提交 fcf9ab8e 编写于 作者: G Gines Hidalgo

Improved 3d triangulation

上级 a9ede03f
......@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ if (WIN32)
download_zip("caffe_cpu_2018_05_27.zip" ${OP_WIN_URL} ${FIND_LIB_PREFIX} 87E8401B6DFBAC5B8E909DD20E3B3390)
# download_zip("caffe_2019_03_12.zip" ${OP_WIN_URL} ${FIND_LIB_PREFIX} 859a592310f0928fd4f40da1456a217f)
download_zip("caffe_15_2019_05_16.zip" ${OP_WIN_URL} ${FIND_LIB_PREFIX} f2d8beee9e4959fa419dcb54d507107c)
download_zip("caffe_15_2019_05_16.zip" ${OP_WIN_URL} ${FIND_LIB_PREFIX} 12F7A675A3276CD33C76B37D21C2F421)
download_zip("freeglut_2018_01_14.zip" ${OP_WIN_URL} ${FIND_LIB_PREFIX} BB182187285E06880F0EDE3A39530091)
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Each flag is divided into flag name, default value, and description.
8. OpenPose 3-D Reconstruction
- DEFINE_bool(3d, false, "Running OpenPose 3-D reconstruction demo: 1) Reading from a stereo camera system. 2) Performing 3-D reconstruction from the multiple views. 3) Displaying 3-D reconstruction results. Note that it will only display 1 person. If multiple people is present, it will fail.");
- DEFINE_int32(3d_min_views, -1, "Minimum number of views required to reconstruct each keypoint. By default (-1), it will require all the cameras to see the keypoint in order to reconstruct it.");
- DEFINE_int32(3d_min_views, -1, "Minimum number of views required to reconstruct each keypoint. By default (-1), it will require max(2, min(4, #cameras-1)) cameras to see the keypoint in order to reconstruct it.");
- DEFINE_int32(3d_views, -1, "Complementary option for `--image_dir` or `--video`. OpenPose will read as many images per iteration, allowing tasks such as stereo camera processing (`--3d`). Note that `--camera_parameter_path` must be set. OpenPose must find as many `xml` files in the parameter folder as this number indicates.");
9. Extra algorithms
......@@ -165,11 +165,13 @@ build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --fa
./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --image_dir output_folder_path/ --3d_views 3 --3d --number_people_max 1 --output_resolution {desired_output_resolution}
5. Reconstruction when at least n visible views
5. Reconstruction when the keypoint is visible in at least `x` camera views out of the total `n` cameras
# Ubuntu and Mac (same flags for Windows version)
# Assuming >=2 cameras and reconstruction when at least 2 visible views
# Reconstruction when a keypoint is visible in at least 2 camera views (assuming `n` >= 2)
./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --3d_min_views 2 --output_resolution {desired_output_resolution}
# Reconstruction when a keypoint is visible in at least max(2, min(4, n-1)) camera views
./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --output_resolution {desired_output_resolution}
......@@ -367,8 +367,12 @@ OpenPose Library - Release Notes
## Current version - future OpenPose 1.5.1
1. Main improvements:
1. Highly improved 3D triangulation for >3 cameras by fixing some small bugs.
2. Functions or parameters renamed:
1. `--3d_min_views` default value (-1) no longer means that all camera views are required. Instead, it will be equal to max(2, min(4, #cameras-1)). This should provide a good trade-off between recall and precission.
