• H
    all: update github.com/spf13/cobra to v1.1.3 (#2572) · f74b7a6e
    Hyang-Ah Hana Kim 提交于
    This removes indirect dependencies from go.mod, and
    includes the fix for the missing -help flag info.
    The latest cobra release is v1.2.1. Given that there were
    minor security-related dependency cleanup during v1.2 release,
    I was tempted to pick up the latest version, but that caused
    dependency updates in golang.org/x/sys and golang.org/x/tools
    which may be too recent (golang.org/x/* follow the go's release
    support policy, so recent versions may not be compatible with
    go versions beyond go's official version support policy).
    Verified that dlv still builds with go1.12.x.
    (go1.12 is the oldest version of go that can build the latest delve already).
    $ go get -d github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.1.3
    $ go mod tidy
    $ go mod vendor
    $ go run _scripts/gen-usage-docs.go
dlv_core.md 2.4 KB