提交 8bd1659e 编写于 作者: B BayoNet

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:yandex/ClickHouse

# Anonymized Yandex.Metrica Data
Dataset consists of two tables containing anonymized data about hits (`hits_v1`) and visits (`visits_v1`) of Yandex.Metrica. Each of the tables can be downloaded as a compressed `tsv.xz` file or as prepared partitions.
Dataset consists of two tables containing anonymized data about hits (`hits_v1`) and visits (`visits_v1`) of Yandex.Metrica. Each of the tables can be downloaded as a compressed `tsv.xz` file or as prepared partitions. In addition to that, an extended version of the `hits` table containing 100 million rows is available as TSV at `https://clickhouse-datasets.s3.yandex.net/hits/tsv/hits_100m_obfuscated_v1.tsv.xz` and as prepared partitions at `https://clickhouse-datasets.s3.yandex.net/hits/partitions/hits_100m_obfuscated_v1.tar.xz`.
## Obtaining Tables from Prepared Partitions
**Download and import hits:**
......@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ For descriptions of request parameters, see the [request description](../../quer
<a name="mergetree_setting-merge_with_ttl_timeout"></a>
- `merge_with_ttl_timeout` — Minimum delay in seconds before repeating a merge with TTL. Default value: 86400 (1 day).
**Example of setting the sections **
**Example of setting the sections**
ENGINE MergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(EventDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)) SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID) SETTINGS index_granularity=8192
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ The `MergeTree` engine is configured in the same way as in the example above for
## Data Storage
A table consists of data *parts* sorted by primary key.
A table consists of data parts sorted by primary key.
When data is inserted in a table, separate data parts are created and each of them is lexicographically sorted by primary key. For example, if the primary key is `(CounterID, Date)`, the data in the part is sorted by `CounterID`, and within each `CounterID`, it is ordered by `Date`.
......@@ -109,25 +109,7 @@ Defines storage time for values. Can be specified only for MergeTree-family tabl
## Column Compression Codecs
Besides default data compression, defined in [server settings](../operations/server_settings/settings.md#compression), per-column specification is also available.
Supported compression algorithms:
- `NONE` — No compression.
- `LZ4` — Lossless [data compression algorithm](https://github.com/lz4/lz4) used by default. Applies LZ4 fast compression.
- `LZ4HC[(level)]` — LZ4 CH (high compression) algorithm with configurable level. Default level: 9. If you set `level <= 0`, the default level is applied. Possible levels: [1, 12]. Recommended levels are in range: [4, 9].
- `ZSTD[(level)]`[ZSTD compression algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zstandard) with configurable `level`. Possible levels: [1, 22]. Default value: 1.
- `Delta(delta_bytes)` — compression approach, when raw values are replaced with the difference of two neighbour values. Up to `delta_bytes` are used for storing delta value, so `delta_bytes` is a maximum size of raw values.
Possible `delta_bytes` values: 1, 2, 4, 8. Default value for `delta_bytes` is `sizeof(type)`, if it is equals to 1, 2, 4, 8. Otherwise it equals 1.
- `DoubleDelta` — Compresses values down to 1 bit (in the best case), using deltas calculation. Best compression rates are achieved on monotonic sequences with constant stride, for example, time series data. Can be used with any fixed-width type. Implements the algorithm used in Gorilla TSDB, extending it to support 64 bit types. Uses 1 extra bit for 32 byte deltas: 5 bit prefix instead of 4 bit prefix. For additional information, see the "Compressing time stamps" section of the [Gorilla: A Fast, Scalable, In-Memory Time Series Database](http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1816-teller.pdf) document.
- `Gorilla` — Compresses values down to 1 bit (in the best case). The codec is efficient when storing series of floating point values that change slowly, because the best compression rate is achieved when neighbouring values are binary equal. Implements the algorithm used in Gorilla TSDB, extending it to support 64 bit types. For additional information, see the "Compressing values" section of the [Gorilla: A Fast, Scalable, In-Memory Time Series Database](http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1816-teller.pdf) document.
High compression levels useful for asymmetric scenarios, like compress once, decompress a lot of times. Greater levels stands for better compression and higher CPU usage.
You cannot decompress ClickHouse database files with external utilities, for example, `lz4`. Use the special utility [clickhouse-compressor](https://github.com/yandex/ClickHouse/tree/master/dbms/programs/compressor).
Syntax example:
By default, ClickHouse applies to columns the compression method, defined in [server settings](../operations/server_settings/settings.md#compression). Also, you can define compression method for each individual column in the `CREATE TABLE` query.
