提交 4a507ee6 编写于 作者: 郝先瑞

fix(types): 还原类型声明文件types

上级 f661982d
export interface PageQueryParam {
pageNum: number,
pageSize: number
export interface PageResult<T> {
list: T,
total: number
* Seata表单类型声明
export interface SeataFormData {
openTx: boolean;
stockEx: boolean;
accountEx: boolean;
orderEx: boolean;
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 订单查询参数类型声明
export interface OrderQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
orderSn: string | undefined;
status: number | undefined;
* 订单分页列表项声明
export interface Order {
id: string;
orderSn: string;
totalAmount: string;
payAmount: string;
payType: number;
status: number;
totalQuantity: number;
gmtCreate: string;
memberId: string;
sourceType: number;
orderItems: OrderItem[];
export interface OrderItem {
id: string;
orderId: string;
skuId: string;
skuName: string;
picUrl: string;
price: string;
count: number;
totalAmount: number;
* 订单分页项类型声明
export type OrderPageResult = PageResult<Order[]>
* 订单表单类型声明
export interface OrderDetail {
id: number | undefined;
title: string;
picUrl: string;
beginTime: string;
endTime: string;
status: number;
sort: number;
url: string;
remark: string;
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 品牌查询参数类型声明
export interface BrandQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
name?: string
* 品牌分页列表项声明
export interface BrandItem {
id: string;
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
sort: number;
* 品牌分页项类型声明
export type BrandPageResult = PageResult<BrandItem[]>
* 品牌表单类型声明
export interface BrandFormData {
id: number | undefined,
name: string,
logoUrl: string,
sort: number
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 商品查询参数类型声明
export interface GoodsQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
name?: stirng,
categoryId?: number
* 商品列表项类型声明
export interface GoodsItem {
id: string;
name: string;
categoryId?: any;
brandId?: any;
originPrice: string;
price: string;
sales: number;
picUrl?: any;
album?: any;
unit?: any;
description: string;
detail: string;
status?: any;
categoryName: string;
brandName: string;
skuList: SkuItem[];
* 商品规格项类型声明
export interface SkuItem {
id: string;
skuSn?: any;
name: string;
spuId?: any;
specIds: string;
price: string;
stockNum: number;
lockedStockNum?: any;
picUrl?: any;
* 商品分页项类型声明
export type GoodsPageResult = PageResult<GoodsItem[]>
* 商品表单数据类型声明
export interface GoodsDetail {
id?: string,
name?: string,
categoryId?: string,
brandId?: string,
originPrice?: number,
price?: number,
picUrl?: string,
album: string[],
description?: string,
detail?: string,
attrList: any[],
specList: any[],
skuList: any[]
import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 广告查询参数类型声明
export interface AdvertQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
title?: string
* 广告分页列表项声明
export interface AdvertItem {
id: string;
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
sort: number;
* 广告分页项类型声明
export type AdvertPageResult = PageResult<AdvertItem[]>
* 广告表单类型声明
export interface AdvertFormData {
id?: number;
title: string;
picUrl: string;
beginTime: string;
endTime: string;
status: number;
sort: number;
url: string;
remark: string;
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 客户端查询参数类型声明
export interface ClientQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
* 客户端名称
clientId: string | undefined
* 客户端分页列表项声明
export interface ClientItem {
clientId: string;
clientSecret: string;
resourceIds: string;
scope: string;
authorizedGrantTypes: string;
webServerRedirectUri?: any;
authorities?: any;
accessTokenValidity: number;
refreshTokenValidity: number;
additionalInformation?: any;
autoapprove: string;
* 客户端分页项类型声明
export type ClientPageResult = PageResult<ClientItem[]>
* 客户端表单类型声明
export interface ClientFormData {
authorizedGrantTypes: string;
clientId: string;
clientSecret: string;
accessTokenValidity: string;
refreshTokenValidity: string;
webServerRedirectUri: string;
authorities: string;
additionalInformation: string;
autoapprove: string;
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* 部门查询参数类型声明
export interface DeptQueryParam {
name: string | undefined,
status: number | undefined
* 部门列表项声明
export interface DeptItem {
id: string;
name: string;
parentId: string;
treePath: string;
sort: number;
status: number;
leader?: string;
mobile?: string;
email?: string;
children: DeptItem[];
* 部门表单类型声明
export interface DeptFormData {
id?: string,
parentId: string,
name: string,
sort: number,
status: number
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 字典查询参数类型声明
export interface DictQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
* 字典名称
name: string | undefined
* 字典分页列表项声明
export interface Dict {
id: number;
code: string;
name: string;
status: number;
remark: string;
* 字典分页项类型声明
export type DictPageResult = PageResult<Dict[]>
* 字典表单类型声明
export interface DictFormData {
id: number | undefined,
name: string,
code: string,
status: number,
remark: string
* 字典项查询参数类型声明
export interface DictItemQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
* 字典项名称
name: string | undefined;
* 字典编码
dictCode: string | undefined;
* 字典分页列表项声明
export interface DictItem {
id: number;
name: string;
value: string;
dictCode: string;
sort: number;
status: number;
defaulted: number;
remark?: string;
* 字典分页项类型声明
export type DictItemPageResult = PageResult<DictItem[]>
* 字典表单类型声明
export interface DictItemFormData {
id?: number;
name: string;
code: string;
value: string;
status: number;