3. Main bugs fixed:
1. Windows: Added back support for OpenGL and Spinnaker, as well as DLLs for debug compilation.
4. Changes/additions that affect the compatibility with the OpenPose Unity Plugin:
......@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ namespace op
void initializationOnThread();
Array<float> reconstructArray(const std::vector<Array<float>>& keypointsVector,
const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices,
const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes) const;
Array<float> reconstructArray(
const std::vector<Array<float>>& keypointsVector, const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices,
const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes) const;
std::vector<Array<float>> reconstructArray(const std::vector<std::vector<Array<float>>>& keypointsVector,
const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices,
const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes) const;
std::vector<Array<float>> reconstructArray(
const std::vector<std::vector<Array<float>>>& keypointsVector, const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices,
const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes) const;
const int mMinViews3d;
......@@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ DEFINE_bool(3d, false, "Running OpenPose 3-D re
" results. Note that it will only display 1 person. If multiple people is present, it will"
" fail.");
DEFINE_int32(3d_min_views, -1, "Minimum number of views required to reconstruct each keypoint. By default (-1), it will"
" require all the cameras to see the keypoint in order to reconstruct it.");
" require max(2, min(4, #cameras-1)) cameras to see the keypoint in order to reconstruct"
" it.");
DEFINE_int32(3d_views, -1, "Complementary option for `--image_dir` or `--video`. OpenPose will read as many images per"
" iteration, allowing tasks such as stereo camera processing (`--3d`). Note that"
" `--camera_parameter_path` must be set. OpenPose must find as many `xml` files in the"
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace op
* Minimum number of views required to reconstruct each keypoint.
* By default (-1), it will require all the cameras to see the keypoint in order to reconstruct it.
* By default (-1), it will require max(2, min(4, #cameras-1)) cameras to see the keypoint in order to
* reconstruct it.
int minViews3d;
......@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ namespace op
const DataFormat writeKeypointFormat = DataFormat::Xml, const std::string& writeJson = "",
const std::string& writeCocoJson = "", const int writeCocoJsonVariants = 1,
const int writeCocoJsonVariant = 1, const std::string& writeImages = "",
const std::string& writeImagesFormat = "", const std::string& writeVideo = "",
const std::string& writeImagesFormat = "png", const std::string& writeVideo = "",
const double writeVideoFps = -1., const bool writeVideoWithAudio = false,
const std::string& writeHeatMaps = "", const std::string& writeHeatMapsFormat = "",
const std::string& writeHeatMaps = "", const std::string& writeHeatMapsFormat = "png",
const std::string& writeVideo3D = "", const std::string& writeVideoAdam = "",
const std::string& writeBvh = "", const std::string& udpHost = "",
const std::string& udpPort = "");
const std::string& udpPort = "8051");
......@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@ namespace op
* Since all the elements of the struct are public, they can also be manually filled.
const PoseMode poseMode = PoseMode::Enabled, const Point<int>& netInputSize = Point<int>{656, 368},
const PoseMode poseMode = PoseMode::Enabled, const Point<int>& netInputSize = Point<int>{-1, 368},
const Point<int>& outputSize = Point<int>{-1, -1},
const ScaleMode keypointScaleMode = ScaleMode::InputResolution, const int gpuNumber = -1,
const int gpuNumberStart = 0, const int scalesNumber = 1, const float scaleGap = 0.15f,
const int gpuNumberStart = 0, const int scalesNumber = 1, const float scaleGap = 0.25f,
const RenderMode renderMode = RenderMode::Auto, const PoseModel poseModel = PoseModel::BODY_25,
const bool blendOriginalFrame = true, const float alphaKeypoint = POSE_DEFAULT_ALPHA_KEYPOINT,
const float alphaHeatMap = POSE_DEFAULT_ALPHA_HEAT_MAP, const int defaultPartToRender = 0,
const std::string& modelFolder = "models/", const std::vector<HeatMapType>& heatMapTypes = {},
const ScaleMode heatMapScaleMode = ScaleMode::ZeroToOne, const bool addPartCandidates = false,
