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afc163 已提交
order: 6
3 4 5 6 7
title: Change Log
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afc163 已提交
8 9
`antd` strictly follows [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](

10 11 12 13
#### Release Schedule

* Weekly release: patch version at the end of every week for routine bugfix (anytime for urgent bugfix).
* Monthly release: minor version at the end of every month for new features.
Dane David 已提交
* Major version release is not included in this schedule for breaking change and new features.

afc163 已提交

愚指导 已提交
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
## 3.8.1


- 🐞 Fixed TimePicker unexpected long width. [80f8267](
- 🐞 Fixed Tabs that focusable element in inactive panel cause tabs disappear. [#11261](
- 🐞 Fixed Badge `offset` x y axis order error. [#11648]( [@tangjinzhou](
- Upload
  - 🐞 Fixed detete button missing in Upload. [#10454](
  - 🐞 Fixed Upload thumbnail which url has no extension. [#11684]( [@elantion](
- 🐞 Fixed Anchor with `affix=true` doesn't work inside inner scrollable. [#11688]( [@vitaliymaz](
- 🐞 Fixed card width in List.Grid. [!11712](
- 🐞 Fixed Radio align problem in safari. [754a22c](
- 💄 Apply wave click animation to components Switch, Radio.Button and Tag. [9cf6ae6](
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fixed missing prop signature `destroyInactivePanel` of Collapse. [#11646]( [@zheeeng](
  - 🐞 Fixed missing prop `getPopupContainer` signature of AutoComplete. [#11690]( [@Huanghuiying0624](
  - 🐞 Fixed Upload `lastModifiedDate` signature. [#11709]( [@andycall](
- 💄 Migrate to new lifecycle methods, include components TimePicker, Upload, CheckboxGroup, Layout.Sider, Tooltip, Popconfirm. [#11666]( [@dancerphil]( [#11682]( [@dancerphil](

afc163 已提交
38 39 40 41 42 43
## 3.8.0


Thanks to 24 contributors who send pull request to 3.8.0!

afc163 已提交
44 45 46 47
- 💄 Support TypeScript 3 and improve lots of definitions.
- 💄 Use [tabular-nums font variant]( instead of monospaced numberic font family Tahoma. [#11567]( [@tibdex](
- 🌟 Timeline support `mode="left|right|alternate"` now. [#11490]( [@jrvboesch](
- 🌟 Button added `block` prop which allow to fit parent container. [#11500]( [@ilanus](
afc163 已提交
- Tree
afc163 已提交
49 50 51
  - 💄 Better accessibility support.
  - 🐞 Fixed that some tree nodes disapear after dragged. [#11492](
  - 🐞 Fixed a vertical align style issue of draggable tree. [#11458](
afc163 已提交
- Table
afc163 已提交
53 54 55
  - 🌟 Added `rowSelection.columnTitle` to customize selection column title. [#11042]( [@littleLane](
  - 💄 Added demo of [resizable columns](/components/table/#components-table-demo-resizable-column)
  - 💄 Support to select multiple rows when pressing `shift`. [#11404]( [@RaphaelChauveau](
afc163 已提交
- Avatar
afc163 已提交
57 58 59 60 61 62 63
  - 🌟 Added `onError` prop that is callback when image loading fail. [#11285]( [@paranoidjk](
  - 🌟 Added `size` prop for customize size of Avatar. [#11256]( [@emersonlaurentino](
- 🌟 Card added `headStyle` prop. [#11407]( [@emersonlaurentino](
- 🐞 Fixed that Tooltip not working with DatePicker. [#11451]( [@yociduo](
- 🐞 Fixed that Tooltip not working with Input.Group. [#11532]( [@yociduo](
- 🐞 Fixed that DatePicker time panel text jumping when hovering. [#11460](
- 🐞 Fixed Tabs display issue when switch focus elements bettween panels. [#11261](
afc163 已提交
- Select
afc163 已提交
65 66 67 68
  - 💄 Support `data-*` attributes.
  - 🐞 Fixed that selected item don't display correct position in dropdown menu items. [#11268](
- 🌟 Calendar added `onChange` prop. [#11476]( [@tangjinzhou](
- 🌟 Popconfirm added `icon` prop. [#11191]( [@nuintun](
afc163 已提交
- Modal
afc163 已提交
70 71 72 73 74
  - 🌟 Added `centered` prop to set vertical center position of modal. [#11537]( [@yoyo837](
  - 🐞 Fixed that closing all modals when pressing `ESC` once, now they will be closed one by one. [#11394]( [@yoyo837](
  - 🐞 Fixed issue resulting title of Model.confirm shows scrollbar again. [#11568]( [@cheshireoctopus](
- 🌟 Progress added `strokeLinecap` to customize shape of edge. [#11547]( [@blatinier](
- 🌟 Drawer added `className` and deprecated `wrapClassName`. [#11609]( [@fergiar](
afc163 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
## 3.7.3


- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in title not vertical align with icon when setting `labelPlacement` to `vertical` in Steps. [#11426]( [@yoyo837](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in the children field specified in `fieldName` could not be read correctly in Cascader. [#11311]( [@405go](
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fix type definition of Pagination. [#11474]( [@kagd](
  - 🐞 Fix type definition of Select. [#11189](<Paste>) [@thisJJ](

Wei Zhu 已提交
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
## 3.7.2


- DatePicker
  - 🐞 **Fix issue resulting in year and month can not be changed in control mode.** [b9992f4](
  - 🐞 Fix warning of `getDerivedStateFromProp`. [#11398]( [@yoyo837](
- Drawer
  - 🐞 Fix close animation when setting `destroyOnClose`. [#11307](
  - 🐞 Fix display issue when using a `vw` value as `width`. [#11326](
  - 🐞 Fix `wrapClassName` now working.
- 🐞 Fix text overflow of Tooltip. [#11402]( [@weidapao](
- 🐞 Fix style issue of dark theme Menu in Layout.Header. [#11400]( [@hongxuWei](
- 🐞 Fix the arrow buttons of InputNumber showing wrong positon in a fixed table. [#11408](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in Select.Option shows wrong border radius in Select.OptGroup. [6cb6f5c](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in `onChange` was trigged twice when click the filter icon of Table. [#11164]( [@adybionka](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting title of Model.confirm shows scrollbar on Firefox. [#11432](
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fix type definition of Radio.Group. [#11409]( [@eddiemoore](
  - 🐞 Fix type definition of TreeSelect. [#11442]( [@JribiBelhassen](
  - 🐞 Fix type definition of Badge. [#11421]( [@zongzi531](

zombiej 已提交
108 109 110 111
## 3.7.1


zombiej 已提交
- 🐞 Fix popup content can't display in Drawer component.[#11304](
zombiej 已提交
113 114 115
- 🐞 Card using `tabList` support `disabled` prop.[#11212](
- 🐞 Fix Link of Anchor not sync when `href` update.[#11287]( [@tangjinzhou](
- 🐞 Fix Menu component style.[#11299](
zombiej 已提交
116 117
- 🐞 Fix Drawer component don't have animation when `destroyOnClose` is set.[#11307](
- 🐞 Fix DirectoryTree can't expand when `expandedKeys` is in control.[#11366](
zombiej 已提交
- 🐞 Fix Button with Tooltip under ButtonGroup style issue when Button is `disabled`.[11321]( [@tangjinzhou](
zombiej 已提交

