提交 762f5900 编写于 作者: J Jake Wharton

Add releasing steps

上级 87966950
1. Change the version in `gradle.properties` to a non-SNAPSHOT verson.
2. Update the `CHANGELOG.md` for the impending release.
3. Update the `README.md` with the new version.
4. `git commit -am "Prepare for release X.Y.Z."` (where X.Y.Z is the new version)
5. `./gradlew clean uploadArchives`.
6. Visit [Sonatype Nexus](https://oss.sonatype.org/) and promote the artifact.
7. `git tag -a X.Y.X -m "Version X.Y.Z"` (where X.Y.Z is the new version)
8. Update the `gradle.properties` to the next SNAPSHOT version.
9. `git commit -am "Prepare next development version."`
10. `git push && git push --tags`
If step 5 or 6 fails, drop the Sonatype repo, fix the problem, commit, and start again at step 5.
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