提交 fe494855 编写于 作者: H haoxr

refactor: pinia setup store组合式函数写法

Former-commit-id: 03faa489
上级 4c674fab
......@@ -78,9 +78,7 @@ export function deleteDictTypes(ids: string) {
* @param typeCode 字典类型编码
export function listDictItemsByTypeCode(
typeCode: string
): AxiosPromise<OptionType[]> {
export function getDictionaries(typeCode: string): AxiosPromise<OptionType[]> {
return request({
url: '/api/v1/dict/types/' + typeCode + '/items',
method: 'get'
import router from '@/router';
import useStore from '@/store';
import { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router';
import { useUserStoreHook } from '@/store/modules/user';
import { usePermissionStoreHook } from '@/store/modules/permission';
import NProgress from 'nprogress';
import 'nprogress/nprogress.css';
NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }); // 进度环显示/隐藏
NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }); // 进度条
const permissionStore = usePermissionStoreHook();
// 白名单路由
const whiteList = ['/login'];
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
const { user, permission } = useStore();
const hasToken = user.token;
if (hasToken) {
const userStore = useUserStoreHook();
if (userStore.token) {
// 登录成功,跳转到首页
if (to.path === '/login') {
next({ path: '/' });
} else {
const hasGetUserInfo = user.roles.length > 0;
const hasGetUserInfo = userStore.roles.length > 0;
if (hasGetUserInfo) {
if (to.matched.length === 0) {
from.name ? next({ name: from.name as any }) : next('/401');
......@@ -26,23 +30,23 @@ router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
} else {
try {
await user.getUserInfo();
const roles = user.roles;
const accessRoutes: any = await permission.generateRoutes(roles);
const { roles } = await userStore.getInfo();
const accessRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] =
await permissionStore.generateRoutes(roles);
accessRoutes.forEach((route: any) => {
next({ ...to, replace: true });
} catch (error) {
// 移除 token 并跳转登录页
await user.resetToken();
await userStore.resetToken();
} else {
// 未登录可以访问白名单页面(登录页面)
// 未登录可以访问白名单页面
if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) {
} else {
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