提交 26ce922f 编写于 作者: Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar Huan (李卓桓)

move PuppeteerContact code to base class Contact

上级 da18a6b5
......@@ -817,9 +817,9 @@ export class PuppetPuppeteer extends Puppet {
return {
weixin: rawPayload.Alias, // Wechat ID
name: rawPayload.NickName,
name: Misc.plainText(rawPayload.NickName || ''),
alias: rawPayload.RemarkName,
gender: rawPayload.Sex,
gender: rawPayload.Sex,
province: rawPayload.Province,
city: rawPayload.City,
signature: rawPayload.Signature,
......@@ -17,218 +17,10 @@
* @ignore
import {
// config,
} from '../config'
import {
// ContactPayload,
} from '../puppet/'
import Misc from '../misc'
import PuppeteerMessage from './puppeteer-message'
export class PuppeteerContact extends Contact implements Sayable {
public readonly id: string,
) {
log.silly('PuppeteerContact', `constructor(${id})`)
if (typeof id !== 'string') {
throw new Error('id must be string. found: ' + typeof id)
public async say(text: string) : Promise<void>
public async say(message: PuppeteerMessage) : Promise<void>
public async say(textOrMessage: string | PuppeteerMessage): Promise<void> {
log.verbose('PuppeteerContact', 'say(%s)', textOrMessage)
const user = this.puppet.userSelf() as PuppeteerContact
if (!user) {
throw new Error('no user')
let m
if (typeof textOrMessage === 'string') {
m = new PuppeteerMessage()
m.puppet = this.puppet
} else if (textOrMessage instanceof PuppeteerMessage) {
m = textOrMessage
} else {
throw new Error('not support args')
log.silly('PuppeteerContact', 'say() from: %s to: %s content: %s',
await this.puppet.send(m)
public name(): string {
return Misc.plainText(this.payload && this.payload.name || '')
public alias() : string | null
public alias(newAlias: string) : Promise<void>
public alias(empty: null) : Promise<void>
public alias(newAlias?: null | string): null | string | Promise<void> {
log.verbose('PuppeteerContact', 'alias(%s)',
newAlias === undefined
? ''
: newAlias,
if (typeof newAlias === 'undefined') {
return this.payload && this.payload.alias || null
const future = this.puppet.contactAlias(this, newAlias)
.then(() => this.payload!.alias = newAlias)
.catch(e => {
log.error('PuppeteerContact', 'alias(%s) rejected: %s', newAlias, e.message)
return future
public friend(): boolean | null {
log.verbose('PuppeteerContact', 'friend()')
if (!this.payload) return null
return this.payload.friend || null
public stranger(): boolean | null {
log.warn('PuppeteerContact', 'stranger() DEPRECATED. use friend() instead.')
if (!this.payload) return null
return !this.friend()
public official(): boolean {
return !!this.payload && this.payload.type === ContactType.OFFICIAL
// public special(): boolean {
// return !!this.payload && this.payload.special
// }
public personal(): boolean {
return !this.official()
public type(): ContactType {
return this.payload!.type
public star(): boolean|null {
if (!this.payload) return null
return this.payload.star === undefined
? null
: this.payload.star
public gender(): Gender {
return this.payload
? this.payload.gender
: Gender.UNKNOWN
public province() {
return this.payload && this.payload.province || null
public city() {
return this.payload && this.payload.city || null
public async avatar(): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream> {
log.verbose('PuppeteerContact', 'avatar()')
return this.puppet.contactAvatar(this)
public isReady(): boolean {
return !!(this.payload && this.payload.name)
public async sync(): Promise<void> {
// TODO: make sure the contact.* works when we are refreshing the data
// if (this.isReady()) {
// this.dirtyObj = this.obj
// }
this.payload = undefined
await this.ready()
public refresh() {
return this.sync()
public async ready(): Promise<void> {
log.silly('PuppeteerContact', 'ready()')
if (this.isReady()) { // already ready
log.silly('PuppeteerContact', 'ready() isReady() true')
try {
this.payload = await this.puppet.contactPayload(this)
log.silly('PuppeteerContact', `ready() this.puppet.contactPayload(%s) resolved`, this)
// console.log(this.payload)
} catch (e) {
log.error('PuppeteerContact', `ready() this.puppet.contactPayload(%s) exception: %s`,
throw e
public self(): boolean {
const user = this.puppet.userSelf()
if (!user) {
return false
const userId = user.id
return this.id === userId
public weixin(): string | null {
const wxId = this.payload && this.payload.weixin || null
if (!wxId) {
log.verbose('PuppeteerContact', `weixin() is not able to always work, it's limited by Tencent API`)
log.verbose('PuppeteerContact', 'weixin() If you want to track a contact between sessions, see FAQ at')
log.verbose('PuppeteerContact', 'https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/FAQ#1-how-to-get-the-permanent-id-for-a-contact')
return wxId
export class PuppeteerContact extends Contact {}
export default PuppeteerContact
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
import {
} from '../config'
import PuppetAccessory from '../puppet-accessory'
......@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ export interface ContactPayload {
* `Contact` is `Sayable`,
* [Examples/Contact-Bot]{@link https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/blob/master/examples/contact-bot.ts}
export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
export class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public static Type = ContactType
......@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* console.error(e)
* }
public abstract async say(text: string): Promise<void>
public async say(text: string): Promise<void>
* Send Media File to Contact
......@@ -232,7 +233,37 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* console.error(e)
* }
public abstract async say(message: Message): Promise<void>
public async say(message: Message): Promise<void>
public async say(textOrMessage: string | Message): Promise<void> {
log.verbose('Contact', 'say(%s)', textOrMessage)
const user = this.puppet.userSelf() as Contact
if (!user) {
throw new Error('no user')
let m
if (typeof textOrMessage === 'string') {
m = new Message()
m.puppet = this.puppet
} else if (textOrMessage instanceof Message) {
m = textOrMessage
} else {
throw new Error('not support args')
log.silly('Contact', 'say() from: %s to: %s content: %s',
await this.puppet.send(m)
* Get the name from a contact
......@@ -241,11 +272,13 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const name = contact.name()
public abstract name(): string
public name(): string {
return this.payload && this.payload.name || ''
public abstract alias(): string | null
public abstract async alias(newAlias: string): Promise<void>
public abstract async alias(empty: null): Promise<void>
public alias() : null | string
public alias(newAlias: string) : Promise<void>
public alias(empty: null) : Promise<void>
* GET / SET / DELETE the alias for a contact
......@@ -278,7 +311,28 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* console.log(`failed to delete ${contact.name()}'s alias!`)
* }
public abstract alias(newAlias?: null | string): string | null | Promise<void>
public alias(newAlias?: null | string): null | string | Promise<void> {
log.verbose('Contact', 'alias(%s)',
newAlias === undefined
? ''
: newAlias,
if (typeof newAlias === 'undefined') {
return this.payload && this.payload.alias || null
const future = this.puppet.contactAlias(this, newAlias)
.then(() => this.payload!.alias = newAlias)
.catch(e => {
log.error('Contact', 'alias(%s) rejected: %s', newAlias, e.message)
return future
* Check if contact is stranger
......@@ -289,7 +343,11 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const isStranger = contact.stranger()
public abstract stranger(): boolean | null
public stranger(): null | boolean {
log.warn('Contact', 'stranger() DEPRECATED. use friend() instead.')