陈帅 已提交
120 121
## 3.7.0

afc163 已提交
3.7.0 is a heavy update that brings a lot of exciting changes and new features.
陈帅 已提交
123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
Here are some highlights ✨:

- 🌟 Add drawer component : [Drawer]( [#10791](
- 🌟 Add `Tree.DirectoryTree` component as the built-in directory tree. [#7749](

Component Fixes / Enhancements:

- Upgrade `rc-tree-select` to `2.0.5` for TreeSelect, refactored to fix the logic of the check.
  - 🌟 Add `autoClearSearchValue` prop to clear the value of search input when multiple select is selected or deselected. [10996](
  - 🌟 Add `searchValue` prop to set the value of search input. [6ff7dd8](
  - 🌟 Add `maxTagCount` prop to set the max count of visible tags. [fb96c9d](
  - 🌟 Add `maxTagPlaceholder` prop to set the content when the tag is hidden. [fb96c9d](
  - 🌟 Search input now supports case sensitive search. [#10990](
afc163 已提交
136 137
  - 🗑 Remove `label` prop and use `title` prop instead in the `treeData`.
- Upgrade `rc-upload` to `2.5.0` for Upload.
陈帅 已提交
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
  - 🌟 Add `directory` prop to support folder uploading. [#7315](
  - 🌟 `action` prop supports to be the a function which returns a Promise object. [fd96967](
- Dropdown
  - 🌟 Provide default margin for icon in the menu item. [8e60a59](
  - 🌟 Be able to adjust the menu position for the trigger mode of `contextMenu` automatically. [16e4260](
- Upgrade `rc-table` to `6.2.2` for Table. [f2fddff](
  - 🌟 Add `expanded` as the fourth param of `expandedRowRender` prop to get the expanded state of current row. [#10379](
  - 🌟 Add the ability to override the filter menu without the fully controlled component. [59cc3a8]( [@chrvadala](
  - 🌟 `filterIcon` prop  supports to be a render function which returns ReactNode. [1af4392](
  - 🐞 Fix the row dislocation problem when the column is fixed. [#10392](
- 🌟 Allow to pass `data-*`, `aria-*` and `role-*` props to the inner for Alert. [f0b684d](
- 🌟 Add `alt` prop for Avatar to set the text when the image is unable to display. [#10798](
- 🌟 Allow to pass `data-*`, `aria-*` and `role-*` props to the inner Input for DatePicker. [e63f9d4](
- 🌟 Add `event` object as the second param of `onSearch` prop for Input.Search. [#11015](
- 🌟 Add `onBreakPoint` prop for Layout.Sider to be the callback function when breakpoint is triggered. [#10750]( [@nuintun](
- 🌟 Add `okButtonProps` prop to set the props of ok button and add `cancelButtonProps` prop to set the props of cancal button for Modal. [#10955]( [@djyde](
- 🌟 Add `strokeColor` prop to set the color of progress bar for Progress. [#10725](
- 🌟 Add `buttonStyle` prop whose optional value is `outline` or `solid` to set the Radio.Group style. [60e3cfa](
- 🌟 Add `setDefaultIndicator` static function to set global indicator for Spin. [#10787](
- 🌟 Add `visible` prop to set the visibility for `Tag`. [4ac0277](
- Upgrade `rc-tree` to `1.12.0` for Tree
  - 🌟 Add `loadedKeys` prop to set the loaded nodes, which usually works with loadData prop. [#10666](
  - 🌟 Add `onLoad` prop to be the callback function when all the nodes are loaded. [c488aca](
- 🗑 Deprecate `combobox` value for `Select[mode]` and please replace it with `AutoComplete`. [53046a4](
- 🐞 Cascader adds `fieldNames` and discards the misspelled `filedNames`. [#10896](
- 🐞 Fix Timeline dot not working with Tooltip. [0e3b67e](
- 🐞 Fix border radius when avatar has custom size. [e1e6523](
- 🌟 Add `okButtonDisabled` and `cancelButtonDisabled` props to disable ok button and cancel button. [#10955](

诸岳 已提交
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
## 3.6.6


- 🐞 Fix the style of the selected day for `DatePicker`. [#6146]( [#9529](
- 🐞 Fix the style of the selected day for `DatePicker.RangePicker`. [004561b](
- 🐞 Fix the alignment style wrapped by `Form.Item` for `Cascader`. [#9827]( [#11133](
- 🐞 Fix the background style of the `handler` for `InputNumber`. [4aabc53](
- 🐞 Fix the header overflow in `FireFox` when the data is empty for `Table`. [#11135](

valleykid 已提交
178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
## 3.6.5


- 🐞 Fixed wired `Transfer` repaint problem in IE or Edge. [#9697](
- 🐞 Fixed `Card` background overflow when zoom in chrome. [#9085](
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fixed `Table` incompatible type `size`. [bf5b6ae1](
valleykid 已提交
186 187 188
  - 🐞 Fixed `Select` missing showArrow option in types. [cde2a6b6](
- 🐞 Add custom local support in `Pagination`. [babbbdd4](
- 🐞 Move max-width to ant-tooltip, so that it can be override by overlayStyle.maxWidth. [e2b359e9](
valleykid 已提交
189 190
- 🐞 Adjust `Select` mirror style to avoid to long string. [#11035](

