未验证 提交 4b30ba42 编写于 作者: S Suzy Mueller 提交者: GitHub

service/dap: add basic log points (#2634)

Log points are special kinds of breakpoints that do not 'break' but instead log a message and then continue. This change implements basic log points that simply log the provided message, without any interpolation.

In order to resume execution after hitting a breakpoint, I added a new lock resumeMu and tracked the running state within the DAP server. resumeMu must be held in order to issue a debugger request that would start execution. This means it can be used to make sure that another goroutine does not resume execution while you are holding the lock.

Most of the synchronization logic is taken from PR #2530

Updates golang/vscode-go#123
上级 e00670b9
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ type Breakpoint struct {
Variables []string // Variables to evaluate
LoadArgs *LoadConfig
LoadLocals *LoadConfig
UserData interface{} // Any additional information about the breakpoint
// ReturnInfo describes how to collect return variables when this
// breakpoint is hit as a return breakpoint.
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ func ConvertBreakpoint(bp *proc.Breakpoint) *Breakpoint {
WatchExpr: bp.WatchExpr,
WatchType: WatchType(bp.WatchType),
Addrs: []uint64{bp.Addr},
UserData: bp.UserData,
breaklet := bp.UserBreaklet()
......@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ type Breakpoint struct {
TotalHitCount uint64 `json:"totalHitCount"`
// Disabled flag, signifying the state of the breakpoint
Disabled bool `json:"disabled"`
UserData interface{} `json:"-"`
// ValidBreakpointName returns an error if
......@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ func (c *Client) ExpectInitializeResponseAndCapabilities(t *testing.T) *dap.Init
SupportsFunctionBreakpoints: true,
SupportsEvaluateForHovers: true,
SupportsClipboardContext: true,
SupportsLogPoints: true,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(initResp.Body, wantCapabilities) {
t.Errorf("capabilities in initializeResponse: got %+v, want %v", pretty(initResp.Body), pretty(wantCapabilities))
......@@ -234,11 +235,12 @@ func (c *Client) DisconnectRequestWithKillOption(kill bool) {
// SetBreakpointsRequest sends a 'setBreakpoints' request.
func (c *Client) SetBreakpointsRequest(file string, lines []int) {
c.SetConditionalBreakpointsRequest(file, lines, nil)
c.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(file, lines, nil, nil, nil)
// SetBreakpointsRequest sends a 'setBreakpoints' request with conditions.
func (c *Client) SetConditionalBreakpointsRequest(file string, lines []int, conditions map[int]string) {
// SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs sends a 'setBreakpoints' request with an option to
// specify conditions, hit conditions, and log messages.
func (c *Client) SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(file string, lines []int, conditions, hitConditions, logMessages map[int]string) {
request := &dap.SetBreakpointsRequest{Request: *c.newRequest("setBreakpoints")}
request.Arguments = dap.SetBreakpointsArguments{
Source: dap.Source{
......@@ -249,29 +251,14 @@ func (c *Client) SetConditionalBreakpointsRequest(file string, lines []int, cond
for i, l := range lines {
request.Arguments.Breakpoints[i].Line = l
cond, ok := conditions[l]
if ok {
if cond, ok := conditions[l]; ok {
request.Arguments.Breakpoints[i].Condition = cond
// SetBreakpointsRequest sends a 'setBreakpoints' request with conditions.
func (c *Client) SetHitConditionalBreakpointsRequest(file string, lines []int, conditions map[int]string) {
request := &dap.SetBreakpointsRequest{Request: *c.newRequest("setBreakpoints")}
request.Arguments = dap.SetBreakpointsArguments{
Source: dap.Source{
Name: filepath.Base(file),
Path: file,
Breakpoints: make([]dap.SourceBreakpoint, len(lines)),
for i, l := range lines {
request.Arguments.Breakpoints[i].Line = l
cond, ok := conditions[l]
if ok {
request.Arguments.Breakpoints[i].HitCondition = cond
if hitCond, ok := hitConditions[l]; ok {
request.Arguments.Breakpoints[i].HitCondition = hitCond
if logMessage, ok := logMessages[l]; ok {
request.Arguments.Breakpoints[i].LogMessage = logMessage
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
protest "github.com/go-delve/delve/pkg/proc/test"
......@@ -2285,7 +2286,7 @@ func TestSetBreakpoint(t *testing.T) {
checkVarExact(t, locals, 0, "i", "i", "0", "int", noChildren) // i == 0
// Edit the breakpoint to add a condition
client.SetConditionalBreakpointsRequest(fixture.Source, []int{8}, map[int]string{8: "i == 3"})
