DDLWorker.cpp 3.2 KB
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#include <Common/getFQDNOrHostName.h>

#include <Interpreters/DDLWorker.h>
#include <Interpreters/InterpreterCreateQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/executeQuery.h>

#include <zkutil/ZooKeeper.h>

namespace DB

namespace ErrorCodes
    extern const int UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG;
    extern const int INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER;

namespace {

/// Helper class which extracts from the ClickHouse configuration file
/// the parameters we need for operating the resharding thread.
class Arguments final
    Arguments(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_name)
        Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys keys;
        config.keys(config_name, keys);

        for (const auto & key : keys)
            if (key == "task_queue_path")
                task_queue_path = config.getString(config_name + "." + key);
                throw Exception{"Unknown parameter in resharding configuration", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG};

        if (task_queue_path.empty())
            throw Exception{"Resharding: missing parameter task_queue_path", ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER};

    Arguments(const Arguments &) = delete;
    Arguments & operator=(const Arguments &) = delete;

    std::string getTaskQueuePath() const
        return task_queue_path;

    std::string task_queue_path;


DDLWorker::DDLWorker(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
                      const std::string & config_name, Context & context_)
    : context(context_)
    , stop_flag(false)
    Arguments arguments(config, config_name);
    auto zookeeper = context.getZooKeeper();

    std::string root = arguments.getTaskQueuePath();
    if (root.back() != '/')
        root += "/";

    auto current_host = getFQDNOrHostName();
    host_task_queue_path = "/clickhouse/task_queue/ddl/" + current_host;

    thread = std::thread(&DDLWorker::run, this);

    stop_flag = true;

void DDLWorker::processTasks()
    processCreate(host_task_queue_path + "/create");

void DDLWorker::processCreate(const std::string & path)
    auto zookeeper = context.getZooKeeper();

    if (!zookeeper->exists(path))

    const Strings & children = zookeeper->getChildren(path);

    for (const auto & name : children)
        const std::string & query_path = path + "/" + name;

            std::string value;

            if (zookeeper->tryGet(query_path, value))
                if (!value.empty())
                    executeQuery(value, context);

        catch (const std::exception & ex)
            LOG_ERROR(log, ex.what() + std::string(" on ") + query_path);

void DDLWorker::run()
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;

    while (!stop_flag)
        catch (const std::exception & ex)
            LOG_ERROR(log, ex.what());

        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> g(lock);
        cond_var.wait_for(g, 10s);