191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201
## 3.6.4


- 🐞 Fixed `Steps` theme `@process-icon-color`. [#10973](
- 🐞 Fixed style of RangePicker with preset ranges. [#10986](
- 🐞 Fixed `Dropdown` non-boolean attribute warning. [#7798](
- TypeScript
  - 🌟 Add `Tree` prop `className` definition. [#10950](
  - 🌟 Add `Tree` prop `selectable` definition. [3fb478e](

afc163 已提交
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
## 3.6.3


- 🐞 Fixed that capitalized extension of Upload image url couldn't be recognaized. [#10928]( [@sliwey](
- 🐞 Fixed missing border of InputNumber when browser is zoomed in. [#10562](
- 🐞 Fixed that fixed element inside Spin cannot be fixed. [#10196](
- 🐞 Fixed broken border style of small table. [#9754](
- 🐞 Fixed missing `className` prop of Table's `filterIcon`. [#10937](
- 🐞 Fixed that Affix `offsetTop` and `offsetBottom` cannot be updated. [#10874](
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fixed TreeSelect `TS2339` error. [#10868](
  - 🌟 Added Form arguments definitions of `validateMessages` and `onFieldsChange`.
  - 🌟 Improved Button prop definitions. [#10877]( [@zheeeng](
  - 🌟 Added `backfill` prop for AutoComplete. [#10909]( [@zhanba](

Wei Zhu 已提交
218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
## 3.6.2


- 🐞 Fix the wrong status of check all checkbox in Table when data change. [#10629](
- 🐞 Fix border style of Button.Group.
- 🐞 Fix file list being reversed when `beforeUpload` returns `false` in Upload component. [#10681](
- 🐞 Fix overflow of cell content in Calendar. [#10808]( [@Yangzhedi](
- 🐞 Fix the processing color of Badge not follows the `primary-color`.
- Spin
  - 🐞 Fix custom icon does not follow the value of `size`. [#10786](
  - 🐞 Fix no `delay` issue when sets `spinning` to `true` as default.[#10727]( [@dreamerblue](
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fix Menu type definition. [#10773](
  - 🐞 Fix AutoComplete type definition. [#10745]( [#10619](
  - 🐞 Fix Tree type definition. [#10841]( [@Voronar](
  - 🐞 Fix Checkbox.Group definition. [#10677](

picodoth 已提交
## 3.6.0
Junbin Huang 已提交

picodoth 已提交
Junbin Huang 已提交
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248

* 🌟 `Form`'s error message now can be customized with ReactNode. [#10136]( [@lovekonakona](
* 🌟 `List` support customized configuration for position of pagination. [#10581]( [@zheeeng](
* 🌟 `Layout.Sider` now can be configured with `light` or `dark` theme. [#10142]( [@pd4d10](
* 🌟 Ant Design official site now supports offline mode. [#10625](
* 🌟 `Transfer` adding `style` and `operationStyle` props for further customization. [@eduludi](
* 🌟 `Message` adds a promisfied interface to handle callback. [#10421]( [@zhujinxuan](
* 🐞 Fix compilation issue with typescript@v2.9.1 . [#10729]( [@karol-majewski](
* 🐞 Fix a bug in `Menu` where outer menu item not highlighting while inner item is selected. [#8666]( [@stonehank](
* 🐞 Affix `offsetBottom` not working. [#10674](
picodoth 已提交

zombiej 已提交
250 251 252 253 254
## 3.5.4


- 🐞 Fix `showSearch` on `Cascader` not working.[968488a2](
zombiej 已提交
- 🐞 `Badge[status]` support `Tooltip`.[#10626](
zombiej 已提交
256 257 258 259
- 🐞 Fix `text-align` on parent element affects `Spin`.[#10643]( [@wmzhong](
- 💄 `Table` break line style change from `break-all` to `break-word`.[#10655]( [@clinyong](
- 🌟 When `Search` not define `enterButton`, click search icon will trigger `onSearch`. [36ffe7e1](

jim 已提交
260 261 262 263 264
## 3.5.3


- 🐞 Fix `Affix` with offsetTop === 0, value becomes `undefined` problem [#10566](
fix doc  
jim 已提交
265 266
- 🐞 Fixed issue with shaded `Input.Group` component shadows[#10230](
- 🐞 Fixed issue where the `Transfer` component checkbox event fired twice [#10480](
jim 已提交
- 💄 Unifying the name of the variable [12d3046](
fix doc  
jim 已提交
268 269 270
- 💄 Fine-tuned the style of `Dropdown` [8e2f72f](
- 💄 The components of the Chinese document will now be demonstrated using Chinese language packages. [9b17a94](
- 💄 The main theme switch was changed to `antd-theme-generato`, thanks to the work of [@mzohaibqc](
jim 已提交
271 272 273 274
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fixed an issue with the type of gutter attribute in `Row` [b7d508e](
  - 💄 Improved the `Form` component type [#10564](
  - 💄 Improved the `Button` and `Tag` types[1ed9fed](
Wei Zhu 已提交

valleykid 已提交
276 277 278 279
## 3.5.2


afc163 已提交
- 🐞 Fixed `Table` filter doesn't work when click checkbox. [#10452](
valleykid 已提交
281 282 283 284 285
- 🐞 Fixed `Cascader` displayRender z-index issue. [#10433](
- 🐞 Fixed `Button` Types of property 'ref' are incompatible. [#10405](
- 🐞 Fixed the height of `Form` item when checks position is dithered. [#10445](
- 🌟 Allow to use any CSS units for `Layout` width. [#10479](

afc163 已提交
286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301
## 3.5.1


- 🐞 Fixed broken style of Input.Group under Form. [#10371](
- 🐞 Fixed overlay style of Select. [#10383](
- 🐞 Remove focused style of Collapse.
- 🐞 Remove unnecessary `z-index` of Input.Group and Checkbox. [#9840]( [#10385](
- 🐞 Fixed that monospaced font family can't be bold.
- Table
  - 💄 Rewrited the editable table demo. [#10119](
  - 🐞 Fixed that table column overlay each other. [#9822](
- TypeScript
  - 🐞 Fixed Breadcrumb.Item type. [#10372]( [@karol-majewski](
  - 🐞 Fixed Table `rowSelection` type。[#10374](

