提交 ff1f8581 编写于 作者: M Marcin Maciaszczyk 提交者: Christoph Held

Write translation guide (#2103)

* Write translation guide

* Add links to other guides
Fix typo

* Add word of warning to localization guide

* Minor change
上级 88a96c0f
# Dashboard Developer Guide
The developer guide is for anyone wanting to contribute code to Dashboard
The developer guide is for anyone wanting to contribute to Dashboard
## Index
* [Getting started guide](getting-started.md)
* [Roadmap](roadmap.md)
* [Release process](release.md)
* [Development releases](head-releases.md)
* [Issue and pull request labels](labels.md)
* [Text conventions](text-conventions.md)
* [Localization guide](localization.md)
* [Providing new translations](translations.md)
* [Updating code dependencies](updating-deps.md)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Dashboard is currently localized through the Google Closure Compiler's `goog.get
The localization process itself is integrated into the build pipeline and back-end component of Dashboard and happens automatically. Apart from placing new text into `MSG_` variables and using those in the angular templates, the developer is not required to do anything else.
## The MSG variables
## Localization with `MSG_` variables
Here is an example of a single `MSG_` variable definition:
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Guidelines:
For a quick reference please see [this cheat sheet](http://www.closurecheatsheet.com/i18n).
## Organizing the text variables
#### Organizing the text variables
Currently, the `MSG` variables are stored in a constant dictionary at the bottom of the controller, which scopes the place (template) where they are used. The variables can then be referenced directly in the respective template's HTML code.
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class exampleController {
const i18n = {
/** @export {string} @desc a simple example */
/** @export {string} @desc a simple description for the translator */
MSG_EXAMPLE_TEXT: goog.getMsg('This is an example'),
... // other variables
......@@ -61,6 +61,32 @@ const i18n = {
In the HTML code, use one-time bindings like `{{::ctrl.i18n.MSG_EXAMPLE_TEXT}}` for efficiency.
## Localization with `[[Message|]]` pattern
Usage of `MSG_` variables in JavaScript and HTML files is not the only way to localize messages. The second option
is to use specific pattern directly in HTML messages:
[[This is an example|a simple description for the translator]]
As you can see it is the same definition as in above section, but it is a lot easier to use. There is sample usage:
[[This is an example|a simple description for the translator]]
#### Warning
This is a quick way of using multiple localized messages without changes in JavaScript files, but it does have few
drawbacks. Please keep in mind this method requires some automated work and following rules apply:
* Message variables are generated automatically during build process. Their names depend on file name and message
position within a file. It means, that if message will be moved to another file, all it's translations will be lost.
* It is not possible to reference variables from `[[|]]` pattern.
## Naming conventions and guidelines
* Consistently name the object containing the variables for a given controller `i18n`.
* In the variable's name, after `MSG_`, try to write down the name of the controller (or part of Dashboard) to indicate where the variable is being used.
# Translations
The document describes the proper way to introduce new translations to the project.
## Overview
All translation data is stored in `i18n` directory in project's root. It includes configuration file
(`locale_conf.json`) and translation files for each language (`messages-en.xtb`, `messages-ja.xtb` and other).
## Providing translations for a new language
To provide translations for a new language following steps have to be followed.
#### Update configuration file
Update `locale_conf.json` file to add new entry. Assuming following configuration:
"translations": [
{"file": "messages-en.xtb", "key": "en"},
{"file": "messages-zh.xtb", "key": "zh"},
{"file": "messages-ja.xtb", "key": "ja"}
Following entry should be added:
{"file": "messages-es.xtb", "key": "es"}
So configuration should look like this:
"translations": [
{"file": "messages-en.xtb", "key": "en"},
{"file": "messages-zh.xtb", "key": "zh"},
{"file": "messages-ja.xtb", "key": "ja"},
{"file": "messages-es.xtb", "key": "es"}
#### Generate translation file
To generate translation file run:
gulp generate-xtbs
As a result new translation file should appear in `i18n` directory.
## Providing translations
To provide translations for specific language you should open one of the translation files and replace its English
content in `<translation>` markup elements. Assuming file is being translated to Spanish following element in
translation file:
<translation id="0" key="MSG_WELCOME" desc="Welcome message.">Welcome</translation>
Should be updated to:
<translation id="0" key="MSG_WELCOME" desc="Welcome message.">Bienvenido</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
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