• S
    service/dap: use specified working directory for launch requests (#2360) · 1c9a1052
    Suzy Mueller 提交于
    * service/dap: use specified working directory for launch requests
    If a user specifies a working directory in the launch request,
    then the process should use that working directory. This may
    affect how the program runs and the user should be able to have
    control over this.
    * service/dap: add tests for launch with working dir
    Added tests to make sure the working directory is set correctly.
    * service/dap: fix TestWorkingDir on windows
    * service/dap: use %q to print quoted string
    * cmd/dlv: update dap warning about working dir
    * service/dap: change the launch argument to be wd`
    * update warning to specify only launch request
commands.go 29.3 KB