const ScaleMode heatMapScaleMode = ScaleMode::UnsignedChar, const bool addPartCandidates = false,
const float renderThreshold = 0.05f, const int numberPeopleMax = -1, const bool maximizePositives = false,
const double fpsMax = -1., const std::string& protoTxtPath = "", const std::string& caffeModelPath = "",
const float upsamplingRatio = 0.f, const bool enableGoogleLogging = true);
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <ceres/rotation.h>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <openpose/utilities/fastMath.hpp>
#include <openpose/3d/poseTriangulation.hpp>
namespace op
......@@ -159,6 +160,16 @@ namespace op
// Warning
if (cameraMatrices.size() >= 8)
error("We did not have that many camera views to test the 3D triangulation code, so it might not"
" give the desired results here. But we would love to help! Please, share your video/images"
" so we can test our code with them and guarantee the desired results even for >= 8"
" cameras! Feel free to email them to gines@alumni.cmu.edu.",
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// Information for 3 cameras:
// - Speed: triangulate ~0.01 ms vs. optimization ~0.2 ms
// - Accuracy: initial reprojection error ~14-21, reduced ~5% with non-linear optimization
......@@ -178,8 +189,10 @@ namespace op
&& projectionError > 0.5 * reprojectionMaxAcceptable
/*&& projectionError < 1.5 * reprojectionMaxAcceptable*/)
// Find best projection
auto bestReprojection = projectionError;
auto bestReprojectionIndex = -1; // -1 means with all camera views
cv::Mat bestReconstructedPoint;
for (auto i = 0u; i < cameraMatrices.size(); ++i)
// Set initial values
......@@ -188,31 +201,29 @@ namespace op
// Remove camera i
cameraMatricesSubset.erase(cameraMatricesSubset.begin() + i);
pointsOnEachCameraSubset.erase(pointsOnEachCameraSubset.begin() + i);
// Remove camera i
// Get new triangulation results
cv::Mat reconstructedPointSubset;
const auto projectionErrorSubset = triangulate(
reconstructedPoint, cameraMatricesSubset, pointsOnEachCameraSubset);
// If projection doesn't change much, it usually means all points are bad.
if (projectionErrorSubset > 0.9 * projectionError
&& projectionErrorSubset < 1.1 * projectionError)
bestReprojectionIndex = -1;
// Save maximum
if (bestReprojection > projectionErrorSubset)
reconstructedPointSubset, cameraMatricesSubset, pointsOnEachCameraSubset);
// If projection doesn't change much, this point is inlier (or all points are bad)
// Thus, save new best results only if considerably better
if (bestReprojection > projectionErrorSubset && projectionErrorSubset < 0.9*projectionError)
bestReprojection = projectionErrorSubset;
bestReprojectionIndex = i;
bestReconstructedPoint = reconstructedPointSubset;
if (bestReprojectionIndex != -1 && bestReprojection < 0.5 * reprojectionMaxAcceptable)
// Remove noisy camera
if (bestReprojectionIndex != -1) // && bestReprojection < 0.5 * reprojectionMaxAcceptable)
// Remove camera i
cameraMatricesFinal.erase(cameraMatricesFinal.begin() + bestReprojectionIndex);
pointsOnEachCameraFinal.erase(pointsOnEachCameraFinal.begin() + bestReprojectionIndex);
// Update reconstructedPoint & projectionError
reconstructedPoint = bestReconstructedPoint;
projectionError = bestReprojection;
projectionError = bestReprojection; // updates the projection error with the best found after camera removal
#ifdef USE_CERES
......@@ -324,11 +335,9 @@ namespace op
void reconstructArrayThread(Array<float>* keypoints3DPtr,
const std::vector<Array<float>>& keypointsVector,
const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices,
const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes,
const int minViews3d)
bool reconstructArrayThread(
Array<float>* keypoints3DPtr, const std::vector<Array<float>>& keypointsVector,
const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices, const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes, const int minViews3d)
......@@ -339,21 +348,26 @@ namespace op
error("Only 1 camera detected. The 3-D reconstruction module can only be used with > 1 cameras"
" simultaneously. E.g., using FLIR stereo cameras (`--flir_camera`).",
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// Get number body parts
auto detectionMissed = false;
for (auto& keypoints : keypointsVector)
// Get number body parts and whether at least 2 cameras have keypoints
auto detectionMissed = 0;
auto numberBodyParts = 0;
auto channel0Length = 0;
for (const auto& keypoints : keypointsVector)
