未验证 提交 2d05a253 编写于 作者: G GitSquared

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:GitSquared/edex-ui

......@@ -9,25 +9,34 @@ Cleanness | Linux & MacOS | Windows | Dependencies
--------- | ------------- | ------- | ------------
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eDEX-UI is a sci-fi interactive terminal interface heavily inspired from [DEX-UI](https://github.com/seenaburns/dex-ui) and the [TRON Legacy movie effects](https://web.archive.org/web/20170511000410/http://jtnimoy.com/blogs/projects/14881671), made cross-platform and easy to install with [Electron](https://github.com/electron/electron).
eDEX-UI is a fullscreen desktop app ressembling a sci-fi computer interface, heavily inspired from [DEX-UI](https://github.com/seenaburns/dex-ui) and the [TRON Legacy movie effects](https://web.archive.org/web/20170511000410/http://jtnimoy.com/blogs/projects/14881671). It runs the shell of your choice in a real terminal, and displays live information about your system. It was made to be used on large touchscreens but will work nicely on a regular desktop computer or perhaps a tablet.
Technically speaking, it is a Node.js+Electron app with a pure HTML-CSS frontend. No frameworks included.
I had no ideas for a name so i took DEX-UI and added a "e" for Electron. Deal with it.
## FAQ
## Screenshots
![Pre-release screenshot](https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui/raw/master/media/screenshot1.png)
_(tmux running htop and systemctl status, on eDEX-UI v0.7.3 with the "red theme")_
## Q&A
#### What OS can this thing run on?
Currently Windows (portable binary), the latest MacOS (.dmg and pkg) and any linux distro that can run Chromium (AppImage and tarball).
#### Is this a real terminal?
Yes. By default, eDEX runs bash on linux and Powershell on Windows, but you can change that to any command in the settings.json file.
#### I don't like the colors/the keyboard layout is not right for me!
We got you covered! Check the [repo's Wiki](https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui/wiki) for in-depth information about customizing eDEX.
#### Why is there a keyboard?
As DEX-UI's author said, it's there mostly because it looks cool, but in eDEX it's also a fully-capable tactile keyboard.
eDEX-UI is meant to be used on touchscreens, even if it works well on regular displays! If you have a physical keyboard wired to your computer, pressing keys IRL will illuminate the virtual keyboard: *please remember to not type any passwords if you are recording your screen!*
#### What's the difference between this and the original DEX-UI?
Seenaburns' DEX-UI was created _"as an experiment or an art piece, not distributable software"_.
My goal with eDEX is to create a similar experience, but easier to install, run, and use.
Seenaburns' DEX-UI was created _"as an experiment or an art piece, not distributable software"_. The goal of this project is to push Seena's vision forward by making such an interface usable in real-life scenarios.
#### Will using this make me insanely badass?
## How to run it from source?
## Useful commands for the nerds
#### Starting from source:
on *nix systems (You'll need the Xcode command line tools on MacOS):
- clone the repository
- `npm run install-linux`
......@@ -38,9 +47,12 @@ on windows:
- clone the repository
- `npm run install-windows`
- `npm start`
#### Building
Note: Due to native modules, you can only compile binaries for the OS you are compiling from.
Note²: It is recommended to start building from a fresh clone to prevent the code minifier script from parsing an entire `node_modules` folder.
- make a fresh clone (recommended)
- `npm install` (NOT `install-linux` or `install-windows`)
- `npm run build-linux` or `build-windows` or `build-darwin`
## Screenshots
![Pre-release screenshot](https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui/raw/master/media/screenshot1.png)
_(tmux running htop and systemctl status, on eDEX-UI v0.7.3 with the "red theme")_
Resulting binaries and assets will be in the `dist` folder.
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