提交 8cfcf64f 编写于 作者: M Marcin Maciaszczyk

Merge pull request #504 from maciaszczykm/go-refactoring

Refactor go code and fix link to go report card
# Kubernetes Dashboard
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Kubernetes Dashboard is a general purpose, web-based UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to
manage applications running in the cluster and troubleshoot them, as well as manage the cluster
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import (
const (
// RequestLogString is a template for request log message.
RequestLogString = "Incoming %s %s %s request from %s"
RequestLogString = "Incoming %s %s %s request from %s"
// ResponseLogString is a template for response log message.
ResponseLogString = "Outcoming response to %s with %d status code"
......@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@ func CreateHttpApiHandler(client *client.Client, heapsterClient HeapsterClient,
return wsContainer
// ApiHandler is a representation of API handler. Structure contains client, Heaptster client and
// client configuration.
type ApiHandler struct {
client *client.Client
heapsterClient HeapsterClient
......@@ -22,14 +22,12 @@ import (
clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
// Creates new Kubernetes Apiserver client. When apiserverHost param is empty string the function
// assumes that it is running inside a Kubernetes cluster and attempts to discover the Apiserver.
// Otherwise, it connects to the Apiserver specified.
// CreateApiserverClient creates new Kubernetes Apiserver client. When apiserverHost param is empty
// string the function assumes that it is running inside a Kubernetes cluster and attempts to
// discover the Apiserver. Otherwise, it connects to the Apiserver specified.
// apiserverHost param is in the format of protocol://address:port/pathPrefix, e.g.,
// http://localhost:8001.
// CreateApiserverClient returns created client and its configuration.
func CreateApiserverClient(apiserverHost string) (*client.Client, clientcmd.ClientConfig, error) {
overrides := &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}
......@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ import (
const (
// DescriptionAnnotationKey is annotation key for a description.
DescriptionAnnotationKey = "description"
// Specification for an app deployment.
// AppDeploymentSpec is a specification for an app deployment.
type AppDeploymentSpec struct {
// Name of the application.
Name string `json:"name"`
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ type AppDeploymentSpec struct {
RunAsPrivileged bool `json:"runAsPrivileged"`
// Specification for deployment from file
// AppDeploymentFromFileSpec is a specification for deployment from file
type AppDeploymentFromFileSpec struct {
// Name of the file
Name string `json:"name"`
......@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ type AppDeploymentFromFileSpec struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
// Specification for deployment from file
// AppDeploymentFromFileResponse is a specification for deployment from file
type AppDeploymentFromFileResponse struct {
// Name of the file
Name string `json:"name"`
......@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ type AppDeploymentFromFileResponse struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
// Port mapping for an application deployment.
// PortMapping is a specification of port mapping for an application deployment.
type PortMapping struct {
// Port that will be exposed on the service.
Port int `json:"port"`
......@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ type EnvironmentVariable struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
// Structure representing label assignable to Pod/RC/Service
// Label is a structure representing label assignable to Pod/RC/Service
type Label struct {
// Label key
Key string `json:"key"`
......@@ -133,15 +134,15 @@ type Label struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
// Structure representing supported protocol types for a service
// Protocols is a structure representing supported protocol types for a service
type Protocols struct {
// Array containing supported protocol types e.g., ["TCP", "UDP"]
Protocols []api.Protocol `json:"protocols"`
// Deploys an app based on the given configuration. The app is deployed using the given client.
// App deployment consists of a replication controller and an optional service. Both of them share
// common labels.
// DeployApp deploys an app based on the given configuration. The app is deployed using the given
// client. App deployment consists of a replication controller and an optional service. Both of them
// share common labels.
func DeployApp(spec *AppDeploymentSpec, client client.Interface) error {
log.Printf("Deploying %s application into %s namespace", spec.Name, spec.Namespace)
......@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ func DeployApp(spec *AppDeploymentSpec, client client.Interface) error {
// GetAvailableProtocols returns list of available protocols. Currently it is TCP and UDP.
func GetAvailableProtocols() *Protocols {
return &Protocols{Protocols: []api.Protocol{api.ProtocolTCP, api.ProtocolUDP}}
......@@ -279,13 +281,13 @@ func getLabelsMap(labels []Label) map[string]string {
type createObjectFromInfo func(info *kubectlResource.Info) (bool, error)
// Implementation of createObjectFromInfo
// CreateObjectFromInfoFn is a implementation of createObjectFromInfo
func CreateObjectFromInfoFn(info *kubectlResource.Info) (bool, error) {
createdResource, err := kubectlResource.NewHelper(info.Client, info.Mapping).Create(info.Namespace, true, info.Object)
return createdResource != nil, err
// Deploys an app based on the given yaml or json file.