愚指导 已提交
302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315
## 3.5.0


- 🌟 Add `title` prop to `Badge` that shows when hovering it. [74d81c2]( [@ludwigbacklund](
- 🌟 Add `successPercent` as `Progress[format]` argument. [#10096](
- 🌟 Update `rc-notification` to 3.1.0 so that `Notification` support set `maxCount`. [#10161]( [@jzhangs](
- 🌟 Update `rc-cascader` to 1.13.0 so that `Cascader` support set `filedNames`. [react-component/cascader#23]( [@405go](
- 🌟 Add ability to update `Notification` props by key. [react-component/notification#40]( [@yevhen-hryhorevskyi](
- 🌟 `List` support pagination by default. [#10135](
- Table
  - 🌟 Column `sorter` function is passed `sortOrder` as param. [#10306]( [@kumarashwin](
  - 🐞 Fix merged header cell border. [#10359](
  - 🐞 Fix lost of user selection on data updates. [#10332]( [@chrvadala](
陈帅 已提交
- Menu upgrade `rc-menu` to `7.x` [#10305](
愚指导 已提交
317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340
  - 🌟 Better aria-* attributes support. [react-component/menu#137](
  - 🌟 Improve Menu performance by avoiding unnecessary updates. [react-component/menu#133](
  - 🌟 Support passing props through to MenuItem list item. [react-component/menu#135](
  - 🐞 Minor key shortcut bug fixes. [react-component/menu#132](
- Collapse
  - 🌟 Support custom `Collapse` styles with less. [#9943]( [@davidhatten](
  - 🌟 Update `rc-collapse` to 1.9.0 to add `Collapse` keyboard support. [react-component/collapse#84](  [@kossel](
- Select
  - 🐞 Fix type for `placeholder`. [#10282]( [@thomasthiebaud](
  - 🐞 Fix extra space taken up when arrow disabled. [#10296](
  - 🐞 Fix property `value` typescript type. [#10336]( [@paranoidjk](
- Input
  - 🐞 Fix `Input.Search` not disable enter button when disabled prop is true. [#10040](
  - 🐞 Fix `Input.Group` align issue in Form. [#10281](
- Form
  - 🐞 Fix typing for `Form.onValuesChange`. [#10231]( [@whtsky](
  - 🐞 Fix typescript interface `ComponentDecorator`. [#10324]( [@paranoidjk](
- 🐞 Fix dashed `Divider`. [#10216](
- 🐞 Fix `Spin` container interaction. [#10227](
- 🐞 Fix `Notification` icon hover color. [#10272](
- 🐞 Fix `Upload` property `lastModifiedDate` name. [#10315]( [@danielg2002](
- 🐞 Fix `Button` props type, use `React.HTMLProps`. [#10229]( [@whtsky](
- 🐞 Fix less var naming convention. [#10275](

afc163 已提交
341 342 343 344 345 346
## 3.4.5


- 🐞 Fix file object is empty and file name not showing in Upload. [#10319](

偏右 已提交
347 348 349 350 351 352 353
## 3.4.4


- 🐞 Fix that Upload file in`onChange({ file })` is not a File instance introduced in `3.4.2`. [#10293](
- 🐞 Fix style lose bug when use tree shaking in webpack@4. [#10217]( [@whtsky](

愚指导 已提交
354 355 356 357 358 359 360
## 3.4.3


- 🐞 Fix style lose bug when use tree shaking in webpack@4. [#10197]( [@Aladdin-ADD](
- 🐞 Fix `Menu` item's clickable region in dark theme. [#10187]( [@dgeibi ]( )

偏右 已提交
361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381
## 3.4.2


- 💄 Deployed site by [netlify]( to avoid blocking by GFW.
- 🐞 Fix TypeScript definitions of Menu, Tooltip, Card, Anchor, Avatar, Form, Tabs, Transfer, Tree, AutoComplete and etc.
- 💄 Added `sideEffects` to `package.json` for better Tree-Shaking. [#10043]( [@Aladdin-ADD](
- List
  - 🐞 Fix extra border. [#10028](
  - 🐞 Fix extra prop warning of `locale`. [#10128]( [@slonoed](
- 🐞 Fix wrong preview image of Upload list when file.url contains url params. [#10102](
- 🐞 Fix Progress when percent is out of range. [0eb8357](
- Menu
  - 🐞 Fix arrow style of disabled SubMenu. [#10113](
  - 🐞 Fix that menu width is wrong when `collapsedWidth` is assigned as px string like `40px`. [#10140](
- 🐞 Fix that sometimes controlled input in Form cannot be edited. [#9790](
- 🐞 Fix padding jumping issue of loading Card. [#10052]( [@zheeeng](
- 🐞 Fix that Avatar's fallback text don't scale as the text avatar does. [#10184](
- 🐞 Fix Table `getCheckboxProps` cannot be updated as expected. [#10133](
- 🐞 Fix CheckboxGroup `prefixCls` prop not passed to Checkbox. [#9950](

ddcat1115 已提交
382 383 384 385
## 3.4.1


ddcat1115 已提交
- 🐞 Fix TypeScript type error caused by code error of Badge. [#9931](
ddcat1115 已提交
387 388 389 390 391 392 393
- 💄 Improve clicking region of Card `actions`. [#9882](
- 🐞 Fix Divider style issue when used with float elements. [#9956](
- 🐞 Fix style issue of Form in advanced-search mode. [#9907](
- 🐞 Add `onHeaderRow` TypeScript type definitions for Table. [#9902]( [@Nokecy](
- 💄 Improve the customized-icon demo of Tree. [#9893](
- 🐞 Fix image url display with non-image extention in Upload. [#9936](

Wei Zhu 已提交
394 395 396 397 398
## 3.4.0


- Tree
Wei Zhu 已提交
  - 🛠 In this version, we refactored the underlying code of Tree to resolve some long living issues.
Wei Zhu 已提交
400 401 402
  - 🌟 Added `defaultExpandParent` for expanding parent at first render.
  - 🌟 Added `disabled` for disabling the whole tree.
  - 🌟 Added `TreeNode[icon]` to allow setting custom node icon.
Wei Zhu 已提交
  - 🌟 Improved the check logic for disabled TreeNode.
Wei Zhu 已提交
404 405 406 407 408
- 🌟 Anchor added `getContainer` for setting the container of scroll content.
- 🌟 Table added a new less variable `@table-expanded-row-bg`. [#9789](
- 🐞 Fixed a less syntax error. [#9832]( [@jojoLockLock](
- 🐞 Fixed `moment.locale` invoking error in LocaleProvider. [#9853](
- 🐞 Fixed issue resulting in `style` of WeekPicker not works. [#9848](
Wei Zhu 已提交
- 🐞 Fixed type definition of Layout.Sider. [#9885]( [@zachguo](
Wei Zhu 已提交
- 💄 Improved style of Modal for long contents. [#9592](
Wei Zhu 已提交
411 412
- 🌟 Added new locale Slovenian.

