提交 56717c73 编写于 作者: A ariasuni

Add “changed” sort option, to replace old incorrect “created”

上级 b0da0c90
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ These options are available when running with --long (`-l`):
- **--time-style**: how to format timestamps
- Valid **--color** options are **always**, **automatic**, and **never**.
- Valid sort fields are **accessed**, **created**, **extension**, **Extension**, **inode**, **modified**, **name**, **Name**, **size**, **type**, and **none**. Fields starting with a capital letter sort uppercase before lowercase. The modified field has the aliases **date**, **time**, and **newest**, while its reverse has the aliases **age** and **oldest**.
- Valid time fields are **modified**, **accessed**, and **created**.
- Valid sort fields are **accessed**, **changed**, **created**, **extension**, **Extension**, **inode**, **modified**, **name**, **Name**, **size**, **type**, and **none**. Fields starting with a capital letter sort uppercase before lowercase. The modified field has the aliases **date**, **time**, and **newest**, while its reverse has the aliases **age** and **oldest**.
- Valid time fields are **modified**, **changed**, **accessed**, and **created**.
- Valid time styles are **default**, **iso**, **long-iso**, and **full-iso**.
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ _exa()
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'name filename Name Filename size filesize extension Extension date time modified accessed created type inode oldest newest age none --' -- "$cur" ) )
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'name filename Name Filename size filesize extension Extension date time modified changed accessed created type inode oldest newest age none --' -- "$cur" ) )
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'accessed modified created --' -- $cur ) )
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'modified changed accessed created --' -- $cur ) )
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ complete -c exa -s 'r' -l 'reverse' -d "Reverse the sort order"
complete -c exa -s 's' -l 'sort' -x -d "Which field to sort by" -a "
accessed\t'Sort by file accessed time'
age\t'Sort by file modified time (newest first)'
changed\t'Sort by changed time'
created\t'Sort by file modified time'
date\t'Sort by file modified time'
ext\t'Sort by file extension'
......@@ -54,13 +55,15 @@ complete -c exa -s 'g' -l 'group' -d "List each file's group"
complete -c exa -s 'h' -l 'header' -d "Add a header row to each column"
complete -c exa -s 'h' -l 'links' -d "List each file's number of hard links"
complete -c exa -s 'g' -l 'group' -d "List each file's inode number"
complete -c exa -s 'm' -l 'modified' -d "Use the modified timestamp field"
complete -c exa -s 'S' -l 'blocks' -d "List each file's number of filesystem blocks"
complete -c exa -s 't' -l 'time' -x -d "Which timestamp field to list" -a "
modified\t'Display modified time'
changed\t'Display changed time'
accessed\t'Display accessed time'
created\t'Display created time'
modified\t'Display modified time'
complete -c exa -s 'm' -l 'modified' -d "Use the modified timestamp field"
complete -c exa -l 'changed' -d "Use the changed timestamp field"
complete -c exa -s 'u' -l 'accessed' -d "Use the accessed timestamp field"
complete -c exa -s 'U' -l 'created' -d "Use the created timestamp field"
complete -c exa -l 'time-style' -x -d "How to format timestamps" -a "
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ __exa() {
{-d,--list-dirs}"[List directories like regular files]" \
{-L,--level}"+[Limit the depth of recursion]" \
{-r,--reverse}"[Reverse the sort order]" \
{-s,--sort}="[Which field to sort by]:(sort field):(accessed age created date extension Extension filename Filename inode modified oldest name Name newest none size time type)" \
{-s,--sort}="[Which field to sort by]:(sort field):(accessed age changed created date extension Extension filename Filename inode modified oldest name Name newest none size time type)" \
{-I,--ignore-glob}"[Ignore files that match these glob patterns]" \
{-b,--binary}"[List file sizes with binary prefixes]" \
{-B,--bytes}"[List file sizes in bytes, without any prefixes]" \
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ __exa() {
{-i,--inode}"[List each file's inode number]" \
{-m,--modified}"[Use the modified timestamp field]" \
{-S,--blocks}"[List each file's number of filesystem blocks]" \
{-t,--time}="[Which time field to show]:(time field):(accessed created modified)" \
{-t,--time}="[Which time field to show]:(time field):(accessed changed created modified)" \
--time-style="[How to format timestamps]:(time style):(default iso long-iso full-iso)" \
{-u,--accessed}"[Use the accessed timestamp field]" \
{-U,--created}"[Use the created timestamp field]" \
.TH "exa" "1" "2017\-07\-07" "exa 0.7.0" ""
.TH "exa" "1" "2018\-12\-17" "exa 0.9.0" ""
exa \- a modern replacement for ls
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ reverse the sort order
.B \-s, \-\-sort=\f[I]SORT_FIELD\f[]
which field to sort by.
