提交 f9a064be 编写于 作者: P Piotr Bryk

Merge pull request #667 from bryk/async-lists

Move RC list to resource channels framework
......@@ -15,13 +15,12 @@
package main
import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
// GetPodsEventWarningsFunc is a callback function used to get the pod status errors.
......@@ -71,35 +70,44 @@ type ReplicationController struct {
func GetReplicationControllerList(client *client.Client) (*ReplicationControllerList, error) {
log.Printf("Getting list of all replication controllers in the cluster")
listEverything := api.ListOptions{
LabelSelector: labels.Everything(),
FieldSelector: fields.Everything(),
channels := &ResourceChannels{
ReplicationControllerList: getReplicationControllerListChannel(client, 1),
ServiceList: getServiceListChannel(client, 1),
PodList: getPodListChannel(client, 1),
EventList: getEventListChannel(client, 1),
NodeList: getNodeListChannel(client, 1),
replicationControllers, err := client.ReplicationControllers(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
return GetReplicationControllerListFromChannels(channels)
if err != nil {
// GetReplicationControllerList returns a list of all Replication Controllers in the cluster
// reading required resource list once from the channels.
func GetReplicationControllerListFromChannels(channels *ResourceChannels) (
*ReplicationControllerList, error) {
replicationControllers := <-channels.ReplicationControllerList.List
if err := <-channels.ReplicationControllerList.Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
services, err := client.Services(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
if err != nil {
services := <-channels.ServiceList.List
if err := <-channels.ServiceList.Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
pods, err := client.Pods(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
if err != nil {
pods := <-channels.PodList.List
if err := <-channels.PodList.Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
eventsList, err := client.Events(api.NamespaceAll).List(api.ListOptions{
LabelSelector: labels.Everything(),
FieldSelector: fields.Everything(),
events := <-channels.EventList.List
if err := <-channels.EventList.Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
if err != nil {
nodes := <-channels.NodeList.List
if err := <-channels.NodeList.Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -107,12 +115,17 @@ func GetReplicationControllerList(client *client.Client) (*ReplicationController
// Function fulfils GetPodsEventWarningsFunc type contract.
// Based on list of api pods returns list of pod related warning events
getPodsEventWarningsFn := func(pods []api.Pod) []Event {
return GetPodsEventWarnings(eventsList, pods)
return GetPodsEventWarnings(events, pods)
// Anonymous callback function to get nodes by their names.
getNodeFn := func(nodeName string) (*api.Node, error) {
return client.Nodes().Get(nodeName)
for _, node := range nodes.Items {
if node.ObjectMeta.Name == nodeName {
return &node, nil
return nil, errors.New("Cannot find node " + nodeName)
result, err := getReplicationControllerList(replicationControllers.Items, services.Items,
package main
import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
// ResourceChannels struct holds channels to resource lists. Each list channel is paired with
// an error channel which *must* be read sequentially: first read the list channel and then
// the error channel.
// This struct can be used when there are multiple clients that want to process, e.g., a
// list of pods. With this helper, the list can be read only once from the backend and
// distributed asynchronously to clients that need it.
// When a channel is nil, it means that no resource list is available for getting.
// Each channel pair can be read up to N times. N is specified upon creation of the channels.
type ResourceChannels struct {
// List and error channels to Replication Controllers.
ReplicationControllerList ReplicationControllerListChannel
// List and error channels to Replica Sets.
ReplicaSetList ReplicaSetListChannel
// List and error channels to Services.
ServiceList ServiceListChannel
// List and error channels to Pods.
PodList PodListChannel
// List and error channels to Events.
EventList EventListChannel
// List and error channels to Nodes.
NodeList NodeListChannel
// List and error channels to Services.
type ServiceListChannel struct {
List chan *api.ServiceList
Error chan error
var listEverything api.ListOptions = api.ListOptions{
LabelSelector: labels.Everything(),
FieldSelector: fields.Everything(),
// Returns a pair of channels to a Service list and errors that both must be read
// numReads times.
func getServiceListChannel(client *client.Client, numReads int) ServiceListChannel {
channel := ServiceListChannel{
List: make(chan *api.ServiceList, numReads),
Error: make(chan error, numReads),
go func() {
services, err := client.Services(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
for i := 0; i < numReads; i++ {
channel.List <- services
channel.Error <- err
return channel
// List and error channels to Nodes.
type NodeListChannel struct {
List chan *api.NodeList
Error chan error
// Returns a pair of channels to a Node list and errors that both must be read
// numReads times.
func getNodeListChannel(client *client.Client, numReads int) NodeListChannel {
channel := NodeListChannel{
List: make(chan *api.NodeList, numReads),
Error: make(chan error, numReads),
go func() {
nodes, err := client.Nodes().List(listEverything)
for i := 0; i < numReads; i++ {
channel.List <- nodes
channel.Error <- err
return channel
// List and error channels to Nodes.
type EventListChannel struct {
List chan *api.EventList
Error chan error
// Returns a pair of channels to an Event list and errors that both must be read
// numReads times.
func getEventListChannel(client *client.Client, numReads int) EventListChannel {
channel := EventListChannel{
List: make(chan *api.EventList, numReads),
Error: make(chan error, numReads),
go func() {
events, err := client.Events(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
for i := 0; i < numReads; i++ {
channel.List <- events
channel.Error <- err
return channel
// List and error channels to Nodes.
type PodListChannel struct {
List chan *api.PodList
Error chan error
// Returns a pair of channels to a Pod list and errors that both must be read
// numReads times.
func getPodListChannel(client *client.Client, numReads int) PodListChannel {
channel := PodListChannel{
List: make(chan *api.PodList, numReads),
Error: make(chan error, numReads),
go func() {
pods, err := client.Pods(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
for i := 0; i < numReads; i++ {
channel.List <- pods
channel.Error <- err
return channel
// List and error channels to Nodes.
type ReplicationControllerListChannel struct {
List chan *api.ReplicationControllerList
Error chan error
// Returns a pair of channels to a Replication Controller list and errors that both must be read
// numReads times.
func getReplicationControllerListChannel(client *client.Client, numReads int) ReplicationControllerListChannel {
channel := ReplicationControllerListChannel{
List: make(chan *api.ReplicationControllerList, numReads),
Error: make(chan error, numReads),
go func() {
rcs, err := client.ReplicationControllers(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
for i := 0; i < numReads; i++ {
channel.List <- rcs
channel.Error <- err
return channel
// List and error channels to Nodes.
type ReplicaSetListChannel struct {
List chan *extensions.ReplicaSetList
Error chan error
// Returns a pair of channels to a ReplicaSet list and errors that both must be read
// numReads times.
func getReplicaSetListChannel(client *client.Client, numReads int) ReplicaSetListChannel {
channel := ReplicaSetListChannel{
List: make(chan *extensions.ReplicaSetList, numReads),
Error: make(chan error, numReads),
go func() {
rcs, err := client.ReplicaSets(api.NamespaceAll).List(listEverything)
for i := 0; i < numReads; i++ {
channel.List <- rcs
channel.Error <- err
return channel
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