提交 01caea84 编写于 作者: A Alexander Kozhikhov

some changes and fixes on regression methods

上级 781a4e8d
......@@ -625,12 +625,12 @@ mini-batch size and has few methods for updating weights (simple SGD, Momentum,
This function works as a usual aggregate function in terms of distributed processing of data, which is followed by merges. With regard to `linearRegression` this means that different aggregate function states are merged with weights - the more data was processed by a state, the bigger weight it has during a merge with other state.
#### Parameters
There are 4 customizable parameters. They are passed to the function sequentially, but there is no need to pass all four - default values will be used, however good model required some parameter tuning.
linearRegression(1.0, 1.0, 10, 'SGD')
stochasticLinearRegression(1.0, 1.0, 10, 'SGD')
1. `learning rate` is the coefficient on step length, when gradient descent step is performed. Too big learning rate may cause infinite weights of the model. Default is `0.01`.
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ linearRegression(1.0, 1.0, 10, 'SGD')
**Usage of linearRegression**
`linearRegression` is used in two steps: fitting the model and predicting on new data. In order to fit the model and save its state for later usage we use `-State` combinator, which basically saves the state (model weights, etc).
`stochasticLinearRegression` is used in two steps: fitting the model and predicting on new data. In order to fit the model and save its state for later usage we use `-State` combinator, which basically saves the state (model weights, etc).
To predict we use function `evalMLMethod`, which takes a state as an argument as well as features to predict on.
1. *Fitting*
......@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ To predict we use function `evalMLMethod`, which takes a state as an argument as
) ENGINE = Memory;
linearRegressionState(0.1, 0.0, 5, 'SGD')(target, param1, param2)
stochasticLinearRegressionState(0.1, 0.0, 5, 'SGD')(target, param1, param2)
AS state FROM train_data;
......@@ -684,46 +684,48 @@ To predict we use function `evalMLMethod`, which takes a state as an argument as
2. User may fetch weights of the created model for its own purposes without saving the model if no `-State` combinator is used.
SELECT LinearRegression(0.01)(target, param1, param2) FROM train_data
SELECT stochasticLinearRegression(0.01)(target, param1, param2) FROM train_data
Such query will fit the model and return its weights - first are weights, which correspond to the parameters of the model, the last one is bias. So in the example above the query will return a column with 3 values.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/query_language/agg_functions/reference/) <!--hide-->
## logisticRegression
This function implements stochastic logistic regression. It supports the same custom parameters as linearRegression and works the same way.
This function implements stochastic logistic regression. It can be used for binary classification problem, supports the same custom parameters as stochasticLinearRegression and works the same way.
#### Parameters
Parameters are exactly the same as in linearRegression:
(`learning rate`, `l2 regularization coefficient`, `mini-batch size`, `method for updating weights`).
For more information see *linearRegression.Parameters*
Parameters are exactly the same as in stochasticLinearRegression:
`learning rate`, `l2 regularization coefficient`, `mini-batch size`, `method for updating weights`.
For more information see [parameters](#parameters).
linearRegression(1.0, 1.0, 10, 'SGD')
stochasticLogisticRegression(1.0, 1.0, 10, 'SGD')
1. *Fitting*
See *linearRegression.Fitting*
Targets have to be in {-1, 1}.
See *stochasticLinearRegression.Fitting*
Predicted labels have to be in {-1, 1}.
2. *Predicting*
Using saved state we can preidct probabilities of belonging element to label *1*.
Using saved state we can predict probability of object having label *1*.
WITH (SELECT state FROM your_model) AS model SELECT
evalMLMethod(model, param1, param2) FROM test_data
The query will return a column of probabilities. Note that first argument of `evalMLMethod` is `AggregateFunctionState` object, next are columns of features.
We can also set a bound of probability, which assignments elements to different labels.
We can also set a bound of probability, which assigns elements to different labels.
SELECT ans < 1.1 AND ans > 0.5 FROM
(WITH (SELECT state FROM your_model) AS model SELECT
evalMLMethod(model, param1, param2) AS ans FROM test_data)
Then result will be labels.
Then the result will be labels.
`test_data` is a table like `train_data` but may not contain target value.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/query_language/agg_functions/reference/) <!--hide-->
# Machine learning methods
## Prediction
## evalMLMethod (prediction)
Prediction using fitted regression models uses `evalMLMethod` function. See link in `linearRegression`.
## Linear Regression
## Stochastic Linear Regression
`linearRegression` aggregate function implements stochastic gradient descent method and uses `evalMLMethod` to predict on new data.
`stochasticLinearRegression` aggregate function implements stochastic gradient descent method using linear model and MSE loss function. Uses `evalMLMethod` to predict on new data.
See examples and notes [here](../agg_functions/reference.md#linearregression).
## Stochastic Logistic Regression
`stochasticLogisticRegression` aggregate function implements stochastic gradient descent method for binary classification problem. Uses `evalMLMethod` to predict on new data.
See examples and notes [here](../agg_functions/reference.md#logisticregression).
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