提交 773b1954 编写于 作者: R Renaud Gaubert

Update changelogs for v1.0.2

上级 4045013f
libnvidia-container (1.0.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* 4045013 Adds support for libnvidia-opticalflow
-- NVIDIA CORPORATION <cudatools@nvidia.com> Mon, 04 Feb 2019 15:24:12 -0700
libnvidia-container (1.0.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* deccb28 Allow yet more syscalls in ldconfig
libnvidia-container.so.1 libnvidia-container1 #MINVER#
NVC_1.0@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_config_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_config_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_container_config_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_container_config_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_container_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_container_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_context_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_context_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_device_info_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_device_info_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_device_mount@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_driver_info_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_driver_info_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_driver_mount@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_error@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_init@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_ldcache_update@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_shutdown@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
nvc_version@NVC_1.0 1.0.1
NVC_1.0@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_config_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_config_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_container_config_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_container_config_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_container_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_container_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_context_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_context_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_device_info_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_device_info_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_device_mount@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_driver_info_free@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_driver_info_new@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_driver_mount@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_error@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_init@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_ldcache_update@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_shutdown@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
nvc_version@NVC_1.0 1.0.2
......@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ This package contains command-line tools that facilitate using the library.
* Tue Feb 05 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION <cudatools@nvidia.com> 1.0.2-1
- 4045013 Adds support for libnvidia-opticalflow
* Mon Jan 14 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION <cudatools@nvidia.com> 1.0.1-1
- deccb28 Allow yet more syscalls in ldconfig
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ extern "C" {
#define NVC_MAJOR 1
#define NVC_MINOR 0
#define NVC_PATCH 1
#define NVC_VERSION "1.0.1"
#define NVC_PATCH 2
#define NVC_VERSION "1.0.2"
#define NVC_ARG_MAX 256
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