// DeployAppFromFile deploys an app based on the given yaml or json file.
func DeployAppFromFile(spec *AppDeploymentFromFileSpec,
createObjectFromInfoFn createObjectFromInfo, clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig) (bool, error) {
const (
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import (
// Partial strings to correctly filter warning events.
// FailedReasonPartials is an array of partial strings to correctly filter warning events.
// Have to be lower case for correct case insensitive comparison.
// Based on k8s official events reason file:
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/53f0f9d59860131c2be301a0054adfc86e43945d/pkg/kubelet/container/event.go
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import (
var FailedReasonPartials = []string{"failed", "err", "exceeded", "invalid", "unhealthy",
"mismatch", "insufficient", "conflict", "outof", "nil"}
// Returns warning pod events based on given list of pods.
// GetPodsEventWarnings returns warning pod events based on given list of pods.
// TODO(floreks) : Import and use Set instead of custom function to get rid of duplicates
func GetPodsEventWarnings(client client.Interface, pods []api.Pod) (result []Event, err error) {
for _, pod := range pods {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
// Clients for making requests to a Heapster instance.
// HeapsterClient is a client used to make requests to a Heapster instance.
type HeapsterClient interface {
// Creates a new GET HTTP request to heapster, specified by the path param, to the V1 API
// endpoint. The path param is without the API prefix, e.g.,
......@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ type HeapsterClient interface {
Get(path string) *client.Request
// In-cluster implementation of heapster client. Talks with heapster through service proxy.
// InClusterHeapsterClient is an in-cluster implementation of a Heapster client. Talks with Heapster
// through service proxy.
type InClusterHeapsterClient struct {
client *client.Client
// InClusterHeapsterClient.Get creates request to given path.
func (c InClusterHeapsterClient) Get(path string) *client.Request {
return c.client.Get().Prefix("proxy").
......@@ -42,18 +44,21 @@ func (c InClusterHeapsterClient) Get(path string) *client.Request {
Suffix("/api/v1" + path)
// Remote heapster client based implementation. Talks with heapster through raw RESTClient.
// RemoteHeapsterClient is an implementation of a remote Heapster client. Talks with Heapster
// through raw RESTClient.
type RemoteHeapsterClient struct {
client *client.RESTClient
// RemoteHeapsterClient.Get creates request to given path.
func (c RemoteHeapsterClient) Get(path string) *client.Request {
return c.client.Get().Suffix(path)
// Creates new Heapster REST client. When heapsterHost param is empty string the function
// assumes that it is running inside a Kubernetes cluster and connects via service proxy.
// heapsterHost param is in the format of protocol://address:port, e.g., http://localhost:8002.
// CreateHeapsterRESTClient creates new Heapster REST client. When heapsterHost param is empty
// string the function assumes that it is running inside a Kubernetes cluster and connects via
// service proxy. heapsterHost param is in the format of protocol://address:port,
// e.g., http://localhost:8002.
func CreateHeapsterRESTClient(heapsterHost string, apiclient *client.Client) (
HeapsterClient, error) {
......@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ type ServiceDetail struct {
// Name of the service.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Internal endpoints of all Kubernetes services that have the same label selector as connected
// Replication Controller.
// Internal endpoints of all Kubernetes services that have the same label selector as
// connected Replication Controller.
// Endpoint is DNS name merged with ports.
InternalEndpoint Endpoint `json:"internalEndpoint"`
// External endpoints of all Kubernetes services that have the same label selector as connected
// Replication Controller.
// External endpoints of all Kubernetes services that have the same label selector as
// connected Replication Controller.
// Endpoint is external IP address name merged with ports.
ExternalEndpoints []Endpoint `json:"externalEndpoints"`
......@@ -116,13 +116,14 @@ type Endpoint struct {
Ports []ServicePort `json:"ports"`
// Information needed to update replication controller
// ReplicationControllerSpec contains information needed to update replication controller.
type ReplicationControllerSpec struct {
// Replicas (pods) number in replicas set
Replicas int `json:"replicas"`
// Returns detailed information about the given replication controller in the given namespace.
// GetReplicationControllerDetail returns detailed information about the given replication
// controller in the given namespace.
func GetReplicationControllerDetail(client client.Interface, heapsterClient HeapsterClient,
namespace, name string) (*ReplicationControllerDetail, error) {
log.Printf("Getting details of %s replication controller in %s namespace", name, namespace)
......@@ -194,8 +195,8 @@ func GetReplicationControllerDetail(client client.Interface, heapsterClient Heap
// TODO(floreks): This should be transactional to make sure that RC will not be deleted without pods
// Deletes replication controller with given name in given namespace and related pods.
// Also deletes services related to replication controller if deleteServices is true.
// DeleteReplicationController deletes replication controller with given name in given namespace and
// related pods. Also deletes services related to replication controller if deleteServices is true.
func DeleteReplicationController(client client.Interface, namespace, name string,
deleteServices bool) error {
......@@ -227,7 +228,8 @@ func DeleteReplicationController(client client.Interface, namespace, name string
return nil
// Deletes services related to replication controller with given name in given namespace.