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, []int{8}, map[int]string{8: "i == 3"}, nil, nil)
expectSetBreakpointsResponse(t, client, []Breakpoint{{8, fixture.Source, true, ""}})
// Continue until condition is hit
......@@ -2298,7 +2299,7 @@ func TestSetBreakpoint(t *testing.T) {
checkVarExact(t, locals, 0, "i", "i", "3", "int", noChildren) // i == 3
// Edit the breakpoint to remove a condition
client.SetConditionalBreakpointsRequest(fixture.Source, []int{8}, map[int]string{8: ""})
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, []int{8}, map[int]string{8: ""}, nil, nil)
expectSetBreakpointsResponse(t, client, []Breakpoint{{8, fixture.Source, true, ""}})
// Continue for one more loop iteration
......@@ -2697,6 +2698,210 @@ func TestSetFunctionBreakpoints(t *testing.T) {
// TestLogPoints executes to a breakpoint and tests that log points
// send OutputEvents and do not halt program execution.
func TestLogPoints(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, "callme", func(client *daptest.Client, fixture protest.Fixture) {
runDebugSessionWithBPs(t, client, "launch",
// Launch
func() {
client.LaunchRequest("exec", fixture.Path, !stopOnEntry)
// Set breakpoints
fixture.Source, []int{23},
// Stop at line 23
execute: func() {
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 23)
bps := []int{6, 25, 27, 16}
logMessages := map[int]string{6: "in callme!", 16: "in callme2!"}
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, bps, nil, nil, logMessages)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
se := client.ExpectStoppedEvent(t)
if se.Body.Reason != "breakpoint" || se.Body.ThreadId != 1 {
t.Errorf("got stopped event = %#v, \nwant Reason=\"breakpoint\" ThreadId=1", se)
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 25)
oe := client.ExpectOutputEvent(t)
if oe.Body.Category != "stdout" || oe.Body.Output != "in callme!\n" {
t.Errorf("got output event = %#v, \nwant Category=\"stdout\" Output=\"in callme!\n\"", oe)
se := client.ExpectStoppedEvent(t)
if se.Body.Reason != "breakpoint" || se.Body.ThreadId != 1 {
t.Errorf("got stopped event = %#v, \nwant Reason=\"breakpoint\" ThreadId=1", se)
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 27)
oe := client.ExpectOutputEvent(t)
if oe.Body.Category != "stdout" || oe.Body.Output != "in callme2!\n" {
t.Errorf("got output event = %#v, \nwant Category=\"stdout\" Output=\"in callme2!\n\"", oe)
se = client.ExpectStoppedEvent(t)
if se.Body.Reason != "step" || se.Body.ThreadId != 1 {
t.Errorf("got stopped event = %#v, \nwant Reason=\"step\" ThreadId=1", se)
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 28)
disconnect: true,
// TestHaltPreventsAutoResume tests that a pause request issued while processing
// log messages will result in a real stop.
func TestHaltPreventsAutoResume(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, "callme", func(client *daptest.Client, fixture protest.Fixture) {
runDebugSessionWithBPs(t, client, "launch", // Launch
func() {
client.LaunchRequest("exec", fixture.Path, !stopOnEntry)
// Set breakpoints
fixture.Source, []int{23},
execute: func() {
savedResumeOnce := resumeOnceAndCheckStop
defer func() {
resumeOnceAndCheckStop = savedResumeOnce
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 23)
bps := []int{6, 25}
logMessages := map[int]string{6: "in callme!"}
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, bps, nil, nil, logMessages)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
// Reset the handler to the default behavior.
resumeOnceAndCheckStop = savedResumeOnce
// Expect a pause request while stopped not to interrupt continue.
se := client.ExpectStoppedEvent(t)
if se.Body.Reason != "breakpoint" || se.Body.ThreadId != 1 {
t.Errorf("got stopped event = %#v, \nwant Reason=\"breakpoint\" ThreadId=1", se)
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 25)
pauseDoneChan := make(chan struct{}, 1)
outputDoneChan := make(chan struct{}, 1)
// Send a halt request when trying to resume the program after being
// interrupted. This should allow the log message to be processed,
// but keep the process from continuing beyond the line.
resumeOnceAndCheckStop = func(s *Server, command string, allowNextStateChange chan struct{}) (*api.DebuggerState, error) {
// This should trigger after the log message is sent, but before
// execution is resumed.
if command == api.DirectionCongruentContinue {
go func() {
defer close(pauseDoneChan)
// Wait for the pause to be complete.
return s.resumeOnceAndCheckStop(command, allowNextStateChange)
