提交 6b2266b2 编写于 作者: 3 3dgen

增加 string 的 = 和 != 函数

上级 ea73f508
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func (m *Module) EmitBinOp(x, y Value, op wat.OpCode) (insts []wat.Inst, ret_typ
switch op {
case wat.OpCodeAdd:
if rtype.Equal(m.STRING) {
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstCall(m.STRING.(*String).genAppendStrFunc()))
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstCall(m.STRING.(*String).genFunc_Append()))
} else {
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstAdd(toWatType(rtype)))
......@@ -74,11 +74,21 @@ func (m *Module) EmitBinOp(x, y Value, op wat.OpCode) (insts []wat.Inst, ret_typ
ret_type = rtype
case wat.OpCodeEql:
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstEq(toWatType(rtype)))
if rtype.Equal(m.STRING) {
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstCall(m.STRING.(*String).genFunc_Equal()))
} else {
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstEq(toWatType(rtype)))
ret_type = m.I32
case wat.OpCodeNe:
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstNe(toWatType(rtype)))
if rtype.Equal(m.STRING) {
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstCall(m.STRING.(*String).genFunc_Equal()))
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstConst(wat.I32{}, "1"))
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstXor(wat.I32{}))
} else {
insts = append(insts, wat.NewInstNe(toWatType(rtype)))
ret_type = m.I32
case wat.OpCodeLt:
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ type String struct {
_u8 ValueType
_u32 ValueType
_i32 ValueType
_u8_block *Block
_u8_ptr ValueType
......@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ func (m *Module) GenValueType_String() *String {
str_t._u8 = m.U8
str_t._u32 = m.U32
str_t._i32 = m.I32
str_t._u8_block = m.GenValueType_Block(m.U8)
str_t._u8_ptr = m.GenValueType_Ptr(m.U8)
......@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ func (t *String) EmitLoadFromAddr(addr Value, offset int) []wat.Inst {
return t.Struct.EmitLoadFromAddr(addr, offset)
func (t *String) genAppendStrFunc() string {
func (t *String) genFunc_Append() string {
fn_name := "$" + t.Name() + ".appendstr"
if currentModule.FindFunc(fn_name) != nil {
return fn_name
......@@ -187,6 +189,81 @@ func (t *String) genAppendStrFunc() string {
return fn_name
func (t *String) genFunc_Equal() string {
fn_name := "$" + t.Name() + ".equal"
if currentModule.FindFunc(fn_name) != nil {
return fn_name
var f Function
f.InternalName = fn_name
x := newValue_String("x", ValueKindLocal, t)
y := newValue_String("y", ValueKindLocal, t)
f.Params = append(f.Params, x)
f.Params = append(f.Params, y)
f.Results = append(f.Results, t._i32)
ret := NewLocal("ret", t._u32)
f.Locals = append(f.Locals, ret)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, wat.NewInstConst(wat.I32{}, "1"))
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, ret.EmitPop()...)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, x.Extract("len").EmitPush()...)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, y.Extract("len").EmitPush()...)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, wat.NewInstNe(wat.I32{}))
inst_if := wat.NewInstIf(nil, nil, nil)
inst_if.True = append(inst_if.True, wat.NewInstConst(wat.I32{}, "0"))
inst_if.True = append(inst_if.True, ret.EmitPop()...)
loop := wat.NewInstLoop("loop1")
loop.Insts = append(loop.Insts, x.Extract("len").EmitPush()...)
if1 := wat.NewInstIf(nil, nil, nil)
if1.True = append(if1.True, x.Extract("data").EmitPush()...)
if1.True = append(if1.True, x.Extract("len").EmitPush()...)
if1.True = append(if1.True, wat.NewInstAdd(wat.I32{}))
if1.True = append(if1.True, wat.NewInstLoad8u(0, 1))
if1.True = append(if1.True, y.Extract("data").EmitPush()...)
if1.True = append(if1.True, x.Extract("len").EmitPush()...)
if1.True = append(if1.True, wat.NewInstAdd(wat.I32{}))
if1.True = append(if1.True, wat.NewInstLoad8u(0, 1))
if1.True = append(if1.True, wat.NewInstEq(wat.I32{}))
if2 := wat.NewInstIf(nil, nil, nil)
if2.True = append(if2.True, x.Extract("len").EmitPush()...)
if2.True = append(if2.True, wat.NewInstConst(wat.I32{}, "1"))
if2.True = append(if2.True, wat.NewInstSub(wat.I32{}))
if2.True = append(if2.True, x.Extract("len").EmitPop()...)
if2.True = append(if2.True, wat.NewInstBr("loop1"))
if1.True = append(if1.True, if2)
loop.Insts = append(loop.Insts, if1)
inst_if.False = append(inst_if.False, loop)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, inst_if)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, x.EmitRelease()...)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, y.EmitRelease()...)
f.Insts = append(f.Insts, ret.EmitPush()...)
return fn_name
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