提交 685b795e 编写于 作者: G gyc990326 提交者: Gines

Debug version support (#70)

* Create openCv.cpp

* Create fileSystem.cpp
上级 3b15986a
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace op
if (!directoryPath.empty())
std::replace(directoryPath.begin(), directoryPath.end(), '\\', '/'); // replace all '\\' to '/';
if (*directoryPath.cend() != '/')
if (*(directoryPath.cend() - 1) != '/')
directoryPath = directoryPath + "/";
return directoryPath;
......@@ -39,12 +39,11 @@ namespace op
const auto offsetChannelC = c*offsetBetweenChannels;
for (auto y = 0; y < resolutionSize.y; y++)
const auto cvMatOffsetY = y*resolutionSize.x;
const auto floatImageOffsetY = offsetChannelC + y*resolutionSize.x;
for (auto x = 0; x < resolutionSize.x; x++)
const auto value = uchar( fastTruncate(intRound(floatImage[floatImageOffsetY + x]), 0, 255) );
cvMat.at<uchar>(resolutionChannels*(cvMatOffsetY + x) + c) = value;
*(cvMat.ptr<uchar>(y) + x*resolutionChannels + c) = value;
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