提交 2949b085 编写于 作者: M monomania


上级 efa36466
......@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ func (this *C4Service) analyStub(v *pojo.MatchLast) (int, *entity5.AnalyResult)
guestJinList := make([]*pojo.BFJin, 0)
err2 := this.BFJinService.PageSql("SELECT j.* FROM foot.t_b_f_jin j WHERE j.SclassID = "+v.LeagueId+" AND (j.HomeTeam = '"+v.GuestTeamId+"' OR j.GuestTeam = '"+v.GuestTeamId+"') AND STR_TO_DATE(j.MatchTimeStr, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') < '"+matchDateStr+"' ORDER BY j.MatchTimeStr DESC ", page, &guestJinList)
if nil != err2 {
return -2, temp_data
......@@ -185,9 +184,9 @@ func (this *C4Service) analyStub(v *pojo.MatchLast) (int, *entity5.AnalyResult)
//if preResult < 0 {
// return -3, temp_data
if preResult < 0 {
return -3, temp_data
base.Log.Info("比赛时间:", matchDateStr +",对阵:"+v.GuestTeamId, ",初盘让球:", a18Bet.SLetBall, ",即时盘让球:", eLetBall, ",球差:", diffGoal, ",分差:", diffScore, " ,比分:", v.MainTeamGoals, ":", v.GuestTeamGoals, " ,半场比分:", v.MainTeamHalfGoals, ":", v.GuestTeamHalfGoals)
var data *entity5.AnalyResult
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