Wei Zhu 已提交
413 414 415 416 417 418
## 3.3.3


- Revert Upload `file` type change in previous version  which causes breaking change.

zombiej 已提交
419 420 421 422 423 424
## 3.3.2


- 🐞 `Carousel`: Upgrade `react-slick` version to fix width calculation. [#3659](
- 💄 `Rate`: Adjust `disabled` style. [#9747](
zombiej 已提交
- 💄 `Modal`: Adjust `confirm-modal` style to fix display issue when content use grid layout. [#9374](
zombiej 已提交
426 427 428 429
- 💄 `Menu`: Adjust style to fix mouse trigger event region. [#9666]( [@dgeibi](
- 🐞 `Upload`: Fix type of `file` on `beforeUpload` function. [#9775](
- 🐞 `Button`: Fix `two-chinese-words` space not re-calculate when text changed. [4502ad8](

陈帅 已提交
## 3.3.1
afc163 已提交

陈帅 已提交
432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440

- 💄 Tweak danger button focus style.
- 🐞 Fix a show error when the value of enterButton is a button element.  [#9639](
- 🐞 Fix missing key of `column.title` in Table .[#9658]( [@terence55](
- 🐞 Fix `scroll: { x: true }` not working if `.ant-table-scroll table` width is `auto`. [#9704](
- 🐞 Fix when the helper message disappears, the input box will shake.  [#8831](
- 🐞 Fix isMoment call in `TimePicker` will report error in parcel. [85c78e4](
- 🐞 Tweak `Table` border radius. [#9674](
诸岳 已提交
441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467
## 3.3.0


- 🌟 Add `afterClose` prop for `Alert` to achieve smooth unmount. [#9448]( [@Hughen](
- 🌟 Add `validRange` prop for `Calendar` to set the date range. [71f65a0]( [@Rohanhacker](
- 🌟 Add `defaultActiveTabKey` prop for `Card` to initial TabPane's active key. [30fe88d]( [@u3u](
- `DatePicker`
    - 🌟 Add `dropdownClassName` prop to set the className of popup calendar. [#7211](
    - 🐞 Fix the error of resolving `moment` object. [#9539](
    - 🐞 Fix uncorrect import of `turkish(tr_TR)` locale file. [#9373](
- 🌟 Add `orientation` prop for `Divider` to set the alignment of text in divider. [#9275]( [@jrvboesch](
- 🌟 Add `keyboard` prop for `Modal` to set whether Modal could be closed by `Esc` key. [#8818](
- 🌟 Improve the TypeScript definition of `event` param in `onChange` prop for `Radio` and `Checkbox`. [#9574](
- `Table`
    - 🌟 Add `position` prop in `pagination` prop to set the position of pagination. [#9357]( [@kanweiwei](
    - 🌟 Add event param of `onSelect` prop in `rowSelection` prop. [#9376]( [@kanweiwei](
    - 🌟 Add `columnWidth` prop in `rowSelection` prop to set the column width of selection. [#9474]( [@SimpleFrontend](
    - 🐞 Fix border radius issue in `Chrome` for `Table`. [af8e54f](
- 🌟 Add `pendingDot` prop for `Timeline` to set icon of ghost node. [#9546]( [@SimpleFrontend](
- 🌟 Add `inputReadOnly` prop for `TimePicker` to set if it's read only. [4a69446]( [@JesperWe](
- 🌟 Add `dropdownClassName` prop for `TreeSelect`. [69b154f]( [56e4ce0](
- 🌟 Improve the preview for `Upload` when uploading the file of non-image format. [#9621]( [@zswang](
- 🐞 Fix `successPercent` prop that cannot decide the success status for `Progress`. [#9382](
- 🐞 Fix font size for `Tabs`. [#9509](
- 🐞 Fix that disabled parent node cannot spread for `Tree` and `TreeSelect`. [#9539](

愚指导 已提交
468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479
## 3.2.3


- 🐞 Fix props `onPopupScroll` ts define in `Select`. [#9475]( [@twobin](
- 🐞 Fix `Table` filter dropdown menu popup container. [#9209](
- 🐞 Fix `Timeline` head custom style error in chrome. [#9429]( [@vthinkxie](
- 🐞 Fix `Select` dropdown border. [82092c1](
- 🐞 Fix compatibility with less 3. [#7850](
- 🐞 Fix `DatePicker.WeekPicker` year. [#9463](
- 🐞 Fix `Button.Group` align issue in chrome. [#9457](

valleykid 已提交
480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491
## 3.2.2


- 🌟 Add font-family variable for `Pagination`. [#9351](
- 🌟 Add font-weight variable for `Badge`. [#9352](
- 🐞 Fix table custom spin indicator. [#9355](
- 🐞 Fix `Form.create`. [#9331](
- 🐞 Revert typescript definition of `column.dataIndex`. [#9393](
- 🐞 Fix last menu item in Sider could be blocked by collapse trigger. [#9398]( [@MJ111](
- 🐞 Fix badge works wrong in dot mode. [#9359]( [@khayalan-mathew](

偏右 已提交
492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515
## 3.2.1


- 🌟 Add icons of some famous products. [c04377e5](
- Mention
  - 🌟 `multiLines` mode will support autosize.
  - 🐞 Fix paste not working when `placeholder` is specified. [#9215](
- Table
  - 🐞 Fix padding of middle size table. [#9319](
  - 🐞 Fix border bug of small size table. [#8980](
  - 🐞 Fix overflow issue of sort icon interactive area. [#8979](
  - 🌟 Improve typescript definition of `column.dataIndex`. [#9298]( [@clinyong](
- Select
  - 🐞 Fix wrong scroll position when navigating active item with keyboard. [#9276](
  - 🐞 Fix arrow position in IE11.
- 🐞 Fix issue that file item showing `uploading` when Upload `beforeUpload` return false. [#8020](
- 🐞 Fix misplace of feedback icon of `vertical` layout Form. [#9153](
- 🐞 Fix loading style missing of empty childen Card. [#9258](
- 🐞 Fix background color of Avatar when image source is not existe. [#9278]( [@andriijas](
- 🐞 Fix RangePicker `Cannot read property 'locale' of undefined` error when select end date. [#9267](
- 🐞 Fix style problem when using disabled button with Tooltip inside ButtonGroup. [#9296]( [#9296](
- 🐞 Fix z-index of Dropdown's submenu. [#9218](

