提交 c2b0c07b 编写于 作者: C chertus

test for issue-3783 (deciaml groupArray crash)

上级 2c8535e2
1545081300 [('ed87e57c-9331-462a-80b4-9f0c005e88c8',0.4400)]
4341757 5657967 2018-11-01 16:47:46 txt 321.380000000000 315.080000000000 0.000000000000 2018-11-02 00:00:00
4360430 5681495 2018-11-02 09:00:07 txt 274.350000000000 268.970000000000 0.000000000000 2018-11-02 00:00:00
USE test;
select groupArray(s) from (select sum(n) s from (select toDecimal32(1, 2) as n));
select groupArray(s) from (select sum(n) s from (select toDecimal64(1, 5) as n));
select groupArray(s) from (select sum(n) s from (select toDecimal128(1, 10) as n));
select groupArray(s) from (select sum(n) s from (select toDecimal32(number, 2) as n from numbers(1000)));
select groupArray(s) from (select sum(n) s from (select toDecimal64(number, 5) as n from numbers(1000)));
select groupArray(s) from (select sum(n) s from (select toDecimal128(number, 10) as n from numbers(1000)));
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sensor_value;
CREATE TABLE sensor_value (
received_at DateTime,
device_id UUID,
sensor_id UUID,
value Nullable(Decimal(18, 4)),
low_warning Nullable(Decimal(18, 4)),
low_critical Nullable(Decimal(18, 4)),
high_warning Nullable(Decimal(18, 4)),
high_critical Nullable(Decimal(18, 4))
) ENGINE = MergeTree
PARTITION BY toDate(received_at)
ORDER BY (device_id, sensor_id);
INSERT INTO sensor_value (received_at, device_id, sensor_id, value, low_warning, low_critical, high_warning, high_critical) VALUES ('2018-12-18 00:16:07', 'a4d92414-09aa-4dbd-80b2-124ddaacf333', 'ed87e57c-9331-462a-80b4-9f0c005e88c8', '0.4400', '-10000000.0000', '-10000000.0000', '10000000.0000', '10000000.0000');
SELECT `time`, groupArray((sensor_id, volume)) AS groupArr FROM (
SELECT (intDiv(toUInt32(received_at), 900) * 900) AS `time`, sensor_id, avg(value) AS volume
FROM sensor_value
WHERE received_at BETWEEN '2018-12-12 00:00:00' AND '2018-12-30 00:00:00'
GROUP BY `time`,sensor_id
ORDER BY `time`
) GROUP BY `time`;
DROP TABLE sensor_value;
select s.a, s.b, max(s.dt1) dt1, s.c, s.d, s.f, s.i, max(s.dt2) dt2 from (
select toUInt64(4360430) a
, toUInt64(5681495) b
, toDateTime('2018-11-01 10:44:58') dt1
, 'txt' c
, toDecimal128('274.350000000000', 12) d
, toDecimal128(268.970000000000, 12) f
, toDecimal128(0.000000000000, 12) i
, toDateTime('2018-11-02 00:00:00') dt2
union all
select toUInt64(4341757) a
, toUInt64(5657967) b
, toDateTime('2018-11-01 16:47:46') dt1
, 'txt' c
, toDecimal128('321.380000000000', 12) d
, toDecimal128(315.080000000000, 12) f
, toDecimal128(0.000000000000, 12) i
, toDateTime('2018-11-02 00:00:00') dt2
union all
select toUInt64(4360430) a
, toUInt64(5681495) b
, toDateTime('2018-11-02 09:00:07') dt1
, 'txt' c
, toDecimal128('274.350000000000', 12) d
, toDecimal128(268.970000000000, 12) f
, toDecimal128(0.000000000000, 12) i
, toDateTime('2018-11-02 00:00:00') dt2
) s group by s.a, s.b, s.c, s.d, s.f, s.i;
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