Valid fields are name, Name, extension, Extension, size, modified, accessed, created, inode, type, and none.
Valid fields are name, Name, extension, Extension, size, modified, changed, accessed, created, inode, type, and none.
The modified field has the aliases date, time, and newest, and its reverse order has the aliases age and oldest.
Fields starting with a capital letter will sort uppercase before lowercase: 'A' then 'B' then 'a' then 'b'.
Fields starting with a lowercase letter will mix them: 'A' then 'a' then 'B' then 'b'.
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ list each file\[aq]s number of file system blocks
.B \-t, \-\-time=\f[I]WORD\f[]
which timestamp field to list (modified, accessed, created)
which timestamp field to list (modified, changed, accessed, created)
......@@ -301,6 +301,11 @@ impl<'dir> File<'dir> {
/// This file’s last changed timestamp.
pub fn changed_time(&self) -> Duration {
Duration::new(self.metadata.ctime() as u64, self.metadata.ctime_nsec() as u32)
/// This file’s last accessed timestamp.
pub fn accessed_time(&self) -> Duration {
......@@ -173,13 +173,16 @@ pub enum SortField {
/// http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/8842
/// The time the file was changed or created (the “ctime”).
/// The time the file was changed (the “ctime”).
/// Contrary to the name, this field is used to mark the time when a
/// file’s metadata changed -- its permissions, owners, or link count.
/// This field is used to mark the time when a file’s metadata
/// changed -- its permissions, owners, or link count.
/// In original Unix, this was, however, meant as creation time.
/// https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/cacm.html
/// The time the file was created (the "btime" or "birthtime").
/// The type of the file: directories, links, pipes, regular, files, etc.
......@@ -247,6 +250,7 @@ impl SortField {
SortField::FileInode => a.metadata.ino().cmp(&b.metadata.ino()),
SortField::ModifiedDate => a.modified_time().cmp(&b.modified_time()),
SortField::AccessedDate => a.accessed_time().cmp(&b.accessed_time()),
SortField::ChangedDate => a.changed_time().cmp(&b.changed_time()),
SortField::CreatedDate => a.created_time().cmp(&b.created_time()),
SortField::ModifiedAge => b.modified_time().cmp(&a.modified_time()), // flip b and a
......@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ impl SortField {
// age (the oldest) at the bottom.
