提交 2bdf6e9f 编写于 作者: J Jake Wharton

Prepare version 2.0.0.

上级 83567819
Change Log
Version 2.0.0 *(2016-03-11)*
Retrofit 2 is a major release focused on extensibility. The API changes are numerous but solve
shortcomings of the previous version and provide a path for future enhancement.
Because the release includes breaking API changes, we're changing the project's package name from
`retrofit` to `retrofit2`. This should make it possible for large applications and libraries to
migrate incrementally. The Maven group ID is now `com.squareup.retrofit2`. For an explanation of
this strategy, see Jake Wharton's post, [Java Interoperability Policy for Major Version
* **Service methods return `Call<T>`.** This allows them to be executed synchronously or
asynchronously using the same method definition. A `Call` instance represents a single
request/response pair so it can only be used once, but you can `clone()` it for re-use.
Invoking `cancel()` will cancel in-flight requests or prevent the request from even being
performed if it has not already.
* **Multiple converters for multiple serialization formats.** API calls returning different
formats (like JSON, protocol buffers, and plain text) no longer need to be separated into
separate service interfaces. Combine them together and add multiple converters. Converters are
chosen based on the response type you declare. Gson is no longer included by default, so you will
always need to add a converter for any serialization support. OkHttp's `RequestBody` and
`ResponseBody` types can always be used without adding one, however.
* **Call adapters allow different execution mechanisms.** While `Call` is the built-in mechanism,
support for additional ones can be added similar to how different converters can be added.
RxJava's `Observable` support has moved into a separate artifact as a result, and support for
Java 8's `CompletableFuture` and Guava's `ListenableFuture` are also provided as additional
* **Generic response type includes HTTP information and deserialized body.** You no longer have to
choose between the deserialized body and reading HTTP information. Every `Call` automatically
receives both via the `Response<T>` type and the RxJava, Guava, and Java 8 call adapters also
support it.
* **@Url for hypermedia-like APIs.** When your API returns links for pagination, additional
resources, or updated content they can now be used with a service method whose first parameter
is annotated with `@Url`.
Changes from beta 4:
* New: `RxJavaCallAdapterFactory` now supports service methods which return `Completable` which
ignores and discards response bodies, if any.
* New: `RxJavaCallAdapterFactory` supports supplying a default `Scheduler` which will be used
for `subscribeOn` on returned `Observable`, `Single`, and `Completable` instances.
* New: `MoshiConverterFactory` supports creating an instance which uses lenient parsing.
* New: `@Part` can omit the part name and use OkHttp's `MultipartBody.Part` type for supplying
parts. This lets you customize the headers, name, and filename and provide the part body in a
single argument.
* The `BaseUrl` interface and support for changeable base URLs was removed. This functionality
can be done using an OkHttp interceptor and a sample showcasing it was added.
* Fix: Throw a more appropriate exception with a message when a resolved url (base URL + relative
URL) is malformed.
* Fix: `GsonConverterFactory` now honors settings on the `Gson` instance (like leniency).
* Fix: `ScalarsConverterFactory` now supports primitive scalar types in addition to boxed for
response body parsing.
* Fix: `Retrofit.callbackExecutor()` may now return an executor even when one was not explicitly
provided. This allows custom `CallAdapter.Factory` implementations to use it when triggering
callbacks to ensure they happen on the appropriate thread for the platform (e.g., Android).
Version 2.0.0-beta4 *(2016-02-04)*
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ Download [the latest JAR][2] or grab via Maven:
or Gradle:
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.0.0-beta4'
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.0.0'
Snapshots of the development version are available in [Sonatype's `snapshots` repository][snap].
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