未验证 提交 b98211a3 编写于 作者: D dinatih 提交者: GitHub

Add quotes to pathname arguments for `ffmpeg` and `mv` command in videoSaver.cpp (#1450)

上级 28d14069
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace op
if (upImpl->mUseFfmpeg)
error("MP4 recording requires an Ubuntu or Mac machine.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
if (upImpl->mUseFfmpeg && system("ffmpeg --help") != 0)
if (upImpl->mUseFfmpeg && system("ffmpeg -version") != 0)
error("In order to save the video in MP4 format, FFmpeg must be installed on your system."
" Please, use an `avi` output format (e.g., `--write_video output.avi`) or install FFmpeg"
" by running `sudo apt-get install ffmpeg` (Ubuntu) or an analogous command.",
......@@ -116,16 +116,16 @@ namespace op
// Very important: Either FPS flag must go before `-i`!!! Otherwise, it would either not work (`-r`)
// or do a weird resample (`-framerate`)
const std::string imageToVideoCommand = "ffmpeg -y -framerate " + std::to_string(upImpl->mFps)
+ " -i " + upImpl->mTempImageFolder + "/%12d_rendered.jpg"
+ " -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p "
+ upImpl->mVideoSaverPath;
+ " -i '" + upImpl->mTempImageFolder + "/%12d_rendered.jpg'"
+ " -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p '"
+ upImpl->mVideoSaverPath + "'";
opLog("Creating MP4 video out of JPG images by running:\n" + imageToVideoCommand + "\n",
auto codeAnswerVideo = system(imageToVideoCommand.c_str());
// Remove temporary images
if (codeAnswerVideo == 0)
codeAnswerVideo = system(("rm -rf " + upImpl->mTempImageFolder).c_str());
codeAnswerVideo = system(("rm -rf '" + upImpl->mTempImageFolder + "'").c_str());
opLog("Video saved and temporary image folder removed.", op::Priority::High);
// Sanity check
......@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ namespace op
if (!upImpl->mAddAudioFromThisVideo.empty())
const auto tempOutput = upImpl->mVideoSaverPath + RANDOM_TEXT + ".mp4";
const auto audioCommand = "ffmpeg -y -i " + upImpl->mVideoSaverPath
+ " -i " + upImpl->mAddAudioFromThisVideo + " -codec copy -shortest " + tempOutput;
const auto audioCommand = "ffmpeg -y -i '" + upImpl->mVideoSaverPath
+ "' -i '" + upImpl->mAddAudioFromThisVideo + "' -codec copy -shortest '" + tempOutput + "'";
opLog("Adding audio to video by running:\n" + audioCommand, op::Priority::High);
auto codeAnswerAudio = system(audioCommand.c_str());
// Move temp output to real output
if (codeAnswerAudio == 0)
codeAnswerAudio = system(("mv " + tempOutput + " " + upImpl->mVideoSaverPath).c_str());
codeAnswerAudio = system(("mv '" + tempOutput + "' '" + upImpl->mVideoSaverPath + "'").c_str());
// Sanity check
if (codeAnswerAudio != 0)
opLog("\nVideo " + upImpl->mVideoSaverPath + " could not be saved with audio (exit code: "
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