings.TrimSpace(string(out)) == "1" {
if _, err = exec.LookPath("gcc"); err == nil {
dopie = true
if dopie {
fmt.Println("\nTesting PIE buildmode, default backend")
testCmdIntl("basic", "", "default", "pie")
testCmdIntl("core", "", "default", "pie")
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && inpath("rr") {
fmt.Println("\nTesting PIE buildmode, RR backend")
......@@ -183,19 +183,18 @@ type returnBreakpointInfo struct {
// CheckCondition evaluates bp's condition on thread.
func (bp *Breakpoint) CheckCondition(thread Thread) BreakpointState {
bpstate := BreakpointState{Breakpoint: bp, Active: false, Stepping: false, SteppingInto: false, CondError: nil}
func (bp *Breakpoint) checkCondition(tgt *Target, thread Thread, bpstate *BreakpointState) {
*bpstate = BreakpointState{Breakpoint: bp, Active: false, Stepping: false, SteppingInto: false, CondError: nil}
for _, breaklet := range bp.Breaklets {
bpstate.checkCond(breaklet, thread)
bpstate.checkCond(tgt, breaklet, thread)
return bpstate
func (bpstate *BreakpointState) checkCond(breaklet *Breaklet, thread Thread) {
func (bpstate *BreakpointState) checkCond(tgt *Target, breaklet *Breaklet, thread Thread) {
var condErr error
active := true
if breaklet.Cond != nil {
active, condErr = evalBreakpointCondition(thread, breaklet.Cond)
active, condErr = evalBreakpointCondition(tgt, thread, breaklet.Cond)
if condErr != nil && bpstate.CondError == nil {
......@@ -334,13 +333,13 @@ func (bp *Breakpoint) UserBreaklet() *Breaklet {
return nil
func evalBreakpointCondition(thread Thread, cond ast.Expr) (bool, error) {
func evalBreakpointCondition(tgt *Target, thread Thread, cond ast.Expr) (bool, error) {
if cond == nil {
return true, nil
scope, err := GoroutineScope(nil, thread)
scope, err := GoroutineScope(tgt, thread)
if err != nil {
scope, err = ThreadScope(nil, thread)
scope, err = ThreadScope(tgt, thread)
if err != nil {
return true, err
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ func TestCore(t *testing.T) {
if mainFrame == nil {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't find main in stack %v", panickingStack)
msg, err := proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), nil, *mainFrame).EvalVariable("msg", proc.LoadConfig{MaxStringLen: 64})
msg, err := proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), nil, *mainFrame).EvalVariable("msg", proc.LoadConfig{MaxStringLen: 64})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't EvalVariable(msg, ...): %v", err)
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ mainSearch:
t.Fatal("could not find main.main frame")
scope := proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), nil, *mainFrame)
scope := proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), nil, *mainFrame)
loadConfig := proc.LoadConfig{FollowPointers: true, MaxVariableRecurse: 1, MaxStringLen: 64, MaxArrayValues: 64, MaxStructFields: -1}
v1, err := scope.EvalVariable("t", loadConfig)
assertNoError(err, t, "EvalVariable(t)")
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func ConvertEvalScope(dbp *Target, gid, frame, deferCall int) (*EvalScope, error
return d.EvalScope(dbp, ct)
return FrameToScope(dbp, dbp.BinInfo(), dbp.Memory(), g, locs[frame:]...), nil
return FrameToScope(dbp, dbp.Memory(), g, locs[frame:]...), nil
// FrameToScope returns a new EvalScope for frames[0].
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func ConvertEvalScope(dbp *Target, gid, frame, deferCall int) (*EvalScope, error
// frames[0].Regs.SP() and frames[1].Regs.CFA will be cached.
// Otherwise all memory between frames[0].Regs.SP() and frames[0].Regs.CFA
// will be cached.
func FrameToScope(t *Target, bi *BinaryInfo, thread MemoryReadWriter, g *G, frames ...Stackframe) *EvalScope {
func FrameToScope(t *Target, thread MemoryReadWriter, g *G, frames ...Stackframe) *EvalScope {
// Creates a cacheMem that will preload the entire stack frame the first
// time any local variable is read.
// Remember that the stack grows downward in memory.