Wei Zhu 已提交
## 3.2.0
Wei Zhu 已提交
517 518 519 520 521


- 🌟 Add new `tabBarGutter` prop to Tab to allow setting gutter between tabs. [#8644]( [@lixiaoyang1992](
- 🌟 Add new `hasSider` prop to Layout to avoid render error when server rendering. [#8937](
522 523
- 🌟 Add new `successPercent` to Progress to allow showing two phases. [Demo](
- 🌟 Add new `iconType` prop to Alert to allow settting icon type. [#8811]( [@minwe](
Wei Zhu 已提交
524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531
- 🌟 Add `id` prop to DatePicker. [#8598]( [@mgrdevport](
- 🌟 Add new `forceRender` prop to Collapse to allow rendering hide panel. [#9192]( [#Pyroboomka]( [@paulcmason](
- RangePicker
  - 🌟 Improve `ranges` prop to allow passing function to it. [#8281](
  - 🐞 Fix issue resulting in can not input start date manually. [#6999](
  - 🐞 Fix issue resulting date panel being closed without animation when click on the preset range. [#6364](
  - 🐞 Fix issue resulting `onOk` is not being trigged, when click on the preset range. [#7747](
- Select
偏右 已提交
  - 🌟 Improve `onChange`, `onDeselect`, they will receive selected `Option` as second paramteter.
Wei Zhu 已提交
533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542
  - 🐞 Fix issue resulting in `onSelect` is not trigged when using automatic tokenization. [#9094](
  - 🐞 Fix the missing scrollbar in Chrome.
- 🌟 Improve Table's `rowSelection[getCheckboxProps]` prop, now the all the properties returned by `getCheckboxProps` will be passed to checkbox. [#9054]( [@mgrdevport](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in Calendar's `mode` not being allowed to be changed from outside. [#9243]( [@mgrdevport](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting AutoComplete showing wrong border when showing validattion message.[9f2b490](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in DatePicker showing wrong time in the control mode. [#8885](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in TextArea showing wrong height in Edge. [#9108]( [@cuyl](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in Tabs showing wrong tab style when using `type="card"` combine with `tabPosition="bottom"`. [#9165]( [@ryanhoho](
- 🌟 Add new Kurdish locale.

Wei Zhu 已提交
543 544 545 546 547 548 549
## 3.1.6


- 🐞 Revert [#9141]( since it causes year and month can not be selected in DatePicker.

niko 已提交
550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566
## 3.1.5


- 🐞 Fix Select Options were disappeared when click the scrollbar in IE11. [#7934]( [@tianlang89757](
- 🐞 Fix Form `getFieldDecorator` referenced item will conflicted when using the same id. [#9103]( [#7351](
- 🐞 Fix RangePicker i18n issue which will shown the last language when change the language. [#8970](
- 🐞 Fix DatePicker shown wrong in the control mode. [#8885](
- 🐞 Fix Table shown emptyText when loading state. [#9095]( [@sallen450](
- 🐞 Add Icon `file-word`. [#9092]( [#9061](
- 🐞 Fix wrong font family. [commit/506f97](
- 📖 Add some TypeScript type definitions
  - Add `duration` for Notification. [pull/9120]( [@duhongjun](
  - Add `style` for Steps. [pull/9126]( [@wanliyunyan](
- 🌟 Optimize Avatar default background color. [commit/275946](
- 🌟 Add the less variable for Slider and Menu. [pull/9065]( [pull/9115](  [@mrgeorgegray](

ddcat1115 已提交
567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586
## 3.1.4


- 🐞 Fix ButtonGroup z-index issue. [#9014](
- 🐞 Fix Dropdown.Button can not be fully disabled. [#8991]( [@sallen450](
- 🐞 Fix Layout error responsive docs. [#8995]( [@ReedSun](
- 🐞 Fix List `grid` do not support xxl. [#9019](
- 🐞 Fix RangePicker can not cancel selected start date when the panel is closed. [#8839](
- 🐞 Fix Tabs error margin. [commit/200d6c](
- 🐞 Fix WeekPicker shows error weeks. [#9021](
- 🐞 Fix some TypeScript type definitions.
  - Add `subMenuCloseDelay` and `subMenuOpenDelay` for Menu. [#8976]( [@Rohanhacker](
  - Refactor DatePicker types. [commit/0bb531](
  - Fix Input `maxLength` type definitions. [#9046]( [@Riokai](
- 🌟 Add some new less variables.
  - About Checkbox and Radio: [#9003]( [@mrgeorgegray](
  - About Breadcrumb: [#9022]( [@mrgeorgegray](
- 🌟 Add aliyun icon.

Wei Zhu 已提交
587 588
## 3.1.3

Wei Zhu 已提交
Wei Zhu 已提交
590 591 592

- 🐞 Fix error when passing `null` `locale` to LocaleProvider.

Wei Zhu 已提交
593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607
## 3.1.2


- 🐞 Fix Button can not display `0`. [#8733]( [@Cuihongsen](
- 🐞 Fix extra scrollbar in Table and List caused by Spin. [#8799](
- 🐞 Fix can not pass function to Table[emptyText]. [#8871](
- 🐞 Fix now working Dropdown[transitionName].
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in font changes when enter number in Input.[#8636](
- 🐞 Fix issue resulting in wrong locale text when import multiple locale files. [#8785](
- 🐞 Fix `locales` in dist/antd-with-locales.js has a `extra` default key. [#8881](
- 🐞 Fix some TypeScript type definitions. [4cc29bc]( [693e734]( [67e956d]( [ecd4177]( [33119ec]( [88e0c9b](
- 🌟 Add some new less variables [b9b5aba]( [5931b20]( [c9d7397](
- 🌟 Optimize Chinese quotes displaying.

诸岳 已提交
608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623
## 3.1.1


- 📖 Published the new site and design guideline.
- 📖 Updated the guideline of real project with dva to [roadhog 2.0]( [5dcf1c0](
- 📖 Published the new sketch resource of Ant Design 3.0. [22dfe88](
- 🐞 Fix contextMenu event for trigger prop in the TypeScript definition of Dropdown. [#8646]( [@cjahv](
- 🐞 Fix HOC in Button not inserted space between chinese words.
- 🐞 Fix the style compatibility in IE 11 for List Component. [#8784](
- 🐞 Fix notFoundContent prop not working for Select Component. [#8809](
- 🐞 Fix the warning for BackTop Component in React 16. [#8848](
- 🐞 Fix unexpected scrollbar for List Component when setting gutter. [#8799](
- 🐞 Fix to support complete href link for Anchor.Link Component. [#8808](
- 🌟 Optimize the font family of Chinese quote. [c6fcc31](