CREATE TABLE codec_example
......@@ -136,27 +118,47 @@ CREATE TABLE codec_example
ts DateTime CODEC(LZ4HC),
float_value Float32 CODEC(NONE),
double_value Float64 CODEC(LZ4HC(9))
value Float32 CODEC(Delta, ZSTD)
ENGINE = MergeTree
ENGINE = <Engine>
Codecs can be combined in a pipeline. Default table codec is not included into pipeline (if it should be applied to a column, you have to specify it explicitly in pipeline). Example below shows an optimization approach for storing timeseries metrics.
Usually, values for particular metric, stored in `path` does not differ significantly from point to point. Using delta-encoding allows to reduce disk space usage significantly.
If a codec is specified, the default codec doesn't apply. Codecs can be combined in a pipeline, for example, `CODEC(Delta, ZSTD)`. To select the best codecs combination for you project, pass benchmarks, similar to described in the Altinity [New Encodings to Improve ClickHouse Efficiency](https://www.altinity.com/blog/2019/7/new-encodings-to-improve-clickhouse) article.
CREATE TABLE timeseries_example
dt Date,
ts DateTime,
path String,
value Float32 CODEC(Delta, ZSTD)
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (path, ts)
You cannot decompress ClickHouse database files with external utilities, for example, `lz4`. Use the special utility, [clickhouse-compressor](https://github.com/yandex/ClickHouse/tree/master/dbms/programs/compressor).
Compression is supported for the table engines:
- [*MergeTree](../operations/table_engines/mergetree.md) family
- [*Log](../operations/table_engines/log_family.md) family
- [Set](../operations/table_engines/set.md)
- [Join](../operations/table_engines/join.md)
ClickHouse supports common purpose codecs and specialized codecs.
### Specialized codecs {#create-query-specialized-codecs}
These codecs are designed to make compression more effective using specifities of the data. Some of this codecs don't compress data by itself, but they prepare data to be compressed better by common purpose codecs.
Specialized codecs:
- `Delta(delta_bytes)` — Compression approach, when raw values are replaced with the difference of two neighbor values. Up to `delta_bytes` are used for storing delta value, so `delta_bytes` is a maximum size of raw values. Possible `delta_bytes` values: 1, 2, 4, 8. Default value for `delta_bytes` is `sizeof(type)`, if it is equals to 1, 2, 4, 8. Otherwise it equals 1.
- `DoubleDelta` — Compresses values down to 1 bit (in the best case), using deltas calculation. Best compression rates are achieved on monotonic sequences with constant stride, for example, time series data. Can be used with any fixed-width type. Implements the algorithm used in Gorilla TSDB, extending it to support 64 bit types. Uses 1 extra bit for 32 byte deltas: 5 bit prefix instead of 4 bit prefix. For additional information, see the "Compressing time stamps" section of the [Gorilla: A Fast, Scalable, In-Memory Time Series Database](http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1816-teller.pdf) document.
- `Gorilla` — Compresses values down to 1 bit (in the best case). The codec is efficient when storing series of floating point values that change slowly, because the best compression rate is achieved when neighboring values are binary equal. Implements the algorithm used in Gorilla TSDB, extending it to support 64 bit types. For additional information, see the "Compressing values" section of the [Gorilla: A Fast, Scalable, In-Memory Time Series Database](http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1816-teller.pdf) document.
- `T64` — Compression approach that crops unused high bits of values in integer data types (including `Enum`, `Date` and `DateTime`). At each step of its algorithm, codec takes a block of 64 values, puts them into 64x64 bit matrix, transposes it, crops the unused bits of values and returns the rest as a sequence. Unused bits are the bits, that don't differ between maximum and minimum values in the whole data part for which the compression is used.
### Common purpose codecs {#create-query-common-purpose-codecs}
- `NONE` — No compression.
- `LZ4` — Lossless [data compression algorithm](https://github.com/lz4/lz4) used by default. Applies LZ4 fast compression.
- `LZ4HC[(level)]` — LZ4 CH (high compression) algorithm with configurable level. Default level: 9. If you set `level <= 0`, the default level is applied. Possible levels: [1, 12]. Recommended levels are in range: [4, 9].
- `ZSTD[(level)]`[ZSTD compression algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zstandard) with configurable `level`. Possible levels: [1, 22]. Default level: 1.
High compression levels useful for asymmetric scenarios, like compress once, decompress a lot of times. Greater levels stands for better compression and higher CPU usage.
## Temporary Tables
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