提交 a117dfc9 编写于 作者: Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar Huan (李卓桓)

new room class methods demo

上级 b587668e
const {
, Config
, Room
, Contact
, Message
, log
} = require('.')
const welcome = `
=============== Powered by Wechaty ===============
-------- https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty --------
I'm a Wechaty Botie with the following super powers:
1. Find a room
2. Add people to room
3. Del people from room
4. Change room topic
5. Monitor room events
6. etc...
If you send a message of magic word 'ding',
you will get a invitation to join my own room!
Hope you like it, and you are very welcome to
upgrade me for more super powers!
Please wait... I'm trying to login in...
const bot = new Wechaty({ profile: Config.DEFAULT_PROFILE })
.on('scan', ({url, code}) => {
console.log(`Use Wechat to Scan QR Code in url to login: ${code}\n${url}`)
.on('login' , user => {
log.info('Bot', `${user.name()} logined`)
setTimeout(_ => {
Room.find({ name: /^ding/i })
.then(room => {
log.info('Bot', 'start monitor "ding" room join/leave event')
room.on('join', (invitee, inviter) => {
try {
log.info('Bot', 'room event: %s join, invited by %s', invitee.name(), inviter.name())
const m = new Message()
m.set('room', room.id)
if (inviter.id !== bot.user().id) {
m.set('to', inviter.id)
m.set('content', `@${inviter.name()} RULE1: Invitation is limited to me, the owner only. Please do not invit people without notify me.`)
m.set('to', invitee.id)
m.set('content', `@${invitee.name()} Please contact me: by send "ding" to me, I will re-sed you a invitation. Now I will remove you out, sorry.`)
room.topic('ding - warn ' + inviter.name())
} else {
m.set('to', invitee.id)
m.set('content', `@${invitee.name()} Welcome to my room! :)`)
room.topic('ding - welcome ' + invitee.name())
} catch (e) {
log.error('room join event exception: %s', e.stack)
room.on('leave', (leaver) => {
log.info('Bot', 'room event: %s leave, byebye', leaver.name())
.catch(e => {
log.warn('Bot', 'there is no room named ding(yet)')
}, 3000)
.on('room-join', (room, invitee, inviter) => {
log.info('Bot', 'room-join event: Room %s got new member %s, invited by %s'
, room.toic()
, invitee.name()
, inviter.name()
.on('room-leave', (room, leaver) => {
log.info('Bot', 'room-leave event: Room %s lost member %s'
, room.topic()
, leaver.name()
.on('logout' , user => log.info('Bot', `${user.name()} logouted`))
.on('error' , e => log.info('Bot', 'error: %s', e))
.on('message', m => {
const room = m.room()
const from = m.from()
console.log((room ? '['+room.topic()+']' : '')
+ '<'+from.name()+'>'
+ ':' + m.toStringDigest()
if (bot.self(m)) {
const noticeMessage = new Message()
noticeMessage.set('to', from)
* `ding` will be the magic(toggle) word:
* 1. say ding first time, will got a room invitation
* 2. say ding in room, will be removed out
if ('ding' === m.get('content')) {
if (m.room()) {
if (/^ding/i.test(room.topic())) {
noticeMessage.set('content', 'You said "ding" in my room, I will remove you out.')
} else {
var contact = m.from()
Room.find({ name: /^ding/i })
.then(room => {
if (room) {
.catch(e => {
log.error('Bot', 'room.add() exception: %s', e.stack)
} else {
Contact.find({ name: 'Bruce LEE' })
.then(c => {
Room.create([contact, c], 'ding')
.then(_ => {
log.info('Bot', 'ding room not found, created one')
.catch(e => {
log.error('Bot', 'ding room create fail: %s', e.stack)
.catch(e => {
log.error('Bot', 'Contact.find not found')
.catch(e => console.error(e))
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