提交 b0e68a94 编写于 作者: D Daniel Yonkov

Add escape slash to cell matcher

上级 9f1ba60c
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ function write_ws_xml_cell(cell/*:Cell*/, ref, ws, opts/*::, idx, wb*/)/*:string
var parse_ws_xml_data = (function() {
var cellregex = /<(?:\w+:)?c[ >]/, rowregex = /<\/(?:\w+:)?row>/;
var cellregex = /<(?:\w+:)?c[ \/>]/, rowregex = /<\/(?:\w+:)?row>/;
var rregex = /r=["']([^"']*)["']/, isregex = /<(?:\w+:)?is>([\S\s]*?)<\/(?:\w+:)?is>/;
var refregex = /ref=["']([^"']*)["']/;
var match_v = matchtag("v"), match_f = matchtag("f");
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