OpenPose  1.0.0rc2
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op::Array< T > Class Template Reference

#include <array.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Array (const int size)
 Array (const std::vector< int > &sizes={})
 Array (const int size, const T value)
 Array (const std::vector< int > &sizes, const T value)
 Array (const Array< T > &array)
Array< T > & operator= (const Array< T > &array)
 Array (Array< T > &&array)
Array< T > & operator= (Array< T > &&array)
Array< T > clone () const
void reset (const int size)
void reset (const std::vector< int > &sizes={})
void reset (const int size, const T value)
void reset (const std::vector< int > &sizes, const T value)
void setFrom (const cv::Mat &cvMat)
void setTo (const T value)
bool empty () const
std::vector< int > getSize () const
std::string printSize () const
int getSize (const int index) const
size_t getNumberDimensions () const
size_t getVolume () const
size_t getVolume (const int indexA, const int indexB) const
T * getPtr ()
const T * getConstPtr () const
const cv::Mat & getConstCvMat () const
cv::Mat & getCvMat ()
T & operator[] (const int index)
const T & operator[] (const int index) const
T & operator[] (const std::vector< int > &indexes)
const T & operator[] (const std::vector< int > &indexes) const
T & at (const int index)
const T & at (const int index) const
T & at (const std::vector< int > &indexes)
const T & at (const std::vector< int > &indexes) const
const std::string toString () const

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class op::Array< T >

Array<T>: The OpenPose Basic Raw Data Container This template class implements a multidimensional data array. It is our basic data container, analogous to cv::Mat in OpenCV, Tensor in Torch/TensorFlow or Blob in Caffe. It wraps a cv::Mat and a std::shared_ptr, both of them pointing to the same raw data. I.e. they both share the same memory, so we can read and modify this data in both formats with no performance impact. Hence, it keeps high performance while adding high-level functions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T>
op::Array< T >::Array ( const int  size)

Array constructor. Equivalent to default constructor + reset(const int size).

sizeInteger with the number of T element to be allocated. E.g. size = 5 is internally similar to new T[5].
template<typename T>
op::Array< T >::Array ( const std::vector< int > &  sizes = {})

Array constructor. Equivalent to default constructor + reset(const std::vector<int>& size = {}).

sizesVector with the size of each dimension. E.g. size = {3, 5, 2} is internally similar to new T[3*5*2].
template<typename T>
op::Array< T >::Array ( const int  size,
const T  value 

Array constructor. Equivalent to default constructor + reset(const int size, const T value).

sizeInteger with the number of T element to be allocated. E.g. size = 5 is internally similar to new T[5].
valueInitial value for each component of the Array.
template<typename T>
op::Array< T >::Array ( const std::vector< int > &  sizes,
const T  value 

Array constructor. Equivalent to default constructor + reset(const std::vector<int>& size, const T value).

sizesVector with the size of each dimension. E.g. size = {3, 5, 2} is internally similar to: new T[3*5*2].
valueInitial value for each component of the Array.
template<typename T>
op::Array< T >::Array ( const Array< T > &  array)

Copy constructor. It performs fast copy: For performance purpose, copying a Array<T> or Datum or cv::Mat just copies the reference, it still shares the same internal data. Modifying the copied element will modify the original one. Use clone() for a slower but real copy, similarly to cv::Mat and Array<T>.

arrayArray to be copied.
template<typename T>
op::Array< T >::Array ( Array< T > &&  array)

Move constructor. It destroys the original Array to be moved.

arrayArray to be moved.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T>
T& op::Array< T >::at ( const int  index)

at() function Same functionality as operator[](const int index), but it always check whether the indexes are within the data bounds. Otherwise, it will throw an error.

indexThe desired memory location.
A editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
const T& op::Array< T >::at ( const int  index) const

at() function Same functionality as operator[](const int index) const, but it always check whether the indexes are within the data bounds. Otherwise, it will throw an error.

indexThe desired memory location.
A non-editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
T& op::Array< T >::at ( const std::vector< int > &  indexes)

at() function Same functionality as operator[](const std::vector<int>& indexes), but it always check whether the indexes are within the data bounds. Otherwise, it will throw an error.

indexesVector with the desired memory location.
A editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
const T& op::Array< T >::at ( const std::vector< int > &  indexes) const

at() function Same functionality as operator[](const std::vector<int>& indexes) const, but it always check whether the indexes are within the data bounds. Otherwise, it will throw an error.

indexesVector with the desired memory location.
A non-editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
Array<T> op::Array< T >::clone ( ) const

Clone function. Similar to cv::Mat::clone and Datum::clone. It performs a real but slow copy of the data, i.e., even if the copied element is modified, the original one is not.

The resulting Array.
template<typename T>
bool op::Array< T >::empty ( ) const

Check whether memory has been allocated.

True if no memory has been allocated, false otherwise.
template<typename T>
const cv::Mat& op::Array< T >::getConstCvMat ( ) const

Return a cv::Mat wrapper to the data. It forbids the data to be modified. OpenCV only admits unsigned char, signed char, int, float & double. If the T class is not supported by OpenCV, it will throw an error. Note: Array<T> does not return an editable cv::Mat because some OpenCV functions reallocate memory and it would not longer point to the Array<T> instance. If you want to perform some OpenCV operation on the Array data, you can use: editedCvMat = array.getConstCvMat().clone(); // modify data array.setFrom(editedCvMat)

A const cv::Mat pointing to the data.
template<typename T>
const T* op::Array< T >::getConstPtr ( ) const

Similar to getPtr(), but it forbids the data to be edited.