// DeleteReplicationControllerServices deletes services related to replication controller with given
// name in given namespace.
func DeleteReplicationControllerServices(client client.Interface, namespace, name string) error {
log.Printf("Deleting services related to %s replication controller from %s namespace", name,
......@@ -259,7 +261,8 @@ func DeleteReplicationControllerServices(client client.Interface, namespace, nam
return nil
// Updates number of replicas in Replication Controller based on Replication Controller Spec
// UpdateReplicasCount updates number of replicas in Replication Controller based on Replication
// Controller Spec
func UpdateReplicasCount(client client.Interface, namespace, name string,
replicationControllerSpec *ReplicationControllerSpec) error {
log.Printf("Updating replicas count to %d for %s replication controller from %s namespace",
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (a TotalRestartCountSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return a[i].TotalRestartCount > a[j].TotalRestartCount
// Information about a Container that belongs to a Pod.
// PodContainer is a representation of a Container that belongs to a Pod.
type PodContainer struct {
// Name of a Container.
Name string `json:"name"`
......@@ -41,13 +41,15 @@ type PodContainer struct {
RestartCount int `json:"restartCount"`
// List of pods that belongs to a Replication Controller.
// ReplicationControllerPods is a representation of pods list that belongs to a Replication
// Controller.
type ReplicationControllerPods struct {
// List of pods that belongs to a Replication Controller.
Pods []ReplicationControllerPodWithContainers `json:"pods"`
// Detailed information about a Pod that belongs to a Replication Controller.
// ReplicationControllerPodWithContainers is a representation of a Pod that belongs to a Replication
// Controller.
type ReplicationControllerPodWithContainers struct {
// Name of the Pod.
Name string `json:"name"`
......@@ -62,8 +64,9 @@ type ReplicationControllerPodWithContainers struct {
PodContainers []PodContainer `json:"podContainers"`
// Returns list of pods with containers for the given replication controller in the given namespace.
// Limit specify the number of records to return. There is no limit when given value is zero.
// GetReplicationControllerPods returns list of pods with containers for the given replication
// controller in the given namespace. Limit specify the number of records to return. There is no
// limit when given value is zero.
func GetReplicationControllerPods(client *client.Client, namespace, name string, limit int) (
*ReplicationControllerPods, error) {
log.Printf("Getting list of pods from %s replication controller in %s namespace with limit %d", name,
......@@ -31,20 +31,21 @@ const (
memoryUsage = "memory-usage"
// Metrics map by pod name.
// ReplicationControllerMetricsByPod is a metrics map by pod name.
type ReplicationControllerMetricsByPod struct {
// Metrics map by pod name
MetricsMap map[string]PodMetrics `json:"metricsMap"`
// Some sample measurement of a non-negative, integer quantity
// MetricResult is a some sample measurement of a non-negative, integer quantity
// (for example, memory usage in bytes observed at some moment)
type MetricResult struct {
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
Value uint64 `json:"value"`
// Pod metrics structure.
// PodMetrics is a structure representing pods metrics, contains information about CPU and memory
// usage.
type PodMetrics struct {
// Most recent measure of CPU usage on all cores in nanoseconds.
CpuUsage *uint64 `json:"cpuUsage"`
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
// Specification for application name validation request.
// AppNameValiditySpec is a specification for application name validation request.
type AppNameValiditySpec struct {
// Name of the application.
Name string `json:"name"`
......@@ -30,13 +30,14 @@ type AppNameValiditySpec struct {
Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
// Describes validity of the application name.
// AppNameValidity describes validity of the application name.
type AppNameValidity struct {
// True when the application name is valid.
Valid bool `json:"valid"`
// Validates application name. When error is returned, name validity could not be determined.
// ValidateAppName validates application name. When error is returned, name validity could not be
// determined.
func ValidateAppName(spec *AppNameValiditySpec, client client.Interface) (*AppNameValidity, error) {
log.Printf("Validating %s application name in %s namespace", spec.Name, spec.Namespace)
......@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ func TestAppendEvents(t *testing.T) {
Count: 7,
FirstTimestamp: unversioned.Time{
time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, location),
Time: time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, location),
LastTimestamp: unversioned.Time{
time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, location),
Time: time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, location),
Reason: "my-event-reason",
Type: api.EventTypeNormal,
......@@ -86,10 +86,12 @@ func TestAppendEvents(t *testing.T) {
SubObject: "my-event-subobject",
Count: 7,
FirstSeen: unversioned.Time{
time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, location),
Time: time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
LastSeen: unversioned.Time{
time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, location),
Time: time.Date(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Reason: "my-event-reason",
Type: api.EventTypeNormal,
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