提交 b670f338 编写于 作者: chai2010's avatar chai2010

yacc: 调整生成的方法代码风格

上级 c5035ebd
......@@ -70,18 +70,18 @@ type exprLexer struct {
pos int
func (p *exprLexer) Lex(yylval *exprSymType) int {
if p.pos >= len(p.tokens) {
func exprLexer.Lex(yylval *exprSymType) int {
if this.pos >= len(this.tokens) {
return eof
tok := p.tokens[p.pos]
tok := this.tokens[this.pos]
yylval.num = tok.Value
return tok.Kind
func (x *exprLexer) Error(s string) {
func exprLexer.Error(s string) {
println("ERROR:", s)
......@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ type exprLexer struct {
pos :int
func (p: *exprLexer) Lex(yylval: *exprSymType) => int {
if p.pos >= len(p.tokens) {
func exprLexer.Lex(yylval: *exprSymType) => int {
if this.pos >= len(this.tokens) {
return eof
tok := p.tokens[p.pos]
tok := this.tokens[this.pos]
yylval.num = tok.Value
return tok.Kind
func (x: *exprLexer) Error(s: string) {
func exprLexer.Error(s: string) {
println("ERROR:", s)
......@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ type exprParser struct {
char :int
func (p: *exprParser) Lookahead() => int {
return p.char
func exprParser.Lookahead() => int {
return this.char
func exprNewParser() => *exprParser {
......@@ -299,18 +299,18 @@ func exprParse(exprlex: *exprLexer) => int {
return exprNewParser().Parse(exprlex)
func (exprrcvr: *exprParser) Parse(exprlex: *exprLexer) => int {
func exprParser.Parse(exprlex: *exprLexer) => int {
var exprn: int
var exprVAL: exprSymType
var exprDollar: []exprSymType
_ = exprDollar // silence set and not used
exprS := exprrcvr.stack[:]
exprS := this.stack[:]
Nerrs := 0 /* number of errors */
Errflag := 0 /* error recovery flag */
exprstate := 0
exprrcvr.char = -1
exprtoken := -1 // exprrcvr.char translated into internal numbering
this.char = -1
exprtoken := -1 // this.char translated into internal numbering
exprp := -1
const __goto_exprstack = -1
......@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ Loop:
__goto_x = __goto_exprdefault
continue Loop
if exprrcvr.char < 0 {
exprrcvr.char, exprtoken = exprlex1(exprlex, &exprrcvr.lval)
if this.char < 0 {
this.char, exprtoken = exprlex1(exprlex, &this.lval)
exprn += exprtoken
if exprn < 0 || exprn >= exprLast {
......@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@ Loop:
exprn = exprAct[exprn]
if exprChk[exprn] == exprtoken { /* valid shift */
exprrcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
exprtoken = -1
exprVAL = exprrcvr.lval
exprVAL = this.lval
exprstate = exprn
if Errflag > 0 {
......@@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ Loop:
/* default state action */
exprn = exprDef[exprstate]
if exprn == -2 {
if exprrcvr.char < 0 {
exprrcvr.char, exprtoken = exprlex1(exprlex, &exprrcvr.lval)
if this.char < 0 {
this.char, exprtoken = exprlex1(exprlex, &this.lval)
/* look through exception table */
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Loop:
if exprn < 0 {
// Make sure we report no lookahead when not parsing.
exprstate = -1
exprrcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
exprtoken = -1
return 0
......@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ Loop:
// Make sure we report no lookahead when not parsing.
exprstate = -1
exprrcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
exprtoken = -1
/* there is no state on the stack with an error shift ... abort */
......@@ -450,12 +450,12 @@ Loop:
if exprtoken == exprEofCode {
// Make sure we report no lookahead when not parsing.
exprstate = -1
exprrcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
exprtoken = -1
return 1
exprrcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
exprtoken = -1
__goto_x = __goto_exprnewstate /* try again in the same state */
......@@ -3271,8 +3271,8 @@ type $$Parser struct {
char int
func (p *$$Parser) Lookahead() int {
return p.char
func $$Parser.Lookahead() int {
return this.char
func $$NewParser() *$$Parser {
......@@ -3406,18 +3406,18 @@ func $$Parse($$lex *$$Lexer) int {
return $$NewParser().Parse($$lex)
func ($$rcvr *$$Parser) Parse($$lex *$$Lexer) int {
func $$Parser.Parse($$lex *$$Lexer) int {
var $$n int
var $$VAL $$SymType
var $$Dollar []$$SymType
_ = $$Dollar // silence set and not used
$$S := $$rcvr.stack[:]
$$S := this.stack[:]
Nerrs := 0 /* number of errors */
Errflag := 0 /* error recovery flag */
$$state := 0
$$rcvr.char = -1
$$token := -1 // $$rcvr.char translated into internal numbering
this.char = -1
$$token := -1 // this.char translated into internal numbering
$$p := -1
const __goto_$$stack = -1
......@@ -3454,8 +3454,8 @@ case __goto_$$newstate:
__goto_x = __goto_$$default
continue Loop
if $$rcvr.char < 0 {
$$rcvr.char, $$token = $$lex1($$lex, &$$rcvr.lval)
if this.char < 0 {
this.char, $$token = $$lex1($$lex, &this.lval)
$$n += $$token
if $$n < 0 || $$n >= $$Last {
......@@ -3464,9 +3464,9 @@ case __goto_$$newstate:
$$n = $$Act[$$n]
if $$Chk[$$n] == $$token { /* valid shift */
$$rcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
$$token = -1
$$VAL = $$rcvr.lval
$$VAL = this.lval
$$state = $$n
if Errflag > 0 {
......@@ -3482,8 +3482,8 @@ case __goto_$$default:
/* default state action */
$$n = $$Def[$$state]
if $$n == -2 {
if $$rcvr.char < 0 {
$$rcvr.char, $$token = $$lex1($$lex, &$$rcvr.lval)
if this.char < 0 {
this.char, $$token = $$lex1($$lex, &this.lval)
/* look through exception table */
......@@ -3504,7 +3504,7 @@ case __goto_$$default:
if $$n < 0 {
// Make sure we report no lookahead when not parsing.
$$state = -1
$$rcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
$$token = -1
return 0
......@@ -3543,7 +3543,7 @@ case __goto_$$default:
// Make sure we report no lookahead when not parsing.
$$state = -1
$$rcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
$$token = -1
/* there is no state on the stack with an error shift ... abort */
......@@ -3556,12 +3556,12 @@ case __goto_$$default:
if $$token == $$EofCode {
// Make sure we report no lookahead when not parsing.
$$state = -1
$$rcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
$$token = -1
return 1
$$rcvr.char = -1
this.char = -1
$$token = -1
__goto_x = __goto_$$newstate /* try again in the same state */
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