A raw const pointer to the data.
template<typename T>
cv::Mat& op::Array< T >::getCvMat ( )

Analogous to getConstCvMat, but in this case it returns a editable cv::Mat. Very important: Only allowed functions which do not provoke data reallocation. E.g. resizing functions will not work and they would provoke an undefined behaviour and/or execution crashes.

A cv::Mat pointing to the data.
template<typename T>
size_t op::Array< T >::getNumberDimensions ( ) const

Return the total number of dimensions, equivalent to getSize().size().

The number of dimensions. If no memory is allocated, it returns 0.
template<typename T>
T* op::Array< T >::getPtr ( )

Return a raw pointer to the data. Similar to: std::shared_ptr::get(). Note: if you modify the pointer data, you will directly modify it in the Array<T> instance too. If you know you do not want to modify the data, then use getConstPtr() instead.

A raw pointer to the data.
template<typename T>
std::vector<int> op::Array< T >::getSize ( ) const

Return a vector with the size of each dimension allocated.

A std::vector<int> with the size of each dimension. If no memory has been allocated, it will return an empty std::vector.
template<typename T>
int op::Array< T >::getSize ( const int  index) const

Return a vector with the size of the desired dimension.

indexDimension to check its size.
Size of the desired dimension. It will return 0 if the requested dimension is higher than the number of dimensions.
template<typename T>
size_t op::Array< T >::getVolume ( ) const

Return the total number of elements allocated, equivalent to multiply all the components from getSize(). E.g. for a Array<T> of size = {2,5,3}, the volume or total number of elements is: 2x5x3 = 30.

The total volume of the allocated data. If no memory is allocated, it returns 0.
template<typename T>
size_t op::Array< T >::getVolume ( const int  indexA,
const int  indexB 
) const

Similar to getVolume(), but in this case it just returns the volume between the desired dimensions. E.g. for a Array<T> of size = {2,5,3}, the volume or total number of elements for getVolume(1,2) is 5x3 = 15.

The total volume of the allocated data between the desired dimensions. If the index are out of bounds, it throws an error.
template<typename T>
Array<T>& op::Array< T >::operator= ( const Array< T > &  array)

Copy assignment. Similar to Array<T>(const Array<T>& array).

arrayArray to be copied.
The resulting Array.
template<typename T>
Array<T>& op::Array< T >::operator= ( Array< T > &&  array)

Move assignment. Similar to Array<T>(Array<T>&& array).

arrayArray to be moved.
The resulting Array.
template<typename T>
T& op::Array< T >::operator[] ( const int  index)

[] operator Similar to the [] operator for raw pointer data. If debug mode is enabled, then it will check that the desired index is in the data range, and it will throw an exception otherwise (similar to the at operator).

indexThe desired memory location.
A editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
const T& op::Array< T >::operator[] ( const int  index) const

[] operator Same functionality as operator[](const int index), but it forbids modifying the value. Otherwise, const functions would not be able to call the [] operator.

indexThe desired memory location.
A non-editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
T& op::Array< T >::operator[] ( const std::vector< int > &  indexes)

[] operator Same functionality as operator[](const int index), but it lets the user introduce the multi-dimensional index. E.g. given a (10 x 10 x 10) array, array[11] is equivalent to array[{1,1,0}]

indexesVector with the desired memory location.
A editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
const T& op::Array< T >::operator[] ( const std::vector< int > &  indexes) const

[] operator Same functionality as operator[](const std::vector<int>& indexes), but it forbids modifying the value. Otherwise, const functions would not be able to call the [] operator.

indexesVector with the desired memory location.
A non-editable reference to the data on the desired index location.
template<typename T>
std::string op::Array< T >::printSize ( ) const

Return a string with the size of each dimension allocated.

A std::stringwith the size of each dimension. If no memory has been allocated, it will return an empty string.
template<typename T>
void op::Array< T >::reset ( const int  size)

Data allocation function. It allocates the required space for the memory (it does not initialize that memory).

sizeInteger with the number of T element to be allocated. E.g. size = 5 is internally similar to new T[5].
template<typename T>
void op::Array< T >::reset ( const std::vector< int > &  sizes = {})

Data allocation function. Similar to reset(const int size), but it allocates a multi-dimensional array of dimensions each of the values of the argument.

sizesVector with the size of each dimension. E.g. size = {3, 5, 2} is internally similar to new T[3*5*2].
template<typename T>
void op::Array< T >::reset ( const int  size,
const T  value 

Data allocation function. Similar to reset(const int size), but initializing the data to the value specified by the second argument.

sizeInteger with the number of T element to be allocated. E.g. size = 5 is internally similar to new T[5].
valueInitial value for each component of the Array.
template<typename T>
void op::Array< T >::reset ( const std::vector< int > &  sizes,
const T  value 

Data allocation function. Similar to reset(const std::vector<int>& size), but initializing the data to the value specified by the second argument.

sizesVector with the size of each dimension. E.g. size = {3, 5, 2} is internally similar to new T[3*5*2].
valueInitial value for each component of the Array.
template<typename T>
void op::Array< T >::setFrom ( const cv::Mat &  cvMat)

Data allocation function. It internally allocates memory and copies the data of the argument to the Array allocated memory.

cvMatcv::Mat to be copied.
template<typename T>
void op::Array< T >::setTo ( const T  value)

Data allocation function. It internally assigns all the allocated memory to the value indicated by the argument.

valueValue for each component of the Array.
template<typename T>
const std::string op::Array< T >::toString ( ) const

It returns a string with the whole array data. Useful for debugging. The format is: values separated by a space, and a enter for each dimension. E.g.: For the Array{2, 2, 3}, it will print: Array<T>::toString(): x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6

x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12

A string with the array values in the above format.

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