提交 b3a876d3 编写于 作者: L lijiarui 提交者: Huan (李卓桓)

Add JsDoc for Class Contact (#321)

* testDoc

* test contact

* text contact

* add test

* add contact docs

* revise Gender type

* modify Gender

* done as requested

* modify contactAll description

* delete @memberOf

* add all method example

* rm docs

* recover docs

* done as requested
上级 823301de
......@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ export type ContactRawObj = {
stranger: string, // assign by injectio.js
* Enum for Gender values.
* @enum {number}
export enum Gender {
Unknown = 0,
Male = 1,
......@@ -55,9 +59,8 @@ export type ContactQueryFilter = {
* Class Contact
* blabla...
* `Contact` is `Sayable`
export class Contact implements Sayable {
private static pool = new Map<string, Contact>()
......@@ -107,20 +110,109 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
public weixin() { return this.obj && this.obj.weixin || '' }
* Get the weixin number from a contact
* Sometimes cannot get weixin number due to weixin security mechanism, not recommend.
* @returns {string | null}
* @example
* ```ts
* const weixin = contact.weixin()
* ```
public weixin() { return this.obj && this.obj.weixin || null }
* Get the name from a contact
* @returns {string}
* @example
* ```ts
* const name = contact.name()
* ```
public name() { return UtilLib.plainText(this.obj && this.obj.name || '') }
public stranger() { return this.obj && this.obj.stranger }
public star() { return this.obj && this.obj.star }
* Check if contact is stranger
* @returns {boolean | null} True for not friend of the bot, False for friend of the bot, null for cannot get the info.
* @example
* ```ts
* const isStranger = contact.stranger()
* ```
public stranger(): boolean|null {
if (!this.obj) return null
return this.obj.stranger
* Check if the contact is star contact.
* @returns {boolean} True for star friend, False for no star friend, null for cannot get the info.
* @example
* ```ts
* const isStar = contact.star()
* ```
public star(): boolean|null {
if (!this.obj) return null
return this.obj.star
* Contact gender
* @returns Gender.Male(2) | Gender.Female(1) | Gender.Unknown(0)
* @example
* ```ts
* const gender = contact.gender()
* ```
public gender(): Gender { return this.obj ? this.obj.sex : Gender.Unknown }
* Get the region 'province' from a contact
* @returns {string | undefined}
* @example
* ```ts
* const province = contact.province()
* ```
public gender() { return this.obj ? this.obj.sex : Gender.Unknown }
public province() { return this.obj && this.obj.province }
* Get the region 'city' from a contact
* @returns {string | undefined}
* @example
* ```ts
* const city = contact.city()
* ```
public city() { return this.obj && this.obj.city }
* Get avatar picture file stream
* @returns {Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>}
* @example
* ```ts
* const avatarFileName = contact.name() + `.jpg`
* const avatarReadStream = await contact.avatar()
* const avatarWriteStream = createWriteStream(avatarFileName)
* avatarReadStream.pipe(avatarWriteStream)
* log.info('Bot', 'Contact: %s: %s with avatar file: %s', contact.weixin(), contact.name(), avatarFileName)
* ```
public async avatar(): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream> {
log.verbose('Contact', 'avatar()')
......@@ -153,6 +245,16 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
// return this.reload()
// }
* Force reload data for Contact
* @returns {Promise<this>}
* @example
* ```ts
* await contact.refresh()
* ```
public async refresh(): Promise<this> {
if (this.isReady()) {
this.dirtyObj = this.obj
......@@ -203,11 +305,22 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
console.error('======= dump raw contact =======')
Object.keys(this.rawObj).forEach(k => console.error(`${k}: ${this.rawObj[k]}`))
public dump() {
console.error('======= dump contact =======')
Object.keys(this.obj).forEach(k => console.error(`${k}: ${this.obj && this.obj[k]}`))
* Check if contact is self
* @returns {boolean} True for contact is self, False for contact is others
* @example
* ```ts
* const isSelf = contact.self()
* ```
public self(): boolean {
const userId = Config.puppetInstance()
......@@ -223,6 +336,26 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
* find contact by `name` or `alias`
* If use Contact.findAll() get the contact list of the bot.
* #### definition
* - `name` the name-string set by user-self, should be called name
* - `alias` the name-string set by bot for others, should be called alias
* @static
* @param {ContactQueryFilter} [queryArg]
* @returns {Promise<Contact[]>}
* @example
* ```ts
* // get the contact list of the bot
* const contactList = await Contact.findAll()
* // find allof the contacts whose name is 'ruirui'
* const contactList = await Contact.findAll({name: 'ruirui'})
* // find allof the contacts whose alias is 'lijiarui'
* const contactList = await Contact.findAll({alias: 'lijiarui'})
* ```
public static async findAll(queryArg?: ContactQueryFilter): Promise<Contact[]> {
let query: ContactQueryFilter
......@@ -292,16 +425,52 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
* get the alias for contact
* Get the alias for contact
* @returns {(string | null)}
* @example
* ```ts
* const alias = contact.alias()
* ```
public alias(): string | null
* set the alias for contact
* @return {Promise<boolean>} A promise to the result. true for success, false for failure
* tests show it will failed if set alias too frequently(60 times in one minute).
* @param {string} newAlias
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A promise to the result. true for success, false for failure
* @example
* ```ts
* const ret = await contact.remark('lijiarui')
* if (ret) {
* console.log(`change ${contact.name()}'s alias successfully!`)
* } else {
* console.error('failed to change ${contact.name()}'s alias!')
* }
* ```
public alias(newAlias: string): Promise<boolean>
* delete the alias for a contact
* Delete the alias for a contact
* @param {null} empty
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
* @example
* ```ts
* const ret = await contact.remark(null)
* if (ret) {
* console.log('ok!')
* } else {
* console.error('fail!')
* }
* ```
public alias(empty: null): Promise<boolean>
......@@ -349,8 +518,16 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
* try to find a contact by filter: {name: string | RegExp} / {alias: string | RegExp}
* @description Find contact by name or alias, if the result more than one, return the first one.
* @static
* @param {ContactQueryFilter} query
* @returns {Promise<Contact | null>} If can find the contact, return Contact, or return null
* @returns {(Promise<Contact | null>)} If can find the contact, return Contact, or return null
* @example
* ``` ts
* const contactFindByName = await Contact.find({ name:"ruirui"} )
* const contactFindByAlias = await Contact.find({ alias:"lijiarui"} )
* ```
public static async find(query: ContactQueryFilter): Promise<Contact | null> {
log.verbose('Contact', 'find(%s)', JSON.stringify(query))
......@@ -366,6 +543,19 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
return contactList[0]
* Load data for Contact by id
* @static
* @param {string} id
* @returns {Contact}
* @example
* ``` ts
* // fake: contactId = @0bb3e4dd746fdbd4a80546aef66f4085
* const contact = Contact.load('@0bb3e4dd746fdbd4a80546aef66f4085')
* ```
public static load(id: string): Contact {
if (!id || typeof id !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Contact.load(): id not found')
......@@ -377,6 +567,17 @@ export class Contact implements Sayable {
return Contact.pool[id]
* Say `content` to Contact
* @param {string} content
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* ``` ts
* await contact.say('welcome to wechaty!')
* ```
public async say(content: string): Promise<void> {
log.verbose('Contact', 'say(%s)', content)
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