愚指导 已提交
624 625
## 3.1.0

愚道 已提交
626 627

愚道 已提交
628 629
Happy 2018 !~ 2018 2018 2018 coming!~~~

愚指导 已提交
630 631 632 633
- 🐞 Fix ant-spin-container overflow resizing for Spin component. [#8602]( [@jhsu](
- 🐞 Fix extra padding in Table small with fixed columns. [#8724](
- 🐞 Fix Checkbox.Group align issue in Form. [#8739](
- 🐞 Fix unexpected scrollbar in Affix. [#8606](
愚道 已提交
- 🐞 Fix List component "No Data" mixed with loading. [#8647](
愚指导 已提交
635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643
- 🌟 Add onKeyUp TypeScript definition to Input component. [#8705]( [@delesseps](
- 🌟 Add `showArrow` for disabling arrow icon in collapse panel. [#8536]( [@apieceofbart](
- 🌟 Rate add `allowClear` for reset when click again. [#8627](
- 🌟 Add responsive for BackTop. [#8719]( [@JetRunner](
- 🌟 Add `destroyOnClose` to Modal component to support unmount child compenents on onClose. [#8769]( [@Rohanhacker](
- 🌟 Pagination add `hideOnSinglePage` for support hide it when only one page. [#8615]( [@camsong](
- 🌟 Support customize spin for List component.
- 👻 Support open official demo in CodeSandbox.

valleykid 已提交
644 645 646 647 648
## 3.0.3


- 🐞 Add React.SFC type for Form.create return value. [#8672](
valleykid 已提交
- 🐞 Fix form item height and align problem. [#8701](
valleykid 已提交
650 651
- 🐞 Improve input addon size. [#8680](
- 🐞 Fix table size of fixed column. [#8660](
偏右 已提交
652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673

## 3.0.2


- 📝 Provide a migration helper for antd@3.0. [e71b68dd](
- 📝 Rewrite [CONTRIBUTING Guideline](
- 🌟 Optimize notification display in small screen. [#8631](
- 🌟 Optimize Pagination design and fix some issues of alignment and margin.
- 🐞 Upgrade to `react-slick@0.16.0` for peerDependencies warning. [#8455](
- 🐞 Fix not working `size` property in fixed-header Table. [#8577](
- 🐞 Fix not working `locale` property of DatePicker/RangePicker. [#8635](
- 🐞 Fix Popover arrow position and size cannot be overrided by less variable. [#8548]( [#8549](
- 🐞 Fix not working `notFoundContent` of AutoComponent. [#8553](
- 🐞 Tweak RangePicker vertical align position.
- 🐞 Layout.Sider breakpoints is same as Grid's now. [#8620](
- 🐞 Fix submenu still showing in a collapsed menu when collapsedWidth is `0`. [#8587](
- 🐞 Fix Card's `Meta.title` text overflow not working. [#8597](
- 🐞 Fix pagination margin problem of bordered List. [#8562](
- 🐞 Fix Menu's submenu cannot open when specified non-existed `defaultOpenKeys`. [#8475](
- 🐞 Fix type name collisions of `InputProps` and `SearchProps` in Input, AutoComplete, Transfer. [#8478](

Benjy Cui 已提交
674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697
## 3.0.1


* Remove useless DOM wrapper of Card, so that Card's DOM structure will be the same as Card of 2.x.
* Fix that missing `antd/lib/style/v2-compatible-reset.css`. [28d13e2](
* Fix that Affix will be overlap when it is heigher than viewport. [31a0654](
* Fix the open animation of Collapse. [edd592c](
* Fix the aligment of large size Input and Button in Form. [#8459](
* Menu
  * Fix the popup will disappear unexpectly in Safari. [#8453](
  * Fix the open animation. [edd592c](
* Fix compile error of style of Notification. [#8437](
* Fix the background color of mini Pagination. [e13c6d8](
* Table
  * Fix broken style in mobile. [#8465](
  * Fix broken style when use size and nested Table together. [#8525](
* TypeScript
  * Fix TypeScript definition of AutoComplete. [#8383]( [@nidhi-ag](
  * Fix TypeScript definition of Divider. [#8504]( [@cyyyu](
  * Fix TypeScript definition of Dropdown. [#8444](
  * Fix TypeScript definition of List. [e27061e]( [1b2a955](
  * Fix TypeScript definition of Table. [#8507]( [#8515]( [@danedavid](

Wei Zhu 已提交
698 699 700 701
## 3.0.0


afc163 已提交
Learn more in the [Ant Design 3.0 announcement post](
Wei Zhu 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
704 705
### Major Changes

afc163 已提交
- New [color system](, We changed our primary color from 『`#108EE9`』 to 『`#1890FF`』, we called the new primary color "拂晓蓝 (Daybreak Blue)" which means the color of the sky at daybreak.
Wei Zhu 已提交
707 708
- New design of components.
- Increased the base font size from 12px to 14px.
afc163 已提交
- Changed default locale to `en_US`.
Wei Zhu 已提交
710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717
- Support React 16.
- Better TypeScript support.
- New [List]( component.
- New [Divider]( component.
- 30 New [icons](

### Breaking Changes

Wei Zhu 已提交
We provide a [migration tool]( to help you find deprecated usages in your codebase.
Wei Zhu 已提交

陈帅 已提交
- Card's `noHovering` has been renamed to `hoverable`, and its default value now is `true`.
Wei Zhu 已提交
721 722 723 724
- Added new Grid breakpoints. [#7230](
- Form `getFieldDecorator`'s `exclusive` option has been removeed.
- Added `Form.createFormField`, and you must use it to wrap field data returned in `option.mapPropsToFields`:

Wei Zhu 已提交
725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736
  import { Form } from 'antd';

    mapPropsToFields() {
      return {
  -     name: { value: 'antd' },
  +     name: Form.createFormField({ value: 'antd' }),
Wei Zhu 已提交
737 738 739

- Improved global reset style, if you encounter style problem after upgrading, you can try import our v2 compatible style.

Wei Zhu 已提交
Wei Zhu 已提交
  import 'antd/lib/style/v2-compatible-reset';
Wei Zhu 已提交
Wei Zhu 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
  Or use less
Wei Zhu 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
afc163 已提交
  @import '~antd/lib/style/v2-compatible-reset.less';
Wei Zhu 已提交
Wei Zhu 已提交
749 750 751

- Since we changed default locale to en_US, LocalProvider is not required any more for English users.
- We don't set `size="large"` to `Input` in `Form` by default any more.
afc163 已提交
- `Input.Search` 🔍 icon don't be interactive anymore, you can use new `enterButton` prop to add a button after input.
Wei Zhu 已提交
- UMD version of `dist/antd.js` doesn't include moment any more, you need add moment by yourself if you are using the UMD version.
Wei Zhu 已提交
754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761
  +   <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
Wei Zhu 已提交
762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779

### Removed Deprecations

- 🗑 DatePicker.Calendar has been removed, you can use Calendar directly.
- 🗑 DatePicker's `toggleOpen` prop has been removed, use `onOpenChange` instead.
- 🗑 Form's `inline`, `horizontal`, `vertical` props has been removed, use `layout` instead.
- 🗑 Input's `type` prop has dropped textarea support, please use Input.TextArea instead.
- 🗑 Mention's `toEditorState` has been removed.
- 🗑 Select's `multiple`, `combobox`, `tags` props has been removed, use `mode` instead.