else if word == "ch" || word == "changed" {
else if word == "acc" || word == "accessed" {
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ pub static GIT_IGNORE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "git-ignore", t
pub static DIRS_FIRST: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "group-directories-first", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static ONLY_DIRS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'D'), long: "only-dirs", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
const SORTS: Values = &[ "name", "Name", "size", "extension",
"Extension", "modified", "accessed",
"Extension", "modified", "changed", "accessed",
"created", "inode", "type", "none" ];
// display options
......@@ -43,12 +43,13 @@ pub static HEADER: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'h'), long: "header", takes_
pub static INODE: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'i'), long: "inode", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static LINKS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'H'), long: "links", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static MODIFIED: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'm'), long: "modified", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static CHANGED: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "changed", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static BLOCKS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'S'), long: "blocks", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static TIME: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b't'), long: "time", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(Some(TIMES)) };
pub static ACCESSED: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'u'), long: "accessed", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static CREATED: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'U'), long: "created", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static TIME_STYLE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "time-style", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(Some(TIME_STYLES)) };
const TIMES: Values = &["modified", "accessed", "created"];
const TIMES: Values = &["modified", "changed", "accessed", "created"];
const TIME_STYLES: Values = &["default", "long-iso", "full-iso", "iso"];
// optional feature options
......@@ -65,9 +66,8 @@ pub static ALL_ARGS: Args = Args(&[
......@@ -296,34 +296,41 @@ impl TimeTypes {
fn deduce(matches: &MatchedFlags) -> Result<TimeTypes, Misfire> {
let possible_word = matches.get(&flags::TIME)?;
let modified = matches.has(&flags::MODIFIED)?;
let created = matches.has(&flags::CREATED)?;
let changed = matches.has(&flags::CHANGED)?;
let accessed = matches.has(&flags::ACCESSED)?;
let created = matches.has(&flags::CREATED)?;
if let Some(word) = possible_word {
if modified {
Err(Misfire::Useless(&flags::MODIFIED, true, &flags::TIME))
else if created {
Err(Misfire::Useless(&flags::CREATED, true, &flags::TIME))
else if changed {
Err(Misfire::Useless(&flags::CHANGED, true, &flags::TIME))
else if accessed {
Err(Misfire::Useless(&flags::ACCESSED, true, &flags::TIME))
else if created {
Err(Misfire::Useless(&flags::CREATED, true, &flags::TIME))
else if word == "mod" || word == "modified" {
Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: true, created: false })
Ok(TimeTypes { modified: true, changed: false, accessed: false, created: false })
else if word == "ch" || word == "changed" {
Ok(TimeTypes { modified: false, changed: true, accessed: false, created: false })
else if word == "acc" || word == "accessed" {
Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: true, modified: false, created: false })
Ok(TimeTypes { modified: false, changed: false, accessed: true, created: false })
else if word == "cr" || word == "created" {
Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: false, created: true })
Ok(TimeTypes { modified: false, changed: false, accessed: false, created: true })
else {
Err(Misfire::BadArgument(&flags::TIME, word.into()))
else if modified || created || accessed {
Ok(TimeTypes { accessed, modified, created })
else if modified || changed || accessed || created {
Ok(TimeTypes { modified, changed, accessed, created })
else {
......@@ -79,6 +79,10 @@ impl Columns {
if self.time_types.changed {
if self.time_types.created {
......@@ -176,14 +180,16 @@ impl Default for SizeFormat {
/// across most (all?) operating systems.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TimeType {
/// The file’s modified time (`st_mtime`).
/// The file’s changed time (`st_ctime`)
/// The file’s accessed time (`st_atime`).
/// The file’s modified time (`st_mtime`).
/// The file’s creation time (`st_ctime`).
/// The file’s creation time (`btime` or `birthtime`).
......@@ -192,8 +198,9 @@ impl TimeType {
/// Returns the text to use for a column’s heading in the columns output.
pub fn header(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
TimeType::Accessed => "Date Accessed",
TimeType::Modified => "Date Modified",
TimeType::Changed => "Date Changed",
TimeType::Accessed => "Date Accessed",
TimeType::Created => "Date Created",
......@@ -207,8 +214,9 @@ impl TimeType {
/// the time columns entirely (yet).
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TimeTypes {
pub accessed: bool,
pub modified: bool,
pub changed: bool,
pub accessed: bool,
pub created: bool,
......@@ -217,7 +225,7 @@ impl Default for TimeTypes {
/// By default, display just the ‘modified’ time. This is the most
/// common option, which is why it has this shorthand.
fn default() -> TimeTypes {
TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: true, created: false }
TimeTypes { modified: true, changed: false, accessed: false, created: false }
......@@ -343,6 +351,7 @@ impl<'a, 'f> Table<'a> {
Column::GitStatus => self.git_status(file).render(self.colours),
Column::Timestamp(Modified) => file.modified_time().render(self.colours.date, &self.env.tz, &self.time_format),
Column::Timestamp(Changed) => file.changed_time() .render(self.colours.date, &self.env.tz, &self.time_format),
Column::Timestamp(Created) => file.created_time() .render(self.colours.date, &self.env.tz, &self.time_format),
Column::Timestamp(Accessed) => file.accessed_time().render(self.colours.date, &self.env.tz, &self.time_format),
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