oe := client.ExpectOutputEvent(t)
if oe.Body.Category != "stdout" || oe.Body.Output != "in callme!\n" {
t.Errorf("got output event = %#v, \nwant Category=\"stdout\" Output=\"in callme!\n\"", oe)
// Signal that the output event has been received.
// Wait for the pause to be complete.
se = client.ExpectStoppedEvent(t)
if se.Body.Reason != "pause" {
t.Errorf("got stopped event = %#v, \nwant Reason=\"pause\"", se)
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.callme", 6)
disconnect: true,
// TestConcurrentBreakpointsLogPoints executes to a breakpoint and then tests
// that a breakpoint set in the main goroutine is hit the correct number of times
// and log points set in the children goroutines produce the correct number of
// output events.
func TestConcurrentBreakpointsLogPoints(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "freebsd" {
runTest(t, "goroutinestackprog", func(client *daptest.Client, fixture protest.Fixture) {
runDebugSessionWithBPs(t, client, "launch",
// Launch
func() {
client.LaunchRequest("exec", fixture.Path, !stopOnEntry)
// Set breakpoints
fixture.Source, []int{20},
// Stop at line 20
execute: func() {
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 20)
bps := []int{8, 23}
logMessages := map[int]string{8: "hello"}
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, bps, nil, nil, logMessages)
// There may be up to 1 breakpoint and any number of log points that are
// hit concurrently. We should get a stopped event everytime the breakpoint
// is hit and an output event for each log point hit.
var oeCount, seCount int
for oeCount < 10 || seCount < 10 {
switch m := client.ExpectMessage(t).(type) {
case *dap.StoppedEvent:
if m.Body.Reason != "breakpoint" || !m.Body.AllThreadsStopped || m.Body.ThreadId != 1 {
t.Errorf("\ngot %#v\nwant Reason='breakpoint' AllThreadsStopped=true ThreadId=1", m)
checkStop(t, client, 1, "main.main", 23)
case *dap.OutputEvent:
if m.Body.Category != "stdout" || m.Body.Output != "hello\n" {
t.Errorf("\ngot %#v\nwant Category=\"stdout\" Output=\"hello\"", m)
case *dap.ContinueResponse:
case *dap.TerminatedEvent:
t.Fatalf("\nexpected 10 output events and 10 stopped events, got %d output events and %d stopped events", oeCount, seCount)
t.Fatalf("Unexpected message type: expect StoppedEvent, OutputEvent, or ContinueResponse, got %#v", m)
disconnect: false,
func expectSetBreakpointsResponseAndStoppedEvent(t *testing.T, client *daptest.Client) (se *dap.StoppedEvent, br *dap.SetBreakpointsResponse) {
var oe *dap.OutputEvent
......@@ -2877,7 +3082,7 @@ func TestHitConditionBreakpoints(t *testing.T) {
fixture.Source, []int{4},
execute: func() {
client.SetHitConditionalBreakpointsRequest(fixture.Source, []int{7}, map[int]string{7: "4"})
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, []int{7}, nil, map[int]string{7: "4"}, nil)
expectSetBreakpointsResponse(t, client, []Breakpoint{{7, fixture.Source, true, ""}})
......@@ -2891,7 +3096,7 @@ func TestHitConditionBreakpoints(t *testing.T) {
checkVarExact(t, locals, 0, "i", "i", "4", "int", noChildren)
// Change the hit condition.
client.SetHitConditionalBreakpointsRequest(fixture.Source, []int{7}, map[int]string{7: "% 2"})
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, []int{7}, nil, map[int]string{7: "% 2"}, nil)
expectSetBreakpointsResponse(t, client, []Breakpoint{{7, fixture.Source, true, ""}})
......@@ -2905,11 +3110,11 @@ func TestHitConditionBreakpoints(t *testing.T) {
checkVarExact(t, locals, 0, "i", "i", "6", "int", noChildren)
// Expect an error if an assignment is passed.
client.SetHitConditionalBreakpointsRequest(fixture.Source, []int{7}, map[int]string{7: "= 2"})
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, []int{7}, nil, map[int]string{7: "= 2"}, nil)
expectSetBreakpointsResponse(t, client, []Breakpoint{{-1, "", false, ""}})
// Change the hit condition.
client.SetHitConditionalBreakpointsRequest(fixture.Source, []int{7}, map[int]string{7: "< 8"})
client.SetBreakpointsRequestWithArgs(fixture.Source, []int{7}, nil, map[int]string{7: "< 8"}, nil)
expectSetBreakpointsResponse(t, client, []Breakpoint{{7, fixture.Source, true, ""}})
......@@ -823,6 +823,7 @@ func copyBreakpointInfo(bp *proc.Breakpoint, requested *api.Breakpoint) (err err
bp.Goroutine = requested.Goroutine
bp.Stacktrace = requested.Stacktrace
bp.Variables = requested.Variables
bp.UserData = requested.UserData
bp.LoadArgs = api.LoadConfigToProc(requested.LoadArgs)
bp.LoadLocals = api.LoadConfigToProc(requested.LoadLocals)
breaklet := bp.UserBreaklet()
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