未验证 提交 67a4537b 编写于 作者: S Slav Petrov 提交者: GitHub

Update multilingual.md

Correct Wikipedia size correlation comment.
上级 0fce551b
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Note that the English result is worse than the 84.2 MultiNLI baseline because
this training used Multilingual BERT rather than English-only BERT. This implies
that for high-resource languages, the Multilingual model is somewhat worse than
a single-language model. However, it is not feasible for us to train and
maintain dozens of single-language model. Therefore, if your goal is to maximize
maintain dozens of single-language models. Therefore, if your goal is to maximize
performance with a language other than English or Chinese, you might find it
beneficial to run pre-training for additional steps starting from our
Multilingual model on data from your language of interest.
......@@ -152,11 +152,9 @@ taken as the training data for each language
However, the size of the Wikipedia for a given language varies greatly, and
therefore low-resource languages may be "under-represented" in terms of the
neural network model (under the assumption that languages are "competing" for
limited model capacity to some extent).
However, the size of a Wikipedia also correlates with the number of speakers of
a language, and we also don't want to overfit the model by performing thousands
of epochs over a tiny Wikipedia for a particular language.
limited model capacity to some extent). At the same time, we also don't want
to overfit the model by performing thousands of epochs over a tiny Wikipedia
for a particular language.
To balance these two factors, we performed exponentially smoothed weighting of
the data during pre-training data creation (and WordPiece vocab creation). In
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