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# AsciiDoc

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/asciidoc.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/asciidoc.html)

*   [Syntax](#syntax)
    *   [Paragraphs](#paragraphs)
    *   [Text Formatting](#text-formatting)
    *   [Attributes](#attributes)
    *   [Links](#links)
    *   [Anchors](#anchors)
    *   [Lists](#lists)
        *   [Unordered](#unordered)
        *   [Ordered](#ordered)
        *   [Checklist](#checklist)
        *   [Callout](#callout)
        *   [Description](#description)
    *   [Document Structure](#document-structure)
        *   [Header](#header)
        *   [Sections](#sections)
        *   [Includes](#includes)
    *   [Blocks](#blocks)
    *   [Tables](#tables)
    *   [Multimedia](#multimedia)
    *   [Breaks](#breaks)

# AsciiDoc[](#asciidoc "Permalink")

GitLab 使用[Asciidoctor](https://asciidoctor.org) gem 将 AsciiDoc 内容转换为 HTML5\. 有关完整的 Asciidoctor 参考,请查阅《 [Asciidoctor 用户手册](https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/) 》.

## Syntax[](#syntax "Permalink")

这是最常用的 AsciiDoc 语法的简要参考. 您可以在[https://asciidoctor.org/docs/上](https://asciidoctor.org/docs/)找到有关 AsciiDoc 语法的完整文档.

### Paragraphs[](#paragraphs "Permalink")

A normal paragraph.
Line breaks are not preserved.


// this is a comment



This paragraph carries the `hardbreaks` option.
Notice how line breaks are now preserved.


 This literal paragraph is indented with one space.
 As a consequence, *text formatting*, spaces,
 and lines breaks will be preserved.


NOTE: This is a brief reference, please read the full documentation at https://asciidoctor.org/docs/.

TIP: Lists can be indented. Leading whitespace is not significant.

### Text Formatting[](#text-formatting "Permalink")


*strong importance* (aka bold)
_stress emphasis_ (aka italic)
`monospaced` (aka typewriter text)
"`double`" and '`single`' typographic quotes
+passthrough text+ (substitutions disabled)
`+literal text+` (monospaced with substitutions disabled)




A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
(C) 1976 Arty Artisan
I believe I shall--no, actually I won't.


// where c=specialchars, q=quotes, a=attributes, r=replacements, m=macros, p=post_replacements, etc.
The European icon:flag[role=blue] is blue & contains pass:[************] arranged in a icon:circle-o[role=yellow].
The pass:c[->] operator is often referred to as the stabby lambda.
Since `pass:[++]` has strong priority in AsciiDoc, you can rewrite pass:c,a,r[C++ => C{pp}].
// activate stem support by adding `:stem:` to the document header
stem:[sqrt(4) = 2]

### Attributes[](#attributes "Permalink")


// define attributes in the document header
:name: value

:url-gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/asciidoctor

You can download and install Asciidoctor {asciidoctor-version} from {url-gem}.
C{pp} is not required, only Ruby.
Use a leading backslash to output a word enclosed in curly braces, like \{name}.


GitLab 设置以下环境属性:

| Attribute | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `docname` | 源文档的根名称(无前导路径或文件扩展名). |
| `outfilesuffix` | 对应于后端输出的文件扩展名(默认为`.adoc`以使文档间的交叉引用起作用). |

### Links[](#links "Permalink")

https://example.org/page[A webpage]
link:../path/to/file.txt[A local file]
xref:document.adoc[A sibling document]
mailto:hello@example.org[Email to say hello!]

### Anchors[](#anchors "Permalink")

[[idname,reference text]]
// or written using normal block attributes as `[#idname,reftext=reference text]`
A paragraph (or any block) with an anchor (aka ID) and reftext.

See <<idname>> or <<idname,optional text of internal link>>.

xref:document.adoc#idname[Jumps to anchor in another document].

This paragraph has a footnote.footnote:[This is the text of the footnote.]

### Lists[](#lists "Permalink")

#### Unordered[](#unordered "Permalink")

* level 1
** level 2
*** level 3
**** level 4
***** etc.
* back at level 1
Attach a block or paragraph to a list item using a list continuation (which you can enclose in an open block).

.Some Authors
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Sheri S. Tepper
- Bill Bryson

#### Ordered[](#ordered "Permalink")

. Step 1
. Step 2
.. Step 2a
.. Step 2b
. Step 3

.Remember your Roman numerals?
. is one
. is two
. is three

#### Checklist[](#checklist "Permalink")

* [x] checked
* [ ] not checked

#### Callout[](#callout "Permalink")

// enable callout bubbles by adding `:icons: font` to the document header
puts 'Hello, World!' # <1>
<1> Prints `Hello, World!` to the console.

#### Description[](#description "Permalink")

first term:: description of first term
second term::
description of second term

### Document Structure[](#document-structure "Permalink")

#### Header[](#header "Permalink")

= Document Title
Author Name <author@example.org>
v1.0, 2019-01-01

#### Sections[](#sections "Permalink")

= Document Title (Level 0)
== Level 1
=== Level 2
==== Level 3
===== Level 4
====== Level 5
== Back at Level 1

#### Includes[](#includes "Permalink")


// define -a allow-uri-read to allow content to be read from URI

为了保证良好的系统性能并防止恶意文档引起问题,GitLab 对任何一个文档中处理的 include 指令的数量实施了**最大限制** . 当前总共可以包含 32 个文档,其中包括传递依赖项.

### Blocks[](#blocks "Permalink")

open - a general-purpose content wrapper; useful for enclosing content to attach to a list item

// recognized types include CAUTION, IMPORTANT, NOTE, TIP, and WARNING
// enable admonition icons by setting `:icons: font` in the document header
admonition - a notice for the reader, ranging in severity from a tip to an alert

example - a demonstration of the concept being documented

.Toggle Me
collapsible - these details are revealed by clicking the title

sidebar - auxiliary content that can be read independently of the main content

literal - an exhibit that features program output

listing - an exhibit that features program input, source code, or the contents of a file

source - a listing that is embellished with (colorized) syntax highlighting

fenced code - a shorthand syntax for the source block

quote - a quotation or excerpt; attribution with title of source are optional

verse - a literary excerpt, often a poem; attribution with title of source are optional

pass - content passed directly to the output document; often raw HTML

// activate stem support by adding `:stem:` to the document header
x = y^2

comment - content which is not included in the output document

### Tables[](#tables "Permalink")

.Table Attributes
| Attribute Name | Values

| options
| header,footer,autowidth

| cols
| colspec[;colspec;...]

| grid
| all \| cols \| rows \| none

| frame
| all \| sides \| topbot \| none

| stripes
| all \| even \| odd \| none

| width
| (0%..100%)

| format
| psv {vbar} csv {vbar} dsv

### Multimedia[](#multimedia "Permalink")

image::screenshot.png[block image,800,450]

Press image:reload.svg[reload,16,opts=interactive] to reload the page.




### Breaks[](#breaks "Permalink")

// thematic break (aka horizontal rule)

// page break