提交 35091d86 编写于 作者: GamebabyRockSun_QQ's avatar GamebabyRockSun_QQ


上级 549a5e9d
......@@ -269,15 +269,26 @@ int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR l
// 得到当前的工作目录,方便我们使用相对路径来访问各种资源文件
UINT nBytes = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, g_pszAppPath);
if (MAX_PATH == nBytes)
if (0 == ::GetModuleFileName(nullptr, g_pszAppPath, MAX_PATH))
WCHAR* lastSlash = _tcsrchr(g_pszAppPath, _T('\\'));
if (lastSlash)
*(lastSlash) = _T('\0');
lastSlash = _tcsrchr(g_pszAppPath, _T('\\'));
if (lastSlash)
*(lastSlash) = _T('\0');
lastSlash = _tcsrchr(g_pszAppPath, _T('\\'));
if (lastSlash)
{//删除Debug 或 Release路径
*(lastSlash + 1) = _T('\0');
......@@ -358,15 +358,26 @@ int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR l
// 得到当前的工作目录,方便我们使用相对路径来访问各种资源文件
UINT nBytes = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, g_pszAppPath);
if (MAX_PATH == nBytes)
if (0 == ::GetModuleFileName(nullptr, g_pszAppPath, MAX_PATH))
WCHAR* lastSlash = _tcsrchr(g_pszAppPath, _T('\\'));
if (lastSlash)
*(lastSlash) = _T('\0');
lastSlash = _tcsrchr(g_pszAppPath, _T('\\'));
if (lastSlash)
*(lastSlash) = _T('\0');
lastSlash = _tcsrchr(g_pszAppPath, _T('\\'));
if (lastSlash)
{//删除Debug 或 Release路径
*(lastSlash + 1) = _T('\0');
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