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func FrameToScope(t *Target, bi *BinaryInfo, thread MemoryReadWriter, g *G, fram
thread = cacheMemory(thread, minaddr, int(maxaddr-minaddr))
s := &EvalScope{Location: frames[0].Call, Regs: frames[0].Regs, Mem: thread, g: g, BinInfo: bi, target: t, frameOffset: frames[0].FrameOffset()}
s := &EvalScope{Location: frames[0].Call, Regs: frames[0].Regs, Mem: thread, g: g, BinInfo: t.BinInfo(), target: t, frameOffset: frames[0].FrameOffset()}
s.PC = frames[0].lastpc
return s
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ func ThreadScope(t *Target, thread Thread) (*EvalScope, error) {
if len(locations) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("could not decode first frame")
return FrameToScope(t, thread.BinInfo(), thread.ProcessMemory(), nil, locations...), nil
return FrameToScope(t, thread.ProcessMemory(), nil, locations...), nil
// GoroutineScope returns an EvalScope for the goroutine running on the given thread.
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func GoroutineScope(t *Target, thread Thread) (*EvalScope, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return FrameToScope(t, thread.BinInfo(), thread.ProcessMemory(), g, locations...), nil
return FrameToScope(t, thread.ProcessMemory(), g, locations...), nil
// EvalExpression returns the value of the given expression.
......@@ -1806,7 +1806,7 @@ func (t *gdbThread) SetCurrentBreakpoint(adjustPC bool) error {
return err
t.CurrentBreakpoint = bp.CheckCondition(t)
t.CurrentBreakpoint.Breakpoint = bp
return nil
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ type moduleData struct {
func loadModuleData(bi *BinaryInfo, mem MemoryReadWriter) ([]moduleData, error) {
scope := globalScope(bi, bi.Images[0], mem)
scope := globalScope(nil, bi, bi.Images[0], mem)
var md *Variable
md, err := scope.findGlobal("runtime", "firstmoduledata")
if err != nil {
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func resolveNameOff(bi *BinaryInfo, mds []moduleData, typeAddr, off uint64, mem
func reflectOffsMapAccess(bi *BinaryInfo, off uint64, mem MemoryReadWriter) (*Variable, error) {
scope := globalScope(bi, bi.Images[0], mem)
scope := globalScope(nil, bi, bi.Images[0], mem)
reflectOffs, err := scope.findGlobal("runtime", "reflectOffs")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
// osProcessDetails holds Windows specific information.
......@@ -437,11 +438,17 @@ func (dbp *nativeProcess) stop(trapthread *nativeThread) (*nativeThread, error)
return nil, err
context := winutil.NewCONTEXT()
for _, thread := range dbp.threads {
thread.os.delayErr = nil
if !thread.os.dbgUiRemoteBreakIn {
_, err := _SuspendThread(thread.os.hThread)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Wait before reporting the error, the thread could be removed when we
// call waitForDebugEvent in the next loop.
_, thread.os.delayErr = _SuspendThread(thread.os.hThread)
if thread.os.delayErr == nil {
// This call will block until the thread has stopped.
_ = _GetThreadContext(thread.os.hThread, context)
......@@ -467,6 +474,31 @@ func (dbp *nativeProcess) stop(trapthread *nativeThread) (*nativeThread, error)
// Check if trapthread still exist, if the process is dying it could have
// been removed while we were stopping the other threads.
trapthreadFound := false
for _, thread := range dbp.threads {
if thread.ID == trapthread.ID {
trapthreadFound = true
if thread.os.delayErr != nil && thread.os.delayErr != syscall.Errno(0x5) {
// Do not report Access is denied error, it is caused by the thread
// having already died but we haven't been notified about it yet.
return nil, thread.os.delayErr
if !trapthreadFound {
// trapthread exited during stop, pick another one
trapthread = nil
for _, thread := range dbp.threads {
if thread.CurrentBreakpoint.Breakpoint != nil && thread.os.delayErr == nil {
trapthread = thread
return trapthread, nil
......@@ -153,9 +153,7 @@ func (t *nativeThread) SetCurrentBreakpoint(adjustPC bool) error {
if bp != nil {
t.CurrentBreakpoint = bp.CheckCondition(t)
t.CurrentBreakpoint.Breakpoint = bp
return nil
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type waitStatus sys.WaitStatus
type osSpecificDetails struct {
hThread syscall.Handle
dbgUiRemoteBreakIn bool // whether thread is an auxiliary DbgUiRemoteBreakIn thread created by Windows
delayErr error
func (t *nativeThread) singleStep() error {
......@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ func evalVariableOrError(p *proc.Target, symbol string) (*proc.Variable, error)
var frame proc.Stackframe
frame, err = findFirstNonRuntimeFrame(p)
if err == nil {
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), nil, frame)
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), nil, frame)
} else {
scope, err = proc.GoroutineScope(p, p.CurrentThread())
......@@ -3036,7 +3036,7 @@ func TestIssue871(t *testing.T) {
var frame proc.Stackframe
frame, err = findFirstNonRuntimeFrame(p)
if err == nil {
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), nil, frame)
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), nil, frame)
} else {
scope, err = proc.GoroutineScope(p, p.CurrentThread())
......@@ -3482,7 +3482,7 @@ func TestIssue1034(t *testing.T) {
assertNoError(p.Continue(), t, "Continue()")
frames, err := p.SelectedGoroutine().Stacktrace(10, 0)
assertNoError(err, t, "Stacktrace")
scope := proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), nil, frames[2:]...)
