07_hand_from_image.py 3.5 KB
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# From Python
# It requires OpenCV installed for Python
import sys
import cv2
import os
from sys import platform
import argparse
import time

# Import Openpose (Windows/Ubuntu/OSX)
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    # Windows Import
    if platform == "win32":
        # Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
        sys.path.append(dir_path + '/../../python/openpose/Release');
        os.environ['PATH']  = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + dir_path + '/../../x64/Release;' +  dir_path + '/../../bin;'
        import pyopenpose as op
        # Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
        # If you run `make install` (default path is `/usr/local/python` for Ubuntu), you can also access the OpenPose/python module from there. This will install OpenPose and the python library at your desired installation path. Ensure that this is in your python path in order to use it.
        # sys.path.append('/usr/local/python')
        from openpose import pyopenpose as op
except ImportError as e:
    print('Error: OpenPose library could not be found. Did you enable `BUILD_PYTHON` in CMake and have this Python script in the right folder?')
    raise e

# Flags
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--image_path", default="../../../examples/media/COCO_val2014_000000000241.jpg", help="Process an image. Read all standard formats (jpg, png, bmp, etc.).")
args = parser.parse_known_args()

# Custom Params (refer to include/openpose/flags.hpp for more parameters)
params = dict()
params["model_folder"] = "../../../models/"
params["hand"] = True
params["hand_detector"] = 2
params["body"] = 0
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# Add others in path?
for i in range(0, len(args[1])):
    curr_item = args[1][i]
    if i != len(args[1])-1: next_item = args[1][i+1]
    else: next_item = "1"
    if "--" in curr_item and "--" in next_item:
        key = curr_item.replace('-','')
        if key not in params:  params[key] = "1"
    elif "--" in curr_item and "--" not in next_item:
        key = curr_item.replace('-','')
        if key not in params: params[key] = next_item

# Construct it from system arguments
# op.init_argv(args[1])
# oppython = op.OpenposePython()

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    # Starting OpenPose
    opWrapper = op.WrapperPython()
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    # Read image and face rectangle locations
    imageToProcess = cv2.imread(args[0].image_path)
    handRectangles = [
        # Left/Right hands person 0
        op.Rectangle(320.035889, 377.675049, 69.300949, 69.300949),
        op.Rectangle(0., 0., 0., 0.),
        # Left/Right hands person 1
        op.Rectangle(80.155792, 407.673492, 80.812706, 80.812706),
        op.Rectangle(46.449715, 404.559753, 98.898178, 98.898178),
        # Left/Right hands person 2
        op.Rectangle(185.692673, 303.112244, 157.587555, 157.587555),
        op.Rectangle(88.984360, 268.866547, 117.818230, 117.818230),
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81 82

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    # Create new datum
    datum = op.Datum()
    datum.cvInputData = imageToProcess
    datum.handRectangles = handRectangles
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    # Process and display image
    print("Left hand keypoints: \n" + str(datum.handKeypoints[0]))
    print("Right hand keypoints: \n" + str(datum.handKeypoints[1]))
    cv2.imshow("OpenPose 1.4.0 - Tutorial Python API", datum.cvOutputData)
except Exception as e:
    # print(e)