if (!this.payload) return null
return !this.friend()
* Check if contact is friend
......@@ -298,7 +356,13 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const isFriend = contact.friend()
public abstract friend(): boolean | null
public friend(): null | boolean {
log.verbose('Contact', 'friend()')
if (!this.payload) {
return null
return this.payload.friend || null
* Check if it's a offical account
......@@ -311,7 +375,10 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const isOfficial = contact.official()
public abstract official(): boolean
public official(): boolean {
log.warn('Contact', 'official() DEPRECATED. use type() instead')
return !!this.payload && this.payload.type === ContactType.OFFICIAL
* Check if it's a personal account
......@@ -322,7 +389,10 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const isPersonal = contact.personal()
public abstract personal(): boolean
public personal(): boolean {
log.warn('Contact', 'personal() DEPRECATED. use type() instead')
return !this.official()
* Return the type of the Contact
......@@ -331,7 +401,9 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const isOfficial = contact.type() === Contact.Type.OFFICIAL
public abstract type(): ContactType
public type(): ContactType {
return this.payload!.type
* Check if the contact is star contact.
......@@ -340,7 +412,14 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const isStar = contact.star()
public abstract star(): boolean | null
public star(): null | boolean {
if (!this.payload) {
return null
return this.payload.star === undefined
? null
: this.payload.star
* Contact gender
......@@ -349,7 +428,11 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const gender = contact.gender()
public abstract gender(): Gender
public gender(): Gender {
return this.payload
? this.payload.gender
: Gender.UNKNOWN
* Get the region 'province' from a contact
......@@ -358,7 +441,9 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const province = contact.province()
public abstract province(): string | null
public province(): null | string {
return this.payload && this.payload.province || null
* Get the region 'city' from a contact
......@@ -367,7 +452,9 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const city = contact.city()
public abstract city(): string | null
public city(): null | string {
return this.payload && this.payload.city || null
* Get avatar picture file stream
......@@ -380,7 +467,12 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* avatarReadStream.pipe(avatarWriteStream)
* log.info('Bot', 'Contact: %s: %s with avatar file: %s', contact.weixin(), contact.name(), avatarFileName)
public abstract async avatar(): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>
// TODO: use File to replace ReadableStream
public async avatar(): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream> {
log.verbose('Contact', 'avatar()')
return this.puppet.contactAvatar(this)
* Force reload(re-ready()) data for Contact
......@@ -391,7 +483,10 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* await contact.refresh()
public abstract async refresh(): Promise<void>
public refresh(): Promise<void> {
log.warn('Contact', 'refresh() DEPRECATED. use sync() instead.')
return this.sync()
* sycc data for Contact
......@@ -400,17 +495,47 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* await contact.sync()
public abstract async sync(): Promise<void>
public async sync(): Promise<void> {
// TODO: make sure the contact.* works when we are refreshing the data
// if (this.isReady()) {
// this.dirtyObj = this.obj
// }
this.payload = undefined
await this.ready()
* @private
public abstract async ready(): Promise<void>
public async ready(): Promise<void> {
log.silly('Contact', 'ready()')
if (this.isReady()) { // already ready
log.silly('Contact', 'ready() isReady() true')
try {
this.payload = await this.puppet.contactPayload(this)
log.silly('Contact', `ready() this.puppet.contactPayload(%s) resolved`, this)
// console.log(this.payload)
} catch (e) {
log.error('Contact', `ready() this.puppet.contactPayload(%s) exception: %s`,
throw e
* @private
public abstract isReady(): boolean
public isReady(): boolean {
return !!(this.payload && this.payload.name)
* Check if contact is self
......@@ -419,7 +544,15 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const isSelf = contact.self()
public abstract self(): boolean
public self(): boolean {
const user = this.puppet.userSelf()
if (!user) {
return false
return this.id === user.id
* Get the weixin number from a contact.
......@@ -431,7 +564,9 @@ export abstract class Contact extends PuppetAccessory implements Sayable {
* @example
* const weixin = contact.weixin()
public abstract weixin(): string | null
public weixin(): null | string {
return this.payload && this.payload.weixin || null
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