scope := proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), nil, frames[2:]...)
args, _ := scope.FunctionArguments(normalLoadConfig)
assertNoError(err, t, "FunctionArguments()")
if len(args) > 0 {
......@@ -3613,9 +3613,13 @@ func TestIssue1101(t *testing.T) {
exitErr = p.Continue()
if pexit, exited := exitErr.(proc.ErrProcessExited); exited {
if pexit.Status != 2 && testBackend != "lldb" {
// looks like there's a bug with debugserver on macOS that sometimes
if pexit.Status != 2 && testBackend != "lldb" && (runtime.GOOS != "linux" || runtime.GOARCH != "386") {
// Looks like there's a bug with debugserver on macOS that sometimes
// will report exit status 0 instead of the proper exit status.
// Also it seems that sometimes on linux/386 we will not receive the
// exit status. This happens if the process exits at the same time as it
// receives a signal.
t.Fatalf("process exited status %d (expected 2)", pexit.Status)
} else {
......@@ -5141,8 +5145,8 @@ func TestDump(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Frame mismatch %d.%d\nlive:\t%s\ncore:\t%s", gos[i].ID, j, convertFrame(p.BinInfo().Arch, &frames[j]), convertFrame(p.BinInfo().Arch, &cframes[j]))
if frames[j].Call.Fn != nil && frames[j].Call.Fn.Name == "main.main" {
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), gos[i], frames[j:]...)
cscope = proc.FrameToScope(c, c.BinInfo(), c.Memory(), cgos[i], cframes[j:]...)
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), gos[i], frames[j:]...)
cscope = proc.FrameToScope(c, c.Memory(), cgos[i], cframes[j:]...)
......@@ -5263,6 +5267,7 @@ func TestCompositeMemoryWrite(t *testing.T) {
func TestVariablesWithExternalLinking(t *testing.T) {
// Tests that macOSDebugFrameBugWorkaround works.
// See:
// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/25841
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func (t *Target) IsCgo() bool {
if t.iscgo != nil {
return *t.iscgo
scope := globalScope(t.BinInfo(), t.BinInfo().Images[0], t.Memory())
scope := globalScope(t, t.BinInfo(), t.BinInfo().Images[0], t.Memory())
iscgov, err := scope.findGlobal("runtime", "iscgo")
if err == nil {
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ func setAsyncPreemptOff(p *Target, v int64) {
logger := p.BinInfo().logger
scope := globalScope(p.BinInfo(), p.BinInfo().Images[0], p.Memory())
scope := globalScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.BinInfo().Images[0], p.Memory())
debugv, err := scope.findGlobal("runtime", "debug")
if err != nil || debugv.Unreadable != nil {
logger.Warnf("could not find runtime/debug variable (or unreadable): %v %v", err, debugv.Unreadable)
......@@ -70,9 +70,17 @@ func (dbp *Target) Continue() error {
return nil
trapthread, stopReason, err := dbp.proc.ContinueOnce()
trapthread, stopReason, contOnceErr := dbp.proc.ContinueOnce()
dbp.StopReason = stopReason
if err != nil {
threads := dbp.ThreadList()
for _, thread := range threads {
if thread.Breakpoint().Breakpoint != nil {
thread.Breakpoint().Breakpoint.checkCondition(dbp, thread, thread.Breakpoint())
if contOnceErr != nil {
// Attempt to refresh status of current thread/current goroutine, see
// Issue #2078.