### Features and Improvements

- 🌟 Tabs added new size `size="large"`
- 🌟 Row's `gutter` now support responsive setting, you can write `gutter={{ sm: 16, lg: 32 }}`.
- 🌟 Spin added new `indicator` prop to allow setting custom indicator. [#7977]( [@kossel](
- 🌟 Input.Search added new `enterButton` prop to allow setting custom search button.[#7596](
- 🌟 Mention added new `placement` prop to allow setting the popup direction.
- 🌟 Carousel added new `next()`, `prev()`, `goTo(slideNumber)` methods to allow controlling slides programmatically.
陈帅 已提交
- 🌟 Button added link support, Button with `href` prop will render to `<a>`. [#8343](
Wei Zhu 已提交
781 782 783
- 🌟 Steps was refactored, first rendering won't flash. [#6010](
- 🌟 Switch added new `loading` prop to show a loading status.
- Menu
afc163 已提交
  - 🌟 We refactored it with [rc-trigger]( for delay popup and auto overflow in viewport.
Wei Zhu 已提交
785 786
  - 🌟 Added new `subMenuOpenDelay` and `subMenuCloseDelay` props to allow setting delay time for submenu toggling.
  - 🌟 Added new `forceSubMenuRender` prop to render submenu even if it's collapsed. [#5586](
nikogu 已提交
- Form
Wei Zhu 已提交
788 789 790 791 792 793 794
  - 🌟 Added animations for validation message showing.
  - 🌟 Added field conditional rendering support. [#react-component/117](
- Message
  - 🌟 Allow `duration` optional. [#7857]( [@monkindey](
- Badge
  - 🌟 Added new `offset` prop to allow setting the offset of status point.
  - 🌟 `status` can use whith `children` now. [#8164](
乐仪 已提交
- Card
Wei Zhu 已提交
  - 🌟 Added new `inner` type. [Demo](
偏右 已提交
  - 🌟 Added `cover`, `actions` and a new `Meta` component. [Demo](
乐仪 已提交
- DatePicker
陈帅 已提交
  - 🌟 Added `mode` and `onPanelChange`, to allow controlling the panel mode. [Demo](
Wei Zhu 已提交
  - 🌟 Added `WeekPicker` component. [Demo](
Wei Zhu 已提交
801 802
  - 🌟 Added new `dateRender` prop to allow customizing date cell.
- TimePicker
Wei Zhu 已提交
  - 🌟 Added new `hourStep`, `minuteStep`, `secondStep` props to allow customizing time setps. [Demo](
Wei Zhu 已提交
  - 🌟 Added new `focusOnOpen` prop to focus input after panel is open.
乐仪 已提交
- Table
Wei Zhu 已提交
  - 🌟 Added new `components` prop to allow overriding default table elements.
Wei Zhu 已提交
807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821
    // You can override following elements
    const components = {
      table: MyTable,
      header: {
        wrapper: HeaderWrapper,
        row: HeaderRow,
        cell: HeaderCell,
      body: {
        wrapper: BodyWrapper,
        row: BodyRow,
        cell: BodyCell,
Wei Zhu 已提交

afc163 已提交
    <Table components={components} columns={columns} data={data} />
Wei Zhu 已提交
Wei Zhu 已提交
825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832
  - 🌟 Added new `onRow` prop to allow passing custom props to table body row.
  - 🌟 Added new `onHeaderRow` props to allow passing custom props to table header row.
  - 🌟 Added `column[onCell]` to allow passing custom props to table body cell.
  - 🌟 Added `column[onHeaderCell]` to allow passing custom props to table header cell.
  - 🌟 Added `column[align]` to allow setting how text aligns.
  - 🌟 Added `column[defaultSortOrder]` to allow setting default sort order. [#8111]( [@megawac](
  - 🌟 Added `rowSelection[fixed]` to allow fixing the selection column.。
  - 🙅 Deprecated `getBodyWrapper`, please use `components` instead.
陈帅 已提交
  - 🙅 Deprecated `onRowClick`, `onRowDoubleClick`, `onRowContextMenu`, `onRowMouseEnter`, `onRowMouseLeave`, please use `onRow` instead.
Wei Zhu 已提交
834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842
    <Table onRow={(record) => ({
      onClick: () => {},
      onDoubleClick: () => {},
      onContextMenu: () => {},
      onMouseEnter: () => {},
      onMouseLeave: () => {},
    })} />
afc163 已提交
- Select
Wei Zhu 已提交
844 845 846 847
  - 🌟 Option's value can be a number in single or multiple mode.
  - 🌟 Added new `maxTagCount` and `maxTagPlaceholder` props.
  - 🌟 Added new `showAction` prop to allow setting the trigger action for popup.
  - 🌟 Added new `onMouseEnter` and `onMouseLeave` callback.
- LocaleProvider
Wei Zhu 已提交
849 850 851
  - 🇮🇸 Added Icelandic. [#7561]( [@paunovic-stefan](
  - 🇪🇬 Added Egyptian Arabic. [#7888]( [@mohamed-seada-1994](
  - 🇺🇦 Added Ukrainian. [#8169]( [@anxolerd](
Wei Zhu 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
### Bug fixes
Wei Zhu 已提交
854 855

- Form
Wei Zhu 已提交
856 857 858
  - 🐞 Fixed issue result in Input icon is hovered by feedback icon.
  - 🐞 Fixed feedback icon not centered in large input.
- 🐞 Fix Menu key press error. [#8089](
afc163 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
### Other things
afc163 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
862 863
- Don't need set `allowSyntheticDefaultImports` when using in TypeScript.
- We removed `react@0.14` and `react@15` from `peerDependencies`, though `antd@3.0` still works on old React versions, but we highly recommend you upgrading to React 16 since we may use the new features only exists in React 16 in the future. See [React 16](
afc163 已提交
- Fully es module support, if you are using webpack 3, you can set babel-plugin-import's `libraryDirectory` to `es` to enable tree shaking .
Benjy Cui 已提交
- We will support 2.x branch until June in next year.
afc163 已提交

Wei Zhu 已提交
## 2.x
RaoHai 已提交

偏右 已提交
Visit [GitHub]( to read `2.x` change logs.
afc163 已提交


Benjy Cui 已提交
## 1.11.4

afc163 已提交
Visit [GitHub]( to read change logs from `0.x` to `1.x`.