提交 b13c4674 编写于 作者: S Sebastian Florek 提交者: Denis Poisson

Add logs zerostate info and clean up log controller (#1172)

* Add logs zerostate info and clean up log controller

* Fix file formatting
上级 2833f455
......@@ -588,4 +588,6 @@
<translation id="2029236165141474072" key="MSG_GRAPH_MEMORY_AXIS_LABEL" source="/usr/local/google/home/pdabkowski/WebstormProjects/src/github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Name of Y axis showing memory usage.">Memory (bytes)</translation>
<translation id="4576303150557908117" key="MSG_GRAPH_CPU_LIMIT_LEGEND_LABEL" source="/usr/local/google/home/pdabkowski/WebstormProjects/src/github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Name of the CPU usage metric as displayed in the legend.">CPU Limit</translation>
<translation id="1378300715036317101" key="MSG_GRAPH_DATA_POINT_NOT_AVAILABLE" source="/usr/local/google/home/pdabkowski/WebstormProjects/src/github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="String to display when data point is not available.">N/A</translation>
<translation id="3682516833237634630" key="MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TITLE" source="/home/floreks/Projects/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Title for logs card zerostate in logs page.">There is nothing to display here</translation>
<translation id="7594890250973129963" key="MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TEXT" source="/home/floreks/Projects/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Text for logs card zerostate in logs page.">The selected container has not logged any messages yet.</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -777,4 +777,6 @@
<translation id="2029236165141474072" key="MSG_GRAPH_MEMORY_AXIS_LABEL" source="/usr/local/google/home/pdabkowski/WebstormProjects/src/github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Name of Y axis showing memory usage.">Memory (bytes)</translation>
<translation id="4576303150557908117" key="MSG_GRAPH_CPU_LIMIT_LEGEND_LABEL" source="/usr/local/google/home/pdabkowski/WebstormProjects/src/github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Name of the CPU usage metric as displayed in the legend.">CPU Limit</translation>
<translation id="1378300715036317101" key="MSG_GRAPH_DATA_POINT_NOT_AVAILABLE" source="/usr/local/google/home/pdabkowski/WebstormProjects/src/github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="String to display when data point is not available.">N/A</translation>
<translation id="3682516833237634630" key="MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TITLE" source="/home/floreks/Projects/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Title for logs card zerostate in logs page.">There is nothing to display here</translation>
<translation id="7594890250973129963" key="MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TEXT" source="/home/floreks/Projects/dashboard/.tmp/serve/app-dev.js" desc="Text for logs card zerostate in logs page.">The selected container has not logged any messages yet.</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,9 +16,15 @@ limitations under the License.
<md-content layout-padding flex="auto" layout-fill ng-class=ctrl.getStyleClass()>
<div ng-repeat="n in ctrl.logsSet track by $index" ng-class=ctrl.getLogsClass()>
<pre ng-bind-html="n"></pre>
<md-content layout-padding flex="auto" layout-fill ng-class=ctrl.getStyleClass()
<div ng-repeat="n in ctrl.logsSet track by $index" ng-class=ctrl.getLogsClass()>
<pre ng-bind-html="n"></pre>
<div class="kd-zerostate-message" layout-padding ng-hide="::ctrl.logsSet.length">
<div class="kd-zerostate-title">{{::ctrl.i18n.MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TITLE}}</div>
<div class="kd-zerostate-text">{{::ctrl.i18n.MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TEXT}}</div>
......@@ -21,15 +21,25 @@ export class LogsController {
* @param {!backendApi.Logs} podLogs
* @param {!./logs_service.LogsService} logsService
* @param $sce
* @param {!angular.$sce} $sce
* @param {!angular.$document} $document
* @ngInject
constructor(podLogs, logsService, $sce) {
constructor(podLogs, logsService, $sce, $document) {
/** @private {!angular.$sce} */
this.sce_ = $sce;
/** @private {!HTMLDocument} */
this.document_ = $document[0];
/** @export {!Array<string>} Log set. */
this.logsSet = podLogs.logs.map((line) => this.formatLine(line, $sce));
this.logsSet = this.sanitizeLogs_(podLogs.logs);
/** @private {!./logs_service.LogsService} */
this.logsService_ = logsService;
/** @export */
this.i18n = i18n;
......@@ -58,28 +68,50 @@ export class LogsController {
return logsTextColor;
* Removes empty lines and formats logs as HTML.
* @param {!Array<string>} logs
* @return {!Array<string>}
* @private
sanitizeLogs_(logs) {
return logs.filter((line) => line !== '').map((line) => this.formatLine_(line));
* Formats the given log line as raw HTML to display to the user.
* @returns {string}
* @param {string} line
* @return {*}
* @private
formatLine(line, $sce) {
let escapedLine = this.escapeHtml(line);
formatLine_(line) {
let escapedLine = this.escapeHtml_(line);
let formattedLine = ansi_up.ansi_to_html(escapedLine);
// We know that trustAsHtml is safe here because escapedLine is escaped to
// not contain any HTML markup, and formattedLine is the result of passing
// ecapedLine to ansi_to_html, which is known to only add span tags.
return $sce.trustAsHtml(formattedLine);
return this.sce_.trustAsHtml(formattedLine);
* Escapes an HTML string (e.g. converts "<foo>bar&baz</foo>" to
* "&lt;foo&gt;bar&amp;baz&lt;/foo&gt;") by bouncing it through a text node.
* @returns {string}
* @param {string} html
* @return {string}
* @private
escapeHtml(html) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
escapeHtml_(html) {
let div = this.document_.createElement('div');
return div.innerHTML;
const i18n = {
/** @export {string} @desc Title for logs card zerostate in logs page. */
MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TITLE: goog.getMsg('There is nothing to display here'),
/** @export {string} @desc Text for logs card zerostate in logs page. */
MSG_LOGS_ZEROSTATE_TEXT: goog.getMsg('The selected container has not logged any messages yet.'),
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