// Errors are ignored because depending on why ContinueOnce failed this
......@@ -84,17 +92,15 @@ func (dbp *Target) Continue() error {
dbp.selectedGoroutine, _ = GetG(curth)
if pe, ok := err.(ErrProcessExited); ok {
if pe, ok := contOnceErr.(ErrProcessExited); ok {
dbp.exitStatus = pe.Status
return err
return contOnceErr
if dbp.StopReason == StopLaunched {
threads := dbp.ThreadList()
callInjectionDone, callErr := callInjectionProtocol(dbp, threads)
// callErr check delayed until after pickCurrentThread, which must always
// happen, otherwise the debugger could be left in an inconsistent
......@@ -190,7 +196,7 @@ func (dbp *Target) Continue() error {
return conditionErrors(threads)
case curbp.Active:
onNextGoroutine, err := onNextGoroutine(curthread, dbp.Breakpoints())
onNextGoroutine, err := onNextGoroutine(dbp, curthread, dbp.Breakpoints())
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -1015,7 +1021,7 @@ func stepOutReverse(p *Target, topframe, retframe Stackframe, sameGCond ast.Expr
// onNextGoroutine returns true if this thread is on the goroutine requested by the current 'next' command
func onNextGoroutine(thread Thread, breakpoints *BreakpointMap) (bool, error) {
func onNextGoroutine(tgt *Target, thread Thread, breakpoints *BreakpointMap) (bool, error) {
var breaklet *Breaklet
for i := range breakpoints.M {
......@@ -1038,12 +1044,13 @@ breakletSearch:
// function or by returning from the function:
// runtime.curg.goid == X && (runtime.frameoff == Y || runtime.frameoff == Z)
// Here we are only interested in testing the runtime.curg.goid clause.
w := onNextGoroutineWalker{thread: thread}
w := onNextGoroutineWalker{tgt: tgt, thread: thread}
ast.Walk(&w, breaklet.Cond)
return w.ret, w.err
type onNextGoroutineWalker struct {
tgt *Target
thread Thread
ret bool
err error
......@@ -1051,7 +1058,7 @@ type onNextGoroutineWalker struct {
func (w *onNextGoroutineWalker) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
if binx, isbin := n.(*ast.BinaryExpr); isbin && binx.Op == token.EQL && exprToString(binx.X) == "runtime.curg.goid" {
w.ret, w.err = evalBreakpointCondition(w.thread, n.(ast.Expr))
w.ret, w.err = evalBreakpointCondition(w.tgt, w.thread, n.(ast.Expr))
return nil
return w
......@@ -581,8 +581,8 @@ func (err *IsNilErr) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s is nil", err.name)
func globalScope(bi *BinaryInfo, image *Image, mem MemoryReadWriter) *EvalScope {
return &EvalScope{Location: Location{}, Regs: op.DwarfRegisters{StaticBase: image.StaticBase}, Mem: mem, g: nil, BinInfo: bi, frameOffset: 0}
func globalScope(tgt *Target, bi *BinaryInfo, image *Image, mem MemoryReadWriter) *EvalScope {
return &EvalScope{Location: Location{}, Regs: op.DwarfRegisters{StaticBase: image.StaticBase}, Mem: mem, g: nil, BinInfo: bi, target: tgt, frameOffset: 0}
func newVariableFromThread(t Thread, name string, addr uint64, dwarfType godwarf.Type) *Variable {
......@@ -947,8 +947,8 @@ func (v *Variable) fieldVariable(name string) *Variable {
var errTracebackAncestorsDisabled = errors.New("tracebackancestors is disabled")
// Ancestors returns the list of ancestors for g.
func Ancestors(p Process, g *G, n int) ([]Ancestor, error) {
scope := globalScope(p.BinInfo(), p.BinInfo().Images[0], p.Memory())
func Ancestors(p *Target, g *G, n int) ([]Ancestor, error) {
scope := globalScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.BinInfo().Images[0], p.Memory())
tbav, err := scope.EvalExpression("runtime.debug.tracebackancestors", loadSingleValue)
if err == nil && tbav.Unreadable == nil && tbav.Kind == reflect.Int {
tba, _ := constant.Int64Val(tbav.Value)
......@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ func (d *Debugger) convertStacktrace(rawlocs []proc.Stackframe, cfg *proc.LoadCo
if cfg != nil && rawlocs[i].Current.Fn != nil {
var err error
scope := proc.FrameToScope(d.target, d.target.BinInfo(), d.target.Memory(), nil, rawlocs[i:]...)
scope := proc.FrameToScope(d.target, d.target.Memory(), nil, rawlocs[i:]...)
locals, err := scope.LocalVariables(*cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func evalScope(p *proc.Target) (*proc.EvalScope, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), nil, frame), nil
return proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), nil, frame), nil
func evalVariable(p *proc.Target, symbol string, cfg proc.LoadConfig) (*proc.Variable, error) {
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ func TestLocalVariables(t *testing.T) {
var frame proc.Stackframe
frame, err = findFirstNonRuntimeFrame(p)
if err == nil {
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.BinInfo(), p.Memory(), nil, frame)
scope = proc.FrameToScope(p, p.Memory(), nil, frame)
} else {
scope, err = proc.GoroutineScope(p, p.CurrentThread())
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