提交 6412e7fb 编写于 作者: M monomania


上级 d0c42678
......@@ -239,19 +239,19 @@ DELETE FROM foot.t_analy_result WHERE AlFlag IN ("A1","C2","E1","Q1") AND TOVoi
func (this *AnalyService) IsRight2Option(v *entity2.MatchLast, analy *entity5.AnalyResult) string {
func (this *AnalyService) IsRight2Option(last *entity2.MatchLast, analy *entity5.AnalyResult) string {
if strings.EqualFold(analy.MatchId, "1826976") {
var globalResult int
if utils.GetHourDiffer(time.Now(), v.MatchDate) < 2 {
if utils.GetHourDiffer(time.Now(), last.MatchDate) < 2 {
globalResult = -1
} else {
if v.MainTeamGoals > v.GuestTeamGoals {
if last.MainTeamGoals > last.GuestTeamGoals {
globalResult = 3
} else if v.MainTeamGoals < v.GuestTeamGoals {
} else if last.MainTeamGoals < last.GuestTeamGoals {
globalResult = 0
} else {
globalResult = 1
......@@ -272,9 +272,8 @@ func (this *AnalyService) IsRight2Option(v *entity2.MatchLast, analy *entity5.An
league := this.LeagueService.FindById(v.LeagueId)
matchDateStr := v.MatchDate.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
base.Log.Info("比赛Id:" + v.Id + ",比赛时间:" + matchDateStr + ",联赛:" + league.Name + ",对阵:" + v.MainTeamId + "(" + strconv.FormatFloat(analy.LetBall, 'f', -1, 64) + ")" + v.GuestTeamId + ",预算结果:" + strconv.Itoa(analy.PreResult) + ",已得结果:" + strconv.Itoa(v.MainTeamGoals) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(v.GuestTeamGoals) + " (" + resultFlag + ")")
matchDateStr := last.MatchDate.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
base.Log.Info("比赛Id:" + last.Id + ",比赛时间:" + matchDateStr + ",联赛:" + league.Name + ",对阵:" + last.MainTeamId + "(" + strconv.FormatFloat(analy.LetBall, 'f', -1, 64) + ")" + last.GuestTeamId + ",预算结果:" + strconv.Itoa(analy.PreResult) + ",已得结果:" + strconv.Itoa(last.MainTeamGoals) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(last.GuestTeamGoals) + " (" + resultFlag + ")")
return resultFlag
......@@ -298,7 +297,6 @@ func (this *AnalyService) IsRight(last *entity2.MatchLast, analy *entity5.AnalyR
analy.TOVoid = true
matchDate := last.MatchDate.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
base.Log.Info("比赛Id:" + last.Id + ",比赛时间:" + matchDate + ",联赛:" + league.Name + ",对阵:" + last.MainTeamId + "(" + strconv.FormatFloat(analy.LetBall, 'f', -1, 64) + ")" + last.GuestTeamId + ",预算结果:" + strconv.Itoa(analy.PreResult) + ",已得结果:" + strconv.Itoa(last.MainTeamGoals) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(last.GuestTeamGoals) + " (" + resultFlag + ")")
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