if (keypoints.empty())
if (!keypoints.empty())
detectionMissed = true;
if (detectionMissed > 1)
numberBodyParts = keypoints.getSize(1);
channel0Length = keypoints.getSize(2);
// If at least one keypoints element not empty
if (!detectionMissed)
// If at least 2 set of keypoints not empty
if (numberBodyParts > 0)
const auto numberBodyParts = keypointsVector.at(0).getSize(1);
const auto channel0Length = keypointsVector.at(0).getSize(2);
// Create x-y vector from high score results
std::vector<int> indexesUsed;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d>> xyPoints;
......@@ -371,15 +385,19 @@ namespace op
const auto& keypoints = keypointsVector[i];
if (isValidKeypoint(&keypoints[baseIndex], imageSizes[i]))
cv::Point2d{keypoints[baseIndex], keypoints[baseIndex+1]});
// If visible from all views (minViews3d < 0)
// or if visible for at least minViews3d views
if ((minViews3d < 0 && cameraMatricesElement.size() == cameraMatrices.size())
|| (minViews3d > 1 && minViews3d <= (int)xyPointsElement.size()))
const auto minViews3dValue = (minViews3d > 0 ? minViews3d
: fastMax(2u, fastMin(4u, (unsigned int)cameraMatrices.size()-1u)));
// If visible for at least minViews3dValue views
if (minViews3dValue <= xyPointsElement.size())
// Old code
// // If visible from all views (minViews3d < 0) or if visible for at least minViews3d views
// if ((minViews3d < 0 && cameraMatricesElement.size() == cameraMatrices.size())
// || (minViews3d > 1 && minViews3d <= (int)xyPointsElement.size()))
......@@ -432,7 +450,8 @@ namespace op
atLeastOnePointProjected = true;
if (!atLeastOnePointProjected || reprojectionErrorTotal > 60)
// Warning
if (reprojectionErrorTotal > 60)
log("Unusual high re-projection error (averaged over #keypoints) of value "
+ std::to_string(reprojectionErrorTotal) + " pixels, while the average for a good OpenPose"
" detection from 4 cameras is about 2-3 pixels. It might be simply a wrong OpenPose"
......@@ -441,12 +460,18 @@ namespace op
" upper triangular matrix (as specified in the OpenPose doc/modules/calibration_module.md"
" and 3d_reconstruction_module.md)?", Priority::High);
// log("Reprojection error: " + std::to_string(reprojectionErrorTotal)); // To debug reprojection error
return atLeastOnePointProjected;
return false;
// Keypoints in < 2 images
return true; // True because it is not a 3D problem but rather it is e.g., a scene without people on it
catch (const std::exception& e)
error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
return false;
......@@ -474,9 +499,9 @@ namespace op
Array<float> PoseTriangulation::reconstructArray(const std::vector<Array<float>>& keypointsVector,
const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices,
const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes) const
Array<float> PoseTriangulation::reconstructArray(
const std::vector<Array<float>>& keypointsVector, const std::vector<cv::Mat>& cameraMatrices,
const std::vector<Point<int>>& imageSizes) const
......@@ -497,6 +522,7 @@ namespace op
bool keypointsReconstructed = false;
std::vector<Array<float>> keypoints3Ds(keypointsVectors.size());
// std::vector<std::thread> threads(keypointsVectors.size()-1);
for (auto i = 0u; i < keypointsVectors.size()-1; i++)
......@@ -507,15 +533,22 @@ namespace op
// &keypoints3Ds[i], keypointsVectors[i], cameraMatrices,
// imageSizes, mMinViews3d};
// Single-thread option
reconstructArrayThread(&keypoints3Ds[i], keypointsVectors[i], cameraMatrices,
imageSizes, mMinViews3d);
keypointsReconstructed |= reconstructArrayThread(
&keypoints3Ds[i], keypointsVectors[i], cameraMatrices, imageSizes, mMinViews3d);
reconstructArrayThread(&keypoints3Ds.back(), keypointsVectors.back(), cameraMatrices,
imageSizes, mMinViews3d);
keypointsReconstructed |= reconstructArrayThread(
&keypoints3Ds.back(), keypointsVectors.back(), cameraMatrices, imageSizes, mMinViews3d);
// // Close threads
// for (auto& thread : threads)
// if (thread.joinable())
// thread.join();
// Warning
if (!keypointsReconstructed)
log("No keypoints were reconstructed on this frame. It might be simply a challenging frame."
" However, if this message appears frequently, OpenPose is facing some unknown issue,"
" mabe the calibration parameters are not accurate. Feel free to open a GitHub issue"
" (remember to fill all the required information detailed in the GitHub issue template"
" when it is created).", Priority::High);
// Return results
return keypoints3Ds;
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