提交 2fc9b4b1 编写于 作者: J Jordan Jacobelli

Merge branch 'opensuse-master' into 'master'

Bump toolkit to 1.0.4 and runtime to 3.1.3

See merge request dl/container-dev/nvidia-container-runtime!8
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
DOCKER ?= docker
MKDIR ?= mkdir
VERSION := 3.1.2
VERSION := 3.1.3
PKG_REV := 1
DIST_DIR := $(CURDIR)/../dist
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ DOCKER ?= docker
MKDIR ?= mkdir
VERSION := 1.0.3
VERSION := 1.0.4
DIST_DIR := $(CURDIR)/../dist
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