提交 946b51c9 编写于 作者: S songzhibin97


上级 e1e3a31e
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
......@@ -15,16 +16,41 @@ import (
// @Tags AutoCode
// @Summary 查询回滚记录
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @accept application/json
// @Produce application/json
// @Param data body request.SysAutoHistory true "查询回滚记录"
// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"回滚成功"}"
// @Router /autoCode/preview [post]
func GetSysHistory(c *gin.Context) {
var search request.SysAutoHistory
_ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&search)
err, list, total := service.GetSysHistoryPage(search.PageInfo)
if err != nil {
global.GVA_LOG.Error("获取失败!", zap.Any("err", err))
response.FailWithMessage("获取失败", c)
} else {
List: list,
Total: total,
Page: search.Page,
PageSize: search.PageSize,
}, "获取成功", c)
// @Tags AutoCode
// @Summary 回滚
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @accept application/json
// @Produce application/json
// @Param data body uint true "回滚自动生成代码"
// @Param data body request.AutoHistoryByID true "回滚自动生成代码"
// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"回滚成功"}"
// @Router /autoCode/preview [post]
func RollBack(c *gin.Context) {
var id model.AutoHistoryByID
var id request.AutoHistoryByID
_ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&id)
if err := service.RollBack(id.ID); err != nil {
response.FailWithMessage(err.Error(), c)
package request
type SysAutoHistory struct {
type AutoHistoryByID struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
type DBReq struct {
Database string `json:"database" gorm:"column:database"`
......@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ package model
import "errors"
type AutoHistoryByID struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
// 初始版本自动化代码工具
type AutoCodeStruct struct {
StructName string `json:"structName"` // Struct名称
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
func InitAutoCodeRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
AutoCodeRouter := Router.Group("autoCode")
AutoCodeRouter.POST("getSysHistory", v1.GetSysHistory) // 获取回滚记录分页
AutoCodeRouter.POST("rollback", v1.RollBack) // 回滚
AutoCodeRouter.POST("preview", v1.PreviewTemp) // 获取自动创建代码预览
AutoCodeRouter.POST("createTemp", v1.CreateTemp) // 创建自动化代码
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
......@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ func CreateAutoCodeHistory(autoCodeMeta string, injectionMeta string, tableName
// RollBack 回滚
func RollBack(id uint) error {
md := model.SysAutoCodeHistory{}
if err := global.GVA_DB.First(&md, id).Error; err != nil {
......@@ -61,3 +63,13 @@ func RollBack(id uint) error {
md.Flag = 1
return global.GVA_DB.Save(&md).Error
func GetSysHistoryPage(info request.PageInfo) (err error, list interface{}, total int64) {
limit := info.PageSize
offset := info.PageSize * (info.Page - 1)
db := global.GVA_DB
var fileLists []model.SysAutoCodeHistory
err = db.Find(&fileLists).Count(&total).Error
err = db.Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Order("updated_at desc").Find(&fileLists).Error
return err, fileLists, total
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