sort: number;
remark: string;
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* 登录表单类型声明
export interface LoginFormData {
username: string,
password: string,
grant_type: string,
code: string,
uuid: string,
* 登录响应类型声明
export interface LoginResponseData {
access_token: string,
token_type: string
* 验证码类型声明
export interface Captcha {
img: string,
uuid: string
* 菜单查询参数类型声明
export interface MenuQueryParam {
name?: string
* 菜单分页列表项声明
export interface MenuItem {
id: number;
parentId: number;
gmtCreate: string;
gmtModified: string;
name: string;
icon: string;
component: string;
sort: number;
visible: number;
children: MenuItem[];
* 菜单表单类型声明
export interface MenuFormData {
* 菜单ID
id?: string,
* 父菜单ID
parentId: string,
* 菜单名称
name: string,
* 菜单是否可见(1:是;0:否;)
visible: number,
icon?: string,
* 排序
sort: number,
* 组件路径
component?: string,
* 路由路径
path: string,
* 跳转路由路径
redirect?: string,
* 菜单类型(1:菜单;2:目录;3:外链)
type: string
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 权限查询参数类型声明
export interface PermQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
menuId: any;
name: string | undefined;
* 权限分页列表项声明
export interface PermItem {
id: number;
name: string;
menuId: string;
urlPerm: string;
btnPerm: string;
roles?: string[];
* 权限分页项类型声明
export type PermPageResult = PageResult<PermItem[]>
* 权限表单类型声明
export interface PermFormData {
id: number|undefined,
name: string,
urlPerm: string,
btnPerm: string,
menuId: string
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 角色查询参数类型声明
export interface RoleQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
name?: string
* 角色分页列表项声明
export interface RoleItem {
id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
sort: number;
status: number;
deleted: number;
menuIds?: any;
permissionIds?: any;
* 角色分页项类型声明
export type RolePageResult = PageResult<RoleItem[]>
* 角色表单类型声明
export interface RoleFormData {
id: number|undefined,
name: string,
code: string,
sort: number,
status: number
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 登录用户类型声明
export interface UserInfo {
nickname: string,
avatar: string,
roles: string[],
perms: string[]
* 用户查询参数类型声明
export interface UserQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
keywords: string,
status: number,
deptId: number
* 用户分页列表项声明
export interface UserItem {
id: string;
username: string;
nickname: string;
mobile: string;
gender: number;
avatar: string;
email: string;
status: number;
deptName: string;
roleNames: string;
gmtCreate: string;
* 用户分页项类型声明
export type UserPageResult = PageResult<UserItem[]>
* 用户表单类型声明
export interface UserFormData {
id: number | undefined,
deptId: number,
username: string,
nickname: string,
password: string,
mobile: string,
email: string,
gender: number,
status: number,
remark: string,
roleIds: number[]
* 用户导入表单类型声明
export interface UserImportFormData {
deptId: number,
roleIds: number[]
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import { PageQueryParam, PageResult } from "../base"
* 会员查询参数类型声明
export interface MemberQueryParam extends PageQueryParam {
nickName?: string
* 会员分页列表项声明
export interface MemberItem {
id: string;
gender: number;
nickName: string;
mobile: string;
birthday?: any;
avatarUrl: string;
openid: string;
sessionKey?: any;
city: string;
country: string;
language: string;
province: string;
status: number;
balance: string;
deleted: number;
point: number;
addressList: AddressItem[];
export interface AddressItem {
id: string;
memberId: string;
consigneeName: string;
consigneeMobile: string;
province: string;
city: string;
area: string;
detailAddress: string;
zipCode?: any;
defaulted: number;
* 会员分页项类型声明
export type MemberPageResult = PageResult<MemberItem[]>
* 会员表单类型声明
export interface MemberFormData {
id: number | undefined;
title: string;
picUrl: string;
beginTime: string;
endTime: string;
status: number;
sort: number;
url: string;
remark: string;
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* 组件类型声明
* 弹窗属性类型声明
export interface Dialog {
title: string,
visible: boolean
* 通用组件选择项类型声明
export interface Option {
value: string,
label: string
children?: Option[]
export * from './api/system/login'
export * from './api/system/user'
export * from './api/system/role'
export * from './api/system/menu'
export * from './api/system/dept'
export * from './api/system/dict'
export * from './api/system/perm'
export * from './api/system/client'
export * from './api/pms/goods'
export * from './api/pms/brand'
export * from './api/sms/advert'
export * from './api/oms/order'
export * from './api/ums/member'
export * from './api/lab/seata'
export * from './store'
export * from './common'
import { RouteRecordRaw, RouteLocationNormalized } from "vue-router";
* 用户状态类型声明
export interface AppState {
device: string,
sidebar: {
opened: boolean,
withoutAnimation: boolean
language: string,
size: string
* 权限类型声明
export interface PermissionState {
routes: RouteRecordRaw[]
addRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[]
* 设置状态类型声明
export interface SettingState {
theme: string,
tagsView: boolean,
fixedHeader: boolean,
showSettings: boolean,
sidebarLogo: boolean
* 标签状态类型声明
export interface TagView extends Partial<RouteLocationNormalized> {
title?: string
export interface TagsViewState {
visitedViews: TagView[],
cachedViews: string[]
* 用户状态类型声明
export interface UserState {
token: string,
nickname: string,
avatar: string,
roles